A test

OK, forgive me for being thick, but I'm lost. I noticed the white text when I saw the seemingly blank posts, but I don't see any test.
What the hell is the test, and what is it a test of?

Our ability to achieve anything is only limited by our capabilities. All that testing achieves is the identification of the limitations. The illusion that your god does not push you past your limitations is that your god is self-defined and you choose to define it so that it does not set standards you cannot achieve.

From my perspective I do not see any limitations only obstacles to overcome through self-improvement, ingenuity, creativity, and continuous evolution. Belief in a god concept discourages such an approach and instead encourages defeatest complacency.

The real problem that theists have is that they tend to see humans as unchanging creations of their god. The phrase "we are made in his image", is a real limiting factor. What reality indicates is that we are simply at this stage in our evolution and we are most certainly going to change in the future and probably beyond all recognition.

And of course gods do not exist.

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I think cyperium is refering to god's test for man, and is so called righteous path.
if you can believe that, I think it's written in that bible thing. something about following the teaching's of christ.
but he really need's to clarify himself.
Ok, I tell you what this thread is about :)

In the Bible it is suggested that the tests that we go through is never greater than our ability to make it, it's never higher than our understanding.

From what I can understand this means the test that God put us through.

I don't think that we are going to hell if we don't make the test, cause it is what it is, a test.

I guess something for us to learn from.

This thread is taking that quote and making a little test out of it.

I don't know fully the purpouse of this thread, it was a test from my side too, to see what you would answer, just a curiousity. Since this just came to me, I didn't "make" the test, I just realized that it could be done and I did it.

Since it just came to me and I had no assumptions on what you would answer, I thought that it would be a nice experiment.

This is in the religious forum because it is what it is, a quote from the Bible (allthough it may not be correct word to word), I think it's very important for people to understand that the test isn't greater than our understanding, so that we won't look "beyond our selves" to find the answer to it. God wants us to be humble so that we can appreciate all that He has given us.

For you that hasn't solved my test, here's a clue:
It is hidden, the key is finding it or the ability to make it.

The test isn't to find some special meaning of the quote, the test is merely to find the test.

Dreamwalker had a quote that said "The rest is silence", he was the first one to solve the test. That quote...was the dot over the i :). The interesting thing is that I don't think he made the quote for the purpouse of this test, but that's up to him to answer though. Now he has changed his quote, so in the clue from the first page where it said "look at the quote" and "From this point up it's all clues" you have to understand that his quote was "The rest is silence". It was a answer to Enigma'07.
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Katazia said:

Our ability to achieve anything is only limited by our capabilities. All that testing achieves is the identification of the limitations. The illusion that your god does not push you past your limitations is that your god is self-defined and you choose to define it so that it does not set standards you cannot achieve.

From my perspective I do not see any limitations only obstacles to overcome through self-improvement, ingenuity, creativity, and continuous evolution. Belief in a god concept discourages such an approach and instead encourages defeatest complacency.

The real problem that theists have is that they tend to see humans as unchanging creations of their god. The phrase "we are made in his image", is a real limiting factor. What reality indicates is that we are simply at this stage in our evolution and we are most certainly going to change in the future and probably beyond all recognition.

And of course gods do not exist.

You have your view of God, I have mine. I won't go into a discussion about how God is with someone who discusses with a goal to not believe in Him (or a goal to make me not believe in Him).
From what I can understand this means the test that God put us through.
Um, care to finish this sentence? (is...)
For you that hasn't solved my test, here's a clue:
It is hidden, the key is finding it or the ability to make it.

The test isn't to find some special meaning of the quote, the test is merely to find the test.
Then I've clearly failed, because I'm still kinda lost.
Dreamwalker had a quote that said "The rest is silence", he was the first one to solve the test. That quote...was the dot over the i
Now he has changed his quote, so in the clue from the first page where it said "look at the quote" and "From this point up it's all clues" you have to understand that his quote was "The rest is silence". It was a answer to Enigma'07.

OK, anyone care to use plain english?
Alpha said:
Um, care to finish this sentence? (is...)
Then I've clearly failed, because I'm still kinda lost.

OK, anyone care to use plain english?

I'll explain it, you gotta find "it!".


You must find "it!" using external methods.

The ability reflects the method used to hide "it!".

Surely something seems wrong with the quote, "it!" is missing!

Once you've seen "it!" you've made the test!
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b0urgeoisie said:
this parable outlines repentance. the wise leader is God or Jesus or whatever you pray to.

Sex with goats is wrong. But, the wise leader can see that it is the end of his crimes. In other words, besides the goats the man is clean and with a change of scenery could live a healthy productive life.
Being a thief, however, is a sin that cannot be commited by itself. In order to be good at it you also have to be a good liar. It is a lazy life. You don't have to be responsible. If you don't feel like working today you can take a little more tomorrow. Look at the way he approached repentance. He waited outside listening to the person in front of him. Then when the leader was kind and understanding he was eager to repent. He didn't even wait until the previous man was finished. He realized he was in the wrong way but his attitude was "I'll confess when I don't think I'll get in trouble for what I've done." He was not really sorry and willing to take whatever comes to fix the problem.
The leader recognized the attitude the thief had. He realized that unless he was willing to purge himself than he would never leave his life of crime. He was much like a smoker that tries to quit but keeps a spare pack just incase. So the thief was trying to grab forgiveness while it was on sale. That is why the thief was rebuked by the leader. Because his attitude showed that it would probably be a long time before he quit stealing, the leader chased him out before he could steal from him.
The goat farmer and the leader would both be OK with the thief going to take care of goats. The idea was that even if the thief started raping goats as an outlet for his wickedness it was better than being a thief. You can rape a goat in the middle of a parade with everyone watching. But, you cannot steal from people and be honest at the same time.
Ok, I think I understand it now! It was harder than I thought though :)
The test was sooooo simple that few passed it -- because it was toooooo simple.
That's another clue.

Alpha, I'm disappointed in you. Of all the people, you should be able to do such self-referential tests, you know like "The next sentence is true. The previous sentence is false."

Oh, as for "The rest is silence": Hamlet's last words. Hamlet is multiuseful.
Oh, so I passed then... I just thought it was more complicated or deep or something. And it's a little confusing the way you're using the word "it".
Jeeze, y'all made it seem so difficult.