A Compendium of Subjective Wavefunctions


Quantum Consciousness

Von Neumann introduced an "ontological" approach to this knowledge-based discipline, which brought the observer and the instrument in the state of the system. Stapp describes Von Neumann's view of Quantum Theory through a simple definition: "the state of the universe is an objective compendium of subjective knowings". This statement describes the fact that the state of the universe is represented by a wave function which is a compendium of all the wave functions that each of us can cause to collapse with her or his observations. That is why it is a collection of subjective acts, although an objective one.


In Pribram's opinion a sensory perception is transformed in a "brain wave", a pattern of electromagnetical activation that propagates through the brain just like the wavefront in a liquid. This crossing of the brain provides the interpretation of the sensory perception in the form of a "memory wave", which in turn crosses the brain. The various waves that travel through the brain can interfere. The interference of a memory wave and a perceptual (e.g., visual) wave generates a structure that resembles an hologram.

Quantum Consciousness

Von Neumann introduced an "ontological" approach to this knowledge-based discipline, which brought the observer and the instrument in the state of the system. Stapp describes Von Neumann's view of Quantum Theory through a simple definition: "the state of the universe is an objective compendium of subjective knowings". This statement describes the fact that the state of the universe is represented by a wave function which is a compendium of all the wave functions that each of us can cause to collapse with her or his observations. That is why it is a collection of subjective acts, although an objective one.


In Pribram's opinion a sensory perception is transformed in a "brain wave", a pattern of electromagnetical activation that propagates through the brain just like the wavefront in a liquid. This crossing of the brain provides the interpretation of the sensory perception in the form of a "memory wave", which in turn crosses the brain. The various waves that travel through the brain can interfere. The interference of a memory wave and a perceptual (e.g., visual) wave generates a structure that resembles an hologram.

I suspect we are going to have to posit subjectivity as a fundamental irreducible property of the universe at some point in order to explain consciousness. I just can't see how any objective physical process could ever go from being just that process to being a "what it's like to be that process". That's why no matter how much we study physical reality, we will never turn up anything like subjective mental states. We already know enough about the brain to infer it is an electrochemical system of energy manipulation. What else do we hope to find in it that will make it intuitively and seamlessly become understood as a state of first hand knowing of reality? The synaptic firings, the electromagnetic waveforms, the storage of memories in our m-RNA receptors, will always be just that--objective physical processes occurring unconsciously and "in the dark." So somehow we are going to have posit a certain emergent property of self-contained causally-closed subjectivity, just as physicality is self-contained and causally closed. Just as the properties of time, and space, and energy, are posited as emergent givens. Unfortunately this lands us back in a sort of Cartesian dualism, but perhaps that's the best be can do.
Outstanding post MR!!!

I suspect that the universal wavefunction or reality's wavefunction created conscious beings and the causal loop, as you have just noted, allows them to evolve and become more intelligent with time, and thus their representations of reality and their scientific discoveries allow them to evolve to higher levels. But alas, intelligence has its limits, but technology may be unlimited.