A statement to test


until the end of the world
Registered Senior Member
"A person could be delusional about anything except for one thing: they cannot be delusional about God. When a person thinks they know God, this is always true - when a person thinks they know God, they in fact do know God."

True or false?
false. If God is thought of as a supernatural thing instead of merely a highly advanced life form, if it is infinite, omnipotent, omniscient, and all the rest, it is impossible for a human to conceive of it. Any image you might have in your mind of it would necessarily be incomplete.
"A person could be delusional about anything except for one thing: they cannot be delusional about God. When a person thinks they know God, this is always true - when a person thinks they know God, they in fact do know God."

True or false?

Well in a way it's considered true, because if you say you can see, hear, or speak to invisible people, leprechauns, aliens or other somesuch far-fetched creatures, then it's most likely people will believe you insane and think you should be locked up. However god is perfectly acceptable.
Is this debate about if it actually is true or not, or if it should be true or not?
"A person could be delusional about anything except for one thing: they cannot be delusional about God. When a person thinks they know God, this is always true - when a person thinks they know God, they in fact do know God."

True or false?

No one on earth knows God completely. So if you take your statement “do know God” to mean know God completely then the answer is false. No one knows God completely.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
No one on earth knows God completely. So if you take your statement “do know God” to mean know God completely then the answer is false. No one knows God completely.


In order to know something to be X, one has to know all of it, completely.

Because something could also partially look/be like X, while the rest be something else.
And if the observer knows only that part of it that looks like X, they still cannot be sure whether said thing si X or not.

Therefore, in order to know X for X, they have to know all of X.

In order to know something to be X, one has to know all of it, completely.

Because something could also partially look/be like X, while the rest be something else.
And if the observer knows only that part of it that looks like X, they still cannot be sure whether said thing si X or not.

Therefore, in order to know X for X, they have to know all of X.


We are not talking about a letters or objects we are talking about a Being, a Character if you like.

I know that you exist greenberg and the only thing i know about you is from your words in your letters. Now i do not know you totally do I. Same with God I know Him from His Word. and other things too :) but i do not know Him totally.

My answer stands true and right.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Slight errors in your reassoning. Someone, impersonating Greenberg, could have wriiten the above. There is no way you can prove the authorship.

God did not write the Bible,. yet you claim to know him through it.
i'm don't think that delusional is the right word to use here but i think they can be wrong.

i also don't think there's anything to fear. it's a matter of intent, and god does handle it.

In order to know something to be X, one has to know all of it, completely.

Because something could also partially look/be like X, while the rest be something else.
And if the observer knows only that part of it that looks like X, they still cannot be sure whether said thing si X or not.

Therefore, in order to know X for X, they have to know all of X.
So if I go to the airport and see a Boeing 747 sitting on the runway, I can't know it's an airplane because I don't know ever detail about how every single part on it? :bugeye:
So if I go to the airport and see a Boeing 747 sitting on the runway, I can't know it's an airplane because I don't know ever detail about how every single part on it? :bugeye:


You can know it's an airplane becaude you have empirical evidence. If you see god, make sure you get him to pose for a picture so the rest of us can know what he looks like.

We are not talking about a letters or objects we are talking about a Being, a Character if you like.

I know that you exist greenberg and the only thing i know about you is from your words in your letters. Now i do not know you totally do I. Same with God I know Him from His Word. and other things too but i do not know Him totally.

My answer stands true and right.

If you were shown a thousand photos of people, would you recognize in which one I am?

You are making a basic logical mistake, assuming that the whole can be adequately known or recognized after a part.
So if I go to the airport and see a Boeing 747 sitting on the runway, I can't know it's an airplane because I don't know ever detail about how every single part on it?

Strictly speaking, yes. Because it could be that what you see is only a shell.

In everyday life, we make inferences from part to whole all the time; life would be very difficult if we wouldn't. Of course, every now and then, we make mistakes. As the story of the blind men and the elephant goes, what we thought was a brush sometimes turns out to be the elephant's tail, and so on.

But when it comes to something so serious as God, issues of deciding whether we wish to choose to go to eternal hell or eternal heaven - is it really too much to demand some accuracy from those who claim to know God?
In order to know something to be X, one has to know all of it, completely.

it's impossible to know everything about something because everything except nothing is something.

You are making a basic logical mistake, assuming that the whole can be adequately known or recognized after a part.

know yourself and you will know everything.

You can know it's an airplane becaude you have empirical evidence. If you see god, make sure you get him to pose for a picture so the rest of us can know what he looks like.

i took a picture of god yesterday. but if i show it to you, will you believe that it is god? how can i prove it to you?
it's impossible to know everything about something because everything except nothing is something.

know yourself and you will know everything.

i took a picture of god yesterday. but if i show it to you, will you believe that it is god? how can i prove it to you?

You can't prove it and that is your problem not mine. Show me a picture of a plane and I will infer it is a whole plane but, as Greenberg says. it may only be a shell. But you cannot show or demonstrate any part of god, so I have no reason to believe you
well the thing is... god is imaginary. he's nothing. but remember that nothing created everything.
nobody is perfect, therefore god is nobody.
god is a being... THE being (existence, life) itself.

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If you were shown a thousand photos of people, would you recognize in which one I am?

Once again I am not talking about knowing somthing visualy. I do not need to know what you look like to know something about your throughts and personality. Why carn't you grasp this simple concept. I know you exist greenberg and i know things about you through what you have allowed yourself to reveal here in this forum. But i do not know all your thoughts and really i don't need too all we are interested in here is the issue of God and each others thoughts on God.

You are making a basic logical mistake, assuming that the whole can be adequately known or recognized after a part.

Please read again what i have been saying.

Quote Adstar:

No one on earth knows God completely.

I said that no one can know God totally that means that i am not assuming the whole can be adequately known or recognized from a part. I am saying that What can be known of God is only a part and that part is only what God wishes to reveal.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days