A sad thing.

Avatar said:
A trickster actually. Thanks for the compliment! :)

So you are saying that you know what critical thinking is, yet haven't studied it.
For your own sake I suggest you do or don't be upset when other people call you ignorant.
Avatar...i say this with hand on heart and dont need others t tell me. YOU are a prize idiot! all the more so because you imagine you are superior and educated.
:D :D you are just great! your psyche is the most curious and amusing one in sciforums
you are a prize of a case study! :)
Avatar said:
:D :D you are just great! your psyche is the most curious and amusing one in sciforums
you are a prize of a case study! :)
what you think? should i put meself on show and charge admission?
SuperL, and others, great thread.

Emotional maturity unfortunately does not come out of a text book. Leadership is unable to be learned over the internet. Critical thinking, I tend to feel is a logical outcome of emotional maturity and self leadership skills.

Possibly one of the reasons why critical thinking is so deplorably absent is simply that critical thinking with out the wisdom needed to govern it is no better than a computer nerd living with out electricity.

When my children were growing up in the affluent East of our city I often discussed this very subject with them. That the ability to think without the overwhelming hubris of strong passion and emotion. To assess something with as little bias as possible yet maintain the ability to manage the synergy of emotion and thought with wisdom and self care. In other words not deny their emotional health because of an over emphasis on the aquisition of knowledge. That health is more than just a mere thought routine yet can be severely compromised by said thought routines.

To maintain their humanity yet temper it with sound rational etc etc....

I think most primary/ highschool teachers have considerd all these things and do the best they can given their directives and resources.

It is the balance between the emotional body and the intellectual body that has elluded mankind since he first found fire and pondered the big questions about existance and his place in it.

An old film staring Robin Williams , I think it was called The Baron Von Muchenhousen [ spls?] or something like that,that deals with this connundrum of emotion and intellect and how the emotions seem to be in conflict with higher intellectual thought. [ One situation or segment of the film ~ any way]

I agree however that we must start somewhere and maybe a more holistic approach would be more beneficial.

I also agree that humanities emotional maturity is still lagging a tad behind it's intellectual growth, but then again that is the nature of it as well, a sort of leep frogging as our intellects inspire situations we never had to deal with previously.

When I was at Highschool many years ago we had a class that was part of year 10 which was called "clear thinking". It only ran for a few weeks and I do recall being very interested in it and dis-appointed that it was such a short course. I assume that Clear Thinking is and was very similar to "critical thinking".

Just to finish this post up, I also tend to think that parenting needs to be considered more and thought about more, with appropriate supports etc so that the parents can assume their responsbilities in more productive ways.
Unfortunately many parents consider their children as liabilities instead of assets and this is where we have a great problem. IMO [ the teachers can not do everthing]

Any way I am just yakking with this post. and no it is not part of a critically assessed thesis so don't expect me to be overly concerned about defending it.......