A God We Know Nothing About

What's your scripture?

NHL Rulebook.

"i cannot see God with my own eyes, therefore he does not exit"
This is your only premise.
This is your cult.

No, that is a lie made up by you.

Show me!
Show me!
Show me!

If you can't "Show me!" God does not exist.

No, if you can't show me, then you are a liar for making the claim. Simple really, Jan.

Change your premise, it's a party-pooper.

Stop lying.
No, if you can't show me, then you are a liar for making the claim. Simple really, Jan.

Oh, I don't know ...perhaps not so simple. Can you prove "love"? Can you prove "hate"? Can you prove "empathy"? Not the acts prompted by those emotions, but the emotions themselves. If not, then you can't believe in them, right?

Baron Max
Love is just a trick of DNA that promotes reproduction and the passing on of more DNA. Biochemical reactions in the brain trick us to "love" and feel "loved." Nothing to believe in really.
Is that how atheists explain love to their children?

As a biochemical reaction that aids propagation of genes?
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Isn't that how all rational and logical people who possess an education explain it to their children?
Although religiously inclined, many who believe in the Bible give little thought to the issue of God's name. But how does God feel about it?
Isn't that how all rational and logical people who possess an education explain it(love) to their children?

SkinWalker: "Love is just a trick of DNA that promotes reproduction and the passing on of more DNA. Biochemical reactions in the brain trick us to "love" and feel "loved." Nothing to believe in really."

So parents tell their children that they want to reproduced with them? And that's how they show and prove their love? I always thought that was incest, but perhaps I was wrong.

Baron Max
If I love my wife, I've found someone with whom I can reproduce effectively. If I continue to love her, then I've found someone with whom I can share the responsibility of parenthood and raise a child to adulthood.

If I love my daughter, I'm going to be protective of her because I'll want the best possible partner for her when she's an adult and she can pass on my DNA. Hopefully the best parts.

If I love my neighbor, I'm positioning my self for favor in the future -politicking so that I'm looked upon favorably and, thus, adding another "friend" to my social network. Friends are beneficial in times of need (large needs and small needs).

And so on.

All this occurs behind the scenes, under the guise of "love," but all with the ultimate aim of reproducing and raising/protecting that reproduction; positioning that reproduction for the best possible future.
I think S.A.M.'s point is that it isn't a guise. Whether or not there's a biochemical basis, you're still experiencing love, a very powerful emotion. It's still wonderful; it's still sweet and full. You can just follow it on an EKG, and love serves a purpose. Serving a purpose doesn't diminish it or make it less.

I'm absolutely head over heels for my three year old niece. Is it biological? Absolutely. When I look at her and see how beautiful, smart, and wonderful she is, does the basis matter? No. The experience of love has deep roots.
Although religiously inclined, many who believe in the Bible give little thought to the issue of God's name. But how does God feel about it?
M*W: Doesn't god go by many names? What difference does it make? "What's in a name?" Is there a god anyway? Welcome to sciforums.
Can you prove "love"? Can you prove "hate"? Can you prove "empathy"?

Can we prove "ignorance"? Can we prove "delusion"? Can we prove "bigotry"?

Not the acts prompted by those emotions, but the emotions themselves. If not, then you can't believe in them, right?

Perhaps true. Posters here at Sciforums, for example, do not believe they are ignorant, deluded or bigoted, despite many other posters belief in it.

What then does one believe?
Isn't that how all rational and logical people who possess an education explain it to their children?

I don't know anyone who tells their children that their love for them is a biochemical reaction that enables successful propagation of their genes. In fact, I don't know anyone whose love for their children is rationalized like that. Most of the people I know would even accept adoption as a suitable alternative if they could not reproduce with their sperm donors or egg incubators and still love the children who do not share their genes.

Must be all irrational people, obviously.