The following ten paragraphs update my personal quest as the thread unfolds:
The Perfect Cosmological Principle
Paramount to my personal view of the universe is the
Perfect Cosmological Principle (PCP). The PCP proposes that the universe is infinite, and has always existed. On a grand scale it appears the same in all directions (homogeneous), from all points (isotropic), and always has. That means it doesn't change its gross features over time; is without a beginning, is boundless, and is without grand-scale phases or changes of state. On a grand scale it is a dynamic steady state scenario that defeats entropy.
Grand Scale vs. Local View
Invoking the PCP results in the discussion having a grand scale focus and a local focus. The grand scale discussion is about the multiple big bang arena landscape, where arena action is continually playing out; big bangs occur, expand, intersect and overlap each other, producing big crunches that subsequently collapse/bang into new big bang arenas. On the other hand, locally there are major cosmic events of various degrees, right up to the maximum individual events,
Big Bangs, which makes the local discussion about the individual big bangs, their preconditions, the mechanics of "arena action", and the actual observations, given our "Hubble view" and WMAP/Planck surveys, and modern physics.
The Three Infinities and the Concept of the Medium of Space
"Three Infinities" are axiomatic, and essential to my individual view. Simply stated, they are space, time, and energy, characterized as the boundless medium of space that hosts various types of waves, notably gravitational and light waves, that carry energy. The medium of space is infinite and eternal, and has the characteristic of compressibility or "sponginess", meaning that it can accommodate multiple wave energy "fronts" converging in the same space; wave energy at a given point in space is thus the cumulative sum of all wave energy fronts passing that point, and can range from a minimum of wave energy as if there was a waveless medium, to a maximum wave energy where nature's compressibility limit is reached.
Introducing the Concept of "Collapse/Burst" Wave Action
Reaching that maximum compressibility of the local medium of space results in a
"burst event", the most notable of which are, perhaps inappropriately, named Big Bangs, featuring the collapse/burst of a big crunch, but by far the most common are the seemingly insignificant tiny foundational wave convergences that are continually occurring at every point in space. The collapse/bursts are called
"collapse/bangs" at the big bang level.
Local Wave Energy Density
The local
"wave energy density" is variable, and is determined by the sum of the energy carried by the accumulation of tiny wave convergences occurring in a defined volume of space. The local wave energy density, governed by what ever degree of compressibility that is present, determines the amount of wave energy required to cause a burst, and conversely determines the amount of energy that the burst redistributes spherically into the surrounding space. As the local energy density increases, the resulting wave energy out flow from local wave convergences increases, right up to the maximum wave energy event, the big bang itself.
Wave Intersections and Overlaps
Waves traversing space cannot help but intersect as they expand, and the intersecting waves are called
"parent waves". Continuing that analogy, parent waves produce new waves that emerge out of the overlap space. A wave intersection, overlap, and burst redirects the directional wave energy of the parent waves at the point of intersection, into a new spherical wave. Thus every wave (from tiny foundational waves, right up to big bang arena waves) have the precondition of the intersection of two or more parent waves.
Time and Time Measurement
Time simply passes. The measurement of the rate that time passes varies relative to the wave energy density of the local environment. There are many varieties of clocks, or means of measuring the local rate that time passes, and the measurement of time, utilizing clocks, is influenced by the local wave energy density. Identical clocks utilized to measure time in environments with differing levels of wave energy density will show that the
"measurement of the rate that time passes varies" relative to the local level of energy density.
Time Delay Caused by Wave Convergences
On that premise, there is a time delay, characterized by an interruption (density change) encountered by converging waves, that changes the rate of expansion of the individual wave fronts at the point of intersection. The rate of expansion at that point is interrupted since the energy density in the space that the new spherical wave emerges into is higher than the space into which the individual parent waves were expanding before they intersected.
"The increase in energy density is the result of the energy of the two parent waves converging into the same space" at the point of intersection. That time rate variance allows the energy of the parent wave fronts to begin to equalize with each other in the overlap space. The overlap space fully encompasses the new spherical wave that redistributes the directional parent wave energy into all directions (spherically); the initial lens shaped overlap space quickly equalizes, achieving the spherical shape of the new wave front.
The Impact of Time Delay vs Spacetime (General Relativity)
General Relativity quantifies the varying rate of time, and distance, that appear to change when events are observed from different inertial frames of reference. The relativity of simultaneity is an expression of how observations from different frames will mathematically be reduced to different rates of time passing, and different lenghts of rulers (rods) from one frame to the next. Those effects however, are caused by the different energy density that exists in those environments or frames that are in relative motion. The explanation for the change in energy density between inertial frames is the fact that at all points, there is wave energy coming and going in all directions, from the history of wave producing events across space and time. Time and distance will be measured to be different by identical measuring devices as the local energy density changes, and it will be different between frames wherever there is relative motion through the wave filled medium of space.
"Spacetime, and variable energy density" are two different ways of explaining the observed anomalies that were eventually recognized in classical cosmology.
Ripples in Spacetime
There is one "reconciling" concept in General Relativity, that makes the two approaches equal; gravitational waves, referred in by GR as
"ripples in spacetime" from catastropic high energy encounters like the collision of black holes or the collapse of stars. They are necessary in GR for the conservation of energy and momentum. However, in the energy density approach, they are incorporated in the time delay concept. By invoking the energy density explanation, the curvature of spacetime and geodesics are not necessary, but the three infinities are necessary in their place. It sorts out to there being axiomatic differences between two approaches. In GR you have the curvature of spacetime telling mass how to move, and at the same time mass telling spacetime how to curve, and in the energy density approach, energy density causes changes in the measurements recorded on identical devices in different density environments.