a world without religion?

Re: gino

Originally posted by spookz
show me..
my ball and chains
my shackles
my cuffs

show me how i am enslaved

ps: i live in usa

I don't know you. On that behalf, I can't answer. The greatest enslavement is not the physical. It is the mind and heart. Lets look at an example. Television. I was around when it first came out on the market. Then it was a form of entertainment. Black and white, what does it matter? What is it today? A recepticle of propaganda, gossip, and lies. Oh ya, there are educational programs. My answer is this. Look at the correlation between the airing of violent, sexually explicit programs and the real life increase of it over the last 60 yrs. I'll leave it to you to figure. I've already done my homework. Look at the number of kids commiting felonies because they played a similar game on the computer. Look at the increased illiteracy rate amongst higher educated people. Look at the number of youths trying to live like those in Hollywood, only to die of drugs, alcohol, anorexa/bolemia. I know what most peoples answer to what I say is. It's a bunch of bullshit. That's ok, because in the end there is a big difference between God fearing believers and those who don't. We are servants of Christ, not the world. Christ cares, the world( as man has concieved it ) does not.

show me..
my ball and chains
my shackles
my cuffs

Gawsh, spookz, if you can't find your own sex toys, what are you doing asking fundie Xtians where they are? :p


Said the slave to the warrior, "look at your chains"?

What arrent nonsense! You, trapped in the web of your spider-god, would ascribe nonexistant chains to the free?

We are servants of Christ, not the world.


If you're referring to the Scripture I think you're referring to, this is most amusing.
"Servant" is really better translated as "slave". KJV and subsequent versions find "servant" a bit more palatable.

Oh tell me true, Gino, do you realize how funny this is? A self admitted slave to a fiction would call a philosopher a slave?

Christ cares, the world( as man has concieved it ) does not.

The world does not care about me? Well! So much the better. I'll have the more struggle making it submit to my Will. And the more struggle, the more glory indeed!

Oh dear Gino, Christ does not care. Nobody cares. It's time to grow up and start dealing with this.

You are quite right although you have things a bit upside down. But one of the biggest sources of all this trash is of course the USA.

The latest statistics on Christianity show that 85% of Americans are Christian.

Perhaps there is a correlation between belief in Christ and so much trash on TV and its effects. Or do you want to claim that it is the minority 15% of the USA population that are causing all the trouble.

It seems to me that if we decrease the influence of Christianity then we might stand a chance of improving the world, or at least the USA.
This is more about commercialism than religion but then religion invented commercialism. They sell you life-after-death for only 10% of the net.

People raise your voices, don't get caught in that mess
Like a fly in a spider's web, is it true more is less
Herded like a happy flock to the big T.V. slaughter
"Why don't you break that leash," said the heifer to the sheep
Do you feel the power
Do you feel the power
From the man whose voice sounds reassuring
Completely firm and so alluring,
Like's he's lived a thousand times before
And seen the world from shore to shore
With the calmness and tranquility
that oozes credibility
With the wisdom and the confidence
that seem to scream out common sense
And it makes you feel just like a babe
Daddy holding you tight and safe
Hush babe everything's all right,
Daddy's gonna stay with you tonight
Now he's got you by the balls,
he can sell you anything at all
From morality to diamond rings
to genocide to magazines
From religion to cosmology
to the end of a democracy

"New Generation" by Oingo Boingo
Think for yourself.

Originally posted by Cris

You are quite right although you have things a bit upside down. But one of the biggest sources of all this trash is of course the USA.

The latest statistics on Christianity show that 85% of Americans are Christian.

Perhaps there is a correlation between belief in Christ and so much trash on TV and its effects. Or do you want to claim that it is the minority 15% of the USA population that are causing all the trouble.

It seems to me that if we decrease the influence of Christianity then we might stand a chance of improving the world, or at least the USA.

