A Child of the Human Race


~^~You First~^~
Registered Senior Member
Warning, just a rant.

When comparing the human race as a whole in development to that of a single child, it can demonstrate some very simple, yet fundamental correlations in our evolution as a species.
From the micro to the macro if you will.
Where we are currently, where we've been and where we are going.
Mind you this is very fundamental and just off the cuff.

First the basics. The instincts programmed for survival.
Human race, primal drives, non-reason or effort, do whats neccessary for basic survival according to your nature.
Baby is born, knows to suck on mothers breast for food. Purely physical pain pleasure drives of crying and pure experience. No concepts as of yet.

Next, the developmant or birth of awareness.
This is this, and that is that. No longer one big blur or experience.
Seperate objects mean different experiences.
This is me, that is not me.

The need for love, dependance.
Having that being come and feed you when you cried, or felt uncomfortable.
To tend to you in times of emotional uncomfortableness.
Needing a father or mother figure in your life.
Someone to make everything all right.

For a child, this would be the parent.
The human race, this would be god.

A good parent would eventually be able to teach their children to become independant and think for themselves.
Unfortunately, God has never come down to do the same.
Why? Well, let's just leave that open for discussion. ;)

The human race is arrested in development.
It is stuck in a pubescant period.
Waiting for god to come down to teach them how to be independant and think for themselves.
This is not going to happen.
I can't help but feel mean when I say this.

However, the world needs to grow up, quickly.
It is time for us to become what we are.
Independant thinkers and reckognize reason as our primary means of survival.

You will either wake up and choose to think for yourself, or choose not to think and wait for mom or dad to come and save you and show you the way, to bring you back to that time of that blury sensual experience of something other than you taking care of your every need.

Time to grow up Human Race.
If there is a God, he's getting ready to kick you out of the basement. :D

I warned you this :eek: was a rant.

I'm still awesome.
You could say that the human species is going through adolescence in its current state of development.
We’ve gone through our childhood and now, entering our teen years, we are asked to decide what our character will be like, how we will face the universe and in what areas we will focus our interests and energies on. Of course there is still a part of us still longing to remain immature, irresponsible and childlike and the risk of us becoming overly pessimistic, cynical and disillusioned that will result in us blowing our own brains out, still hangs over our teenage heads and we have no counsellor to go to.
Not bad for a rant moementum7 :D. I really like those ideas of yours.
Your text is a nice parable.
Alas, I do not know why a human should cry for a god who never manifested itself. The baby has a parent, one it can touch and see. The parents created the baby. But it seems that humans created god (yeah, I know, I know, not all will agree with me on this one). Thus, the parallel between baby<->parents and humans<->god is somewhat unfitting in a few places.
But I would agree with you on the developments of the humans.

Originally posted by moementum7:
Time to grow up Human Race. If there is a God, he's getting ready to kick you out of the basement.

That would not be good I think, isn´t gods basement the earth? :D
The human race is arrested in development.
It is stuck in a pubescant period.

No, we're still in the womb, and worried about the contractions, thinking they foreshadow doom, when really it is just the beginning.
If there is a God, he's getting ready to kick you out of the basement.

That would not be good I think, isn´t gods basement the earth?

If so, it still fits perfectly in that our next step is to go out and colonize space. Earth is just our training grounds. Space is where it's at.

By the way, nice rant. ;)

- N