A statement to test

"A person could be delusional about anything except for one thing: they cannot be delusional about God. When a person thinks they know God, this is always true - when a person thinks they know God, they in fact do know God."

True or false?
This reminds me of the question: if you think you are in love are you?
The romantic in me wanted to say yes, back when. I have since seen that sometimes what I thought was love was even something like panic about being rejected. Of all things.

And then there is the whole relating to an idea instead of - is he really going to say it? - the thing in itself.

Like the people who hate when a flag is burned, but don't mind strip mining.
Once again I am not talking about knowing somthing visualy. I do not need to know what you look like to know something about your throughts and personality. Why carn't you grasp this simple concept. I know you exist greenberg and i know things about you through what you have allowed yourself to reveal here in this forum. But i do not know all your thoughts and really i don't need too all we are interested in here is the issue of God and each others thoughts on God.

The fact is that if you saw me or heard me in person, you would not recognize me.
If you saw my handwriting, you wouldn't know it's mine.
And so on.

The same goes for any other entity or phenomenon.

I said that no one can know God totally that means that i am not assuming the whole can be adequately known or recognized from a part.

This is precisely what you are implying!
And it also means a person cannot know God.

I am saying that What can be known of God is only a part and that part is only what God wishes to reveal.

Invalid. For the above to be valid, apriori knowledge of God would already need to be present.