Prince_James said:
You wish for a simple term and simple word answer? Okay.
Fiction: A literary genre.
Reality's nothing: The polar and absolute opposite of existence and one of two things something can "be apart of". All which is nothing is also untrue. Anything which exists cannot be nothing.
But all these words add up to thoughts, fiction, nothing. They chase each other around (karma) until they have to add up into your “polar and absolute opposite of existence” that is the mind’s “nothing” that the Hindus call Atman, Samadhi, and the Buddhist’s call Nirvana which they say is EVERYTHING that makes the mind’s “existence” nothing.
If you can laugh at the insanity of it all -- the mind, and its nothing, fiction, called life -- then this laughter is the Supreme Comedy.
Since you claim to be an even bigger authority of nothing, fiction, than these hand of mine -- that think that they can think -- then you can correct or improve on this story about the Supreme Comedy.
The Supreme Comedy
The Supreme Comedy starts that I cannot know Reality because I AM and ALL IS Reality
and there is no other.
The ancient scriptures call this “there is no other”: ” there is no doer.”
This Reality is the thoughtless-silence of dreamless sleep that Hindus call their Samadhi and Buddhists call their Nirvana.
Physics calls this same Reality a black-hole that is otherwise their quantum-gap.
When this Reality manifests itself to the mind it malfunctions.
Reality does not malfunction, the mind does.
Hindus call this malfunctioning-mind Kundalini that all sorts of thoughts, words, complicate into coiled-snakes and chakras.
And since this Kundalini makes the mind malfunction doctors call it every mental-disease in their books.
But all these words just scratch the surface of this Supreme Comedy called the mind and its life. This is because the Supreme Comedy makes all these words utterly meaningless because:
1: there is no doer that could have written them, and if there is/was
2: there is no second or more doers that could read them.
And the end of this Supreme Comedy is that even though “there is no doer” makes all these words utterly meaningless they have to be the Supreme Truth because there is no other.