Abortion and Suicide laws

I've already argued about my opinions on the legality and health issues concerning suicide, in general I think I have a pretty liberal hands-off attitude on the matter. I do however think psychiatrists who've locked people up for attempting suicide should themselves be denied any such privilege when their own shit hits the fan.
The Religious Redneck Retards have mounted a new campaign against abortion, so even though it's still legal it will become increasingly difficult to get one in many states. Across the river in Virginia they're about to pass new laws that will put most abortion clinics out of business because it will require them to have almost the same kind of facilities as a hospital--right down to the dimensions of the corridors and other things that are impossible to retrofit.

Actually FR as someone who has had to move an ambulance strecture around a nursing home that last one isnt as "burocratic" as it might seem on the surface.

Hospital hallways are designed to get both an ambulance strecher and a hospital bed easerly along. Nursing homes and doctors clinics on the other hand have no building codes like this. Therefor alot of time is wasted on scene of a medical emergency trying to get the pt out to the strecher or get the strecher to the pt. Now sure you cant go back and fix this in most cases but you can put building codes in place to ensure any new facilities built must be able to get an ambulance strecher through, must have ramps which can take not only a wheel chair but our strechers ect (ie no tight turns halfway along)
Now sure you cant go back and fix this in most cases but you can put building codes in place to ensure any new facilities built must be able to get an ambulance strecher through, must have ramps which