A wise man said......

So, judging by your behaviour, you're far from enlightened..

He asked a serious question...

Then why don't you give him a better answer. Mr. I look down on people that believe in God but look up to people that are fools.
Then why don't you give him a better answer. Mr. I look down on people that believe in God but look up to people that are fools.

Define god? If you mean the God or Allah of the Old Testament or Koran smiting people, flooding the world and blowing up cites full of gays. Then no I don’t believe in him/she or it.
I would consider him a threat to the world, and be the first to launch a tactical nuclear strike on his nose as he came through the clouds.

Do I believe in a universal intelligence? No because it haven’t seen any evidence of it.

Do I believe that strange shit happens? Yes I do but I don’t automatically go shouting god.

If I had to pick a stereotypical god it would probably be Odin or Zeus at least they had human qualities both good and bad.

Now as to Enlightenment show me an enlightened person and prove to me that he or she is actually enlightened! And that it’s not just the opinion of a bunch of suppositious peasants or gullible group of newage halfwits?
And what good is enlightenment anyway? WTF is it?
"The path to enlightenment is lonely and seldom trod."

Does this mean that if we find many people in agreement with us (or us with them) and much comradeship, it is a sign we are on the wrong path?

REPLY: I will agree with this. The path to enlightenment is PRIMAL THERAPY and few take it. Most people would rather wallow in their misery and think about it rather than FEEL AND CONNECT IT. So, for that reason this is true. ...traveler
Define god? If you mean the God or Allah of the Old Testament or Koran smiting people, flooding the world and blowing up cites full of gays. Then no I don’t believe in him/she or it.
I would consider him a threat to the world, and be the first to launch a tactical nuclear strike on his nose as he came through the clouds.

Do I believe in a universal intelligence? No because it haven’t seen any evidence of it.

Do I believe that strange shit happens? Yes I do but I don’t automatically go shouting god.

If I had to pick a stereotypical god it would probably be Odin or Zeus at least they had human qualities both good and bad.

Now as to Enlightenment show me an enlightened person and prove to me that he or she is actually enlightened! And that it’s not just the opinion of a bunch of suppositious peasants or gullible group of newage halfwits?
And what good is enlightenment anyway? WTF is it?

You want too much. You need to get over the fact that somethings just are and somethings need an explaination. I don't see any evidence that you have a brain, does that mean you don't have a brain? To you perhaps it does since you need evidence for logical things.
Do I believe in a universal intelligence? No because it haven’t seen any evidence of it.
just a thought...
If you believe only in the cause and effect nature of the universe which is the holy grail of science and note as an example, the human genome and how it has evolved [ presume: Darwinism] or look around at this evolved "masterpiece" called "universe"
can you seriously consider that the universe's actuality is not an intelligent outcome?
It sure looks intelligently evolved to me....:)
with incredible wisdom as well...
And what good is enlightenment anyway? WTF is it?
typically the path of enlightenment in simplistic terms is the path of self discovery.
Now this beggars the next question is..... "What is self?"

Philosphers have been arguing this one for ages...
You want too much. You need to get over the fact that somethings just are and somethings need an explaination. I don't see any evidence that you have a brain, does that mean you don't have a brain? To you perhaps it does since you need evidence for logical things.

Well a Brain is easy to prove you just get a CT scan of it, but you must mean a “Mind”. René Descartes proved that you can know your existence through the notion of "I think therefore I am" because if you didn’t exist how could you ask that question.
I’m a doubting Thomas! I have to see the holes in his hands and wound in his side and even then I’d still be skeptical.
But how can you seek enlightenment if you don’t know what it is?
just a thought...
If you believe only in the cause and effect nature of the universe which is the holy grail of science and note as an example, the human genome and how it has evolved [ presume: Darwinism] or look around at this evolved "masterpiece" called "universe"
can you seriously consider that the universe's actuality is not an intelligent outcome?
It sure looks intelligently evolved to me....:)
with incredible wisdom as well...

All systems tend to find equilibrium and then entropy comes into play and they break down. It runs even without the intervention of a deity, I can see and measure the forces of the universe. I can see how things find equilibrium and then fall prey to entropy. But to jump and say God did it is equivalent to saying UFO’s built the Pyramids.