Perfect! I don't know how old you are. I does not matter anyway.
The reduced influence of christianity in this nation would make things better? Over the last sixty years our generation has listened to the baby boom generation. Unfortunately they never listned to us. The late 50's and 60's produced sex, drugs, rock, abortion, mass murder, youth gangs, etc. Please don't entertain me with the bullshit this always existed in the US. IT DID NOT! Wake up. The late 50's was a generation that moved AWAY from christianity. From then on we have not fought a war against external enemies, but internal ones. Korea, Vietnam were wars that where faught in our nations capital, not oversees. The Gulf was over oil, not the american peoples welfare. Do you think GWB gives a shit about the boys he is sending to Iraq #2. Hello Mc Fly anyone home? It's about oil. You see, as we move further and further away from God fearing principles and christianity, this nation will be sucked into a situation it cannot get out of. Think they will win this war against terrorsim? Think again guy. We as a nation have strayed far from God. He is willing to take american back under JC, but if you think it will be by any onther way; well you might as well get use to terrorism under an unpreceedented way. Hows that for a christian nutcase as you think? It the truth, and thats all that matters.

Originally posted by Gino
Perfect! I don't know how old you are. I does not matter anyway.
The reduced influence of christianity in this nation would make things better? Over the last sixty years our generation has listened to the baby boom generation. Unfortunately they never listned to us. The late 50's and 60's produced sex, drugs, rock, abortion, mass murder, youth gangs, etc. Please don't entertain me with the bullshit this always existed in the US. IT DID NOT! Wake up. The late 50's was a generation that moved AWAY from christianity. From then on we have not fought a war against external enemies, but internal ones. Korea, Vietnam were wars that where faught in our nations capital, not oversees. The Gulf was over oil, not the american peoples welfare. Do you think GWB gives a shit about the boys he is sending to Iraq #2. Hello Mc Fly anyone home? It's about oil. You see, as we move further and further away from God fearing principles and christianity, this nation will be sucked into a situation it cannot get out of. Think they will win this war against terrorsim? Think again guy. We as a nation have strayed far from God. He is willing to take america back under JC, but if you think it will be by any onther way; well you might as well get use to terrorism under an unpreceedented way. Hows that for a christian nutcase as you think? It is the truth, and thats all that matters.

We as a nation have strayed far from God. He is willing to take american back under JC, but if you think it will be by any onther way; well you might as well get use to terrorism under an unpreceedented way. Hows that for a christian nutcase as you think? It the truth, and thats all that matters

Dude, tell me you are not serious?
You ARE a nutcase. What does your precious bible say, thou shalt not kill. Forgive us our trepsases as we forgive those who trespass against us. Nowhere does it say 'If someone flyeth a plane into thy house killing they brothers, Blow them the fuck off the face off the earth'.
Originally posted by moonman
You ARE a nutcase. What does your precious bible say, thou shalt not kill. Forgive us our trepsases as we forgive those who trespass against us. Nowhere does it say 'If someone flyeth a plane into thy house killing they brothers, Blow them the fuck off the face off the earth'.

It does condemn all nonChristians as idolators and whores, does it not?
Originally posted by moonman
You ARE a nutcase. What does your precious bible say, thou shalt not kill. Forgive us our trepsases as we forgive those who trespass against us. Nowhere does it say 'If someone flyeth a plane into thy house killing they brothers, Blow them the fuck off the face off the earth'.
Yes it does (If you believe that crap) Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. It also says turn the other cheek (More crap)
Originally posted by Xev
Dude, tell me you are not serious?

*protectively hugs Xev* *determined expression*

The evil forces of dark terrorism shalt not vanquish the Immortal Spirit of Holy America!!
*Squirms away from Zero, grabs her broadsword, and yells at Gino:*

Ye shall not defeat the unholy forces of athiesm! Man shall be free of your myth!

