Now maybe Dywyddyr and chimpkin really do commonly use such terms in conversation or writing. But I doubt it.
No, people would think I was being stuck up/biggety/putting on airs, AND they would not understand me in many cases.
My Smarter Half would... but she's smarter, so we'd expect that.
According to my Certified Protection Officer training, the average American reads, writes and speaks on a 6th-grade level(A depressing thought, no?).
So for effective communication to an audience of unknown intellectual ability, you talk as if you are speaking to sixth graders.
Besides that, it strikes me as rather dumb, as well as disrespectful, to not attempt to talk to someone in a way most conducive to understanding.
Briefly: one's self-reported results are entirely contingent upon what one takes to "know" to mean in this context ("How many words in the list do you know?")....
Obviously, I treated "know" in a far more casual manner--you know, like, I know Uma Thurman but I don't really know Uma Thurman (but I do know J Mascis). In fact, a few of the terms I claimed to "know" I do not recall ever having seen before, but I was able to--again--suss out the meaning from what I do really know (and subsequently confirmed my hunches with google).
Pretty much this...although I'm afraid I really went fast and didn't confirm.*embarrassed*
James linked a word test in a different thread, and it estimated my understood vocabulary at around 92,000 words. That one's more modern and likely more accurate, as it gave me more options-understood, inferred,something below inferred, that I took to mean "guessed meaning from word elements".
But understood meant I could probably sit and write a passable definition, from scratch.
I knew what a nostrum is-usually to describe the sort of patent "medicines" they sold in the late 1800's that were said to cure everything, but, at best, usually had opiates and/or alcohol and or unrefined mineral oil.
You know, Snake oil.
I see people who claim to have theories of everything
Fortunately, I have no theory of everything to push on you.

Quite frankly, I think that would go along with believing that the universe actually makes sense or has an overreaching purpose.
No point I can believe in.:shrug:
When I wrote "slam" type free verse, I wasn't necessarily interesting in rhyming, but it was the percussive click of consonants, as well as dramatic rhythm, that really got to me...and I didn't care to write in a really verbose style. Free verse, plain English, pared down and elegant in its' simplicity.
Like a zen painting, intimating far more than it actually states outright.