A non-chemical theory of aging.

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The secret is: Aging is not caused by the passing of years, but rather from an overload of information being stored in the body on a cellular level. Therefore, the only treatment that can be called real anti-aging treatment is the one that allows the body to reduce the level of unnecessary information that is written in cellular memory.

doubtful:D ok ok I agree- the less stress the longer the life, but it's when you talk about years not decades

don't worry, be happy

I think that aging was caused by the ends of DNA string (forgot the exact name) getting worn off after time.
The only way to stop aging would be to bind those ends together (look at the analogy of a shoe lace - it has a plastic at the end of it - after years that plastic comes off and shoe lace starts to get loose. We need to put the plastic back on - the research on this matter is already taking place)
DNA is not the bottom line.

DNA is not the bottom line. The matter is what the mechanism Nature uses to change DNA. It is definitely not what modern scientists do.
this medicine will be ready in about 20 years (just the right time for me)
your suggested version of cure is maybe some 100 years, which isn't good for me
The right information

Somebody designed a project of a house but the paperwork is not a house. Builders can build the house but do not know how to do it without the paperwork. Thus, both parts are not the house, but together they can create the house.

Complete information about a human being is not the human being (reality). It requires using a building force of Nature. The secret is how Nature accepts information to build or change a physical form. You need to put the right information written on the language that Nature is understands and put this program into the 'computer' of Nature and this 'computer' will bring it into reality (physical form).

If researchers will change their approach - we can see the described technology sooner than 20 years.
don't really know what to think about your theory
pretty uncontrollable

You need to put the right information written on the language that Nature is understands
isn't it the genetical code?
Nature changes genetical code, so why can't we
We can change genetic codes. But …

Of course, we can change genetic codes. But …

Try to change a couple lines of code in any OS as you wish - most likely your computer would stop work properly. If we will try to change our DNA code without knowledge of all the interactions - we will get problems with 99.9999…% of accuracy. More changes - more problems. Why? Our knowledge is too primitive for this task. It means that our scientists waste our money for creation of troubles that we ever can imagine. But there is a solution:

Can you use TV without knowledge its electronic blueprint? Yes, you can. The same is with DNA. We do not have to know OS of Nature. We have to know rules how to use it (how to materialize or dematerialize information).

For instance, Yogis can cut the body and get no bleeding, no scars, …., no evidences of what was happened. Or they can drink poisons without any harm to health. In reality, what Yogis are doing? They just control realization of information. Can you learn it? Yes, you can. Where are genetic codes?

I am talking about a completely different logic of our existence. Everything what we see are consequences of what we do not know. We need to learn a new science.
no- to do what we have begun and only then start a new thing- it's not good to leave things at halfway

you don't know what wonders our current science can reveal
What savages can reveal for new technologies in a modern society? So, what wonders can our current science reveal if they do not understand what they are doing (the reasons of problems)? A new amazing drug with side effects that will overkill its benefits? To spend a few hundred years to understand that there are no specific remedies for cancer, aging etc.? (Instead, there are many non-specific remedies because the matter is not chemicals but the technology) To produce genetically altered food that cause long-term dangerous side effects? To invent genetically manufactured replacements for the immune systems and blood that in a certain period of time (years) will cause cancer in 100% of cases? To improve the immune-system-targeted bio-weapons that could kill all humanity because there is no defense?

What positive they can discover if they are looking in a wrong place? Any interactions with the base of complex mechanism that they are do not understand at all can bring only small of big problems/disasters.
They think they are Gods and have right to violate the laws of this World for free? I think it is better to stop what they are doing - creation of super destructive wonders. Their work would be more effective and useful if they will take a course to comply with the direction of evolution (rules/laws of the World).
So, what wonders can our current science reveal if they do not understand what they are doing (the reasons of problems)?
you'd be surprised to know how much has been discovered by pure chance

They think they are Gods and have right to violate the laws of this World for free? I think it is better to stop what they are doing - creation of super destructive wonders. Their work would be more effective and useful if they will take a course to comply with the direction of evolution (rules/ laws of the World).

then why don't you start in the "right" dirrection
by saying that all the rest are stupid requires no big intellect and while I see some good ideas in your theory it's too far feched to change a whole dirrection of science

"Ignorance is not an argument."