I can’t quantify a supreme intelligence behind it, and to do so just because it makes me feel better about it is not scientific. I’m sick of lies and opinions; I’m interested in the truth in all its horrible unglamorous realness.
But I’d really like to be surprised; I’m enough of a dreamer to still wish that!
All systems tend to find equilibrium and then entropy comes into play and they break down. It runs even without the intervention of a deity, I can see and measure the forces of the universe. I can see how things find equilibrium and then fall prey to entropy. But to jump and say God did it is equivalent to saying UFO’s built the Pyramids.

I can’t quantify a supreme intelligence behind it, and to do so just because it makes me feel better about it is not scientific. I’m sick of lies and opinions; I’m interested in the truth in all its horrible unglamorous realness.
But I’d really like to be surprised; I’m enough of a dreamer to still wish that!
But I am not declaring "devine" inteligence but simply the whole universe as intelligently evolving.. note the distinction please...
But I am not declaring "devine" inteligence but simply the whole universe as intelligently evolving.. note the distinction please...

Sorry I did misunderstand that, but I'd say it's mostly "logically" evolving rather then intelligently. And it the bits that defy intuitive logic that are the most fascinating parts. Like the Quantum world.
"The path to enlightenment is lonely and seldom trod."

Does this mean that if we find many people in agreement with us (or us with them) and much comradeship, it is a sign we are on the wrong path?

I guess we are all supposed to disagree with you then.
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I'm far from a wiz kid, lol. I'm guessing the word enlightened means a few things, one as in learning and education, two is on a spiritual level. Perhaps the only way to reach the path of enlightenment is to think, feel, and live a certain way. Only you can reach this state on your own and some may chose to follow, but most will not. On a spiritual level most of us live in greed and therefore we can not reach this path of enlightenment. Such as to rid oneself of all material things except for the necessities of life without disrupting natures balance. Living on the plants that are filled with light from the sun and cleansing the soul of jealousy, greed, and negative thoughts. To keep a complete balance of peace, kindness, purity, and total love. To reach such a level of living, perhaps one would become wise to the way of the world, nurturing the planet, thus learning the purpose of life. Only you can change your way of living and some may follow, but most will not. Leading to the words lonely and thus seldom trod. Sounds crazy right, lol. In that day and age, the statement made could mean something completely different to this day and age, but in this day in age using our English language, my guess is that it is living a certain way other than what is cosidered the norm, even if it is more the norm, will lead you to greatness, but will be one you must reach on your own and make sacrifices along the way.
my guess is that it is living a certain way other than what is cosidered the norm, even if it is more the norm, will lead you to greatness, but will be one you must reach on your own and make sacrifices along the way.

"The sacrifice which causes sorrow to the doer of the sacrifice is no sacrifice. Real sacrifice lightens the mind of the doer and gives him a sense of peace and joy."

"Forgivness is The ultimate sacrifice."

“In this time of war, and in memory of our fallen heroes, we must be mindful to do everything in our power to keep our troops safe as they keep us safe. We must do better to take care of their families, who sacrifice in ways too many count.”
"The path to enlightenment is lonely and seldom trod."

Does this mean that if we find many people in agreement with us (or us with them) and much comradeship, it is a sign we are on the wrong path?

that's the thing with old wives tales and cliche sayings as it can't be taken literally.

it just means that just because a majority tend to agree with you doesn't mean you or they are right or and that enlightenment or truth isn't about having the power of numbers. it's about the truth and that can put you in the minority. but then again, sometimes the majority can be right and the minority can be incorrect, just depends on what it's about. that's the thing again, it's not about how many believe like you. why it's stated it's often lonely is because society in general is just focused on working to feed and satisfy itself. those who are trying to gain knowledge beyond that is usually more specialized or individual. also, since a majority have power, they can stifle unpopular knowledge. it's true that most people in society tend to think 'right' or 'truth' means who has power or who/what represents the majority.

take for instance that show 'who wants to be a millionaire', the majority of the audience can answer some well-known facts but they are usually not right about less known ones or that are not popular beliefs.
There are many ways up the mountain.
Zen (C'han) is not the way, it is a finger, pointing towards the way.

(Not my original thought.)