*Hands Zero a katana while he gives her a confused look* :p
<i>What if we lived under a Nietzschean/Social Darwinist system? Wouldn't there be wars and such then?</i>

Social Darwinism is bad. It commits the naturalistic fallacy. No thinker worth his or her salt would advocate that type of approach. The Nazis tried it, and it wasn't pretty.

You are correct to some extent but not about an increasing need for Christianity.

Christianity is based on an authoritarian culture from 2000 years ago and it has lasted well for that time and brought a strong element of mental conditioning that people (society in general) have trouble erasing. Christianity introduced a cohesive force to the way we thought and the way we acted. And this worked well in a low technology world and where science was in its infancy or near non-existent.

In the early part of the 20th century a revolution began. Individual freedoms became more apparent, worldwide communications became very easy, and the advent of TV where everyone could see how other people lived in near real-time. In short we were bombarded with new knowledge. Breakthroughs in science made people realize that we were able to cure many of our own problems and had little to no need for superstitions.

In most of the western Christian dominated world many acts of atheism were illegal, even the early half of the 20th century it was illegal in the USA for an atheist to be a witness in a court of law.

The trend is inexorably away from Christianity, more so in Europe that the USA, but the USA has more vocal opposition to such religions than most of the rest of the world.

Is there a decline in morality and an increase in crime? I’m not so sure. The statistics I have seen don’t seem to reflect that perception. But are things improving? I’m not sure about that either. What I do see is a void that is has been left by the retreat of Christianity and there is no obvious institution/organization/philosophy to fill that gap. The result is what you see, an element of chaos. We appear to be in a period of massive change where the outdated superstitions of the past are rapidly being rejected in favor of science and truth. But people don’t know where to turn. The so-called New Age religions and ideas are everywhere and testify to an urgent need to find something better than the archaic ideas of the old religions.

Atheism was suppressed for millennia and it still has a stigma attached to it that many will simply not go that way. And Secular humanism is too much a target for conventional religionists.

It is likely to be a while before something more concrete surfaces and becomes the dominant replacement philosophy, and I suspect technology and science are going to play a major role. The upstart philosophy of Transhumanism is very likely to become more apparent as technology and genetics begin to produce radical new changes to the way we live and think.

But Christianity? Sorry but you are flogging a dead horse. It has had its day and it is now well into its death throes. We don’t need more of those old ideas but we do need an organizing influence to fill that gap as Christianity dies.

Chaos will rule for a while longer I’m afraid.

BTW I’m 50.
Originally posted by Xev
Dude, tell me you are not serious?

Who cares what I believe. The scripture says what the consequences of disbelief in the God almighty are. I suggest reading the first twenty Psalms. What does it say about those who refuse to believe in God? It DIRECTLY addresses the atheist. You will, if you read, find out what it says about the terror that will befall the ungodly. It will also lay out the path of destruction for those who mock God and those who strive to live by his ways. If you have any desire to know God, at least read his word. America proclaims itself to be a christian nation, but it is not. It is a whore!

Who cares what I believe. The scripture says what the consequences of disbelief in the God almighty are. I suggest reading the first twenty Psalms.

Wow that shit is SICK! Dude! And I thought the Divine Marquis was worth a read. Man, Barker looks like Dr. Seuss compared whoever wrote this! This is some of the most perverse stuff I've read in aaages.

I am SO going to start reading the Bible again. Twisted!
They should have illustrations!

What does it say about those who refuse to believe in God? It DIRECTLY addresses the atheist. You will, if you read, find out what it says about the terror that will befall the ungodly.

Yeah no shit! I'm going to be tortured and humiliated for eternity. And I was all grumpy that I'd have to die someday. Thanks Gino, you've really opened my eyes!

How can I be sure I'll go to hell?
And is there any proof of any of this?

America proclaims itself to be a christian nation, but it is not. It is a whore!

Amen! I love this country!
Originally posted by Gino

America proclaims itself to be a christian nation, but it is not. It is a whore!
Try living in Australia.