First, please, give me an answer - how much information you have on me to make your claims? And, please, remember - no information about an object is not an argument. I can prove by a few independent methods that things I told here are the truth. Can you do the same?
which clames?
that A=FS ?
or that Q=cm(t2-t1)?
that by manipulating genetical code we can change the physical proprties of a lifeform?
Originally posted by Avatar
then why don't you start in the "right" dirrection
by saying that all the rest are stupid requires no big intellect and while I see some good ideas in your theory it's too far feched to change a whole dirrection of science

Let's start from your last claim (above). Can you support it?
I claimed that you have said too much little facts (or no facts) to support the idea of changing the whole way of science in a very undefined direction

ok- erase all that I have said and tell me what do people need to do, need to research in order to start "the new science"

to make "the nature of universe" to work for our benefit

until we can't do that we better stick to what we have can and would potentially be able to

to return to the very begining- you advice to have less stress and live longer - it can be done but it is not very effective, isn't it?

then there is a soon to discover method of how to make people live a healthy life for about 250 years and more- you say to fuck it and to introduce some new way of science noone has defined (you also) and to start work on that- that way we would have scientifical anarchy and standstill for a couple of decades just in search for "the new science". It's a waste of time and we have not high enough level of advancement to make nature work for us, because of that we work for ourselves and that is good and will be for a couple of thousand years forth
Just a task.

The problem is that you do not know basic information about the issue. For instance, do you know how to change the genetic code of the bees (to grow a different kind of completely healthy species) without any side effects, any chemical mutagenic agents, radiation, X-Rays and other modern gene-altered staff? I guess, you do not know. But, the secret has more than 300 years and it is fully reproducable, it is very simple. Can modern genetic science repeat it with their tolls (mass accurate replacement of genes in unlimited amount of species simultaneously)? I guess never.

Do you know how to kill cell's tissues (in a sealed vitro) without any factor, which officially can be classified as harmful (no known physical factors at all)? If you know, please, give me a name of this effect. But, even if you know - you cannot explain how it works because you have no education in this field.
Can you explain why some Yogis can drink cyanide without harm to their health in a bundle with a historical fact (chronology) of Rasputin's last day: he was poisoned twice with cyanide, than shot in pointblank, than he stood up and ran very fast, than was shot again, than was drowned into cold water under the ice and than the autopsy showed that Rasputin was breathing under water for about 40 minutes! I am curious, how you can explain it with point of view of traditional science. In order to repeat it, should we change genes or something else?

Can you explain a fact from pure physic - how and why photons have memory? Genes?

You believe that existing traditional methods are able to discover method of how to make people live a healthy life for about 250 years? You just do not know that it is impossible. Please, do not understand me wrong - it is possible to live 300-400 years, but with a completely different approach (the approach, that the traditional science has now, is completely useless).

As a task, try to explain, why people can drastically age after super stress (distress) in a few hours/days? What affects them (the reason of changes, not the consequences)? Can we create an opposite effect and how?
yes- i admit- I do not know much as any human and maybe less than some, but I do not think that we have to trash our current science- ok - do research on your suggested method, but not abandon that what has given us for instance - internet

As a task, try to explain, why people can drastically age after super stress (distress) in a few hours/days?
yes- I think their nervous system overloads. I've seen pictures of a young woman in her 20 whos hair just after a bungee jump turned completely white.

Can we create an opposite effect and how?
if their nervous system oveloads I think that not- you can not turn overloading into other direction.

What you suggest is complete peace of our nervous system. OK- nerve cells won't age, but there are many different types of cells who age no matter of how calm or stressful you are and that is locked in our DNA and its properties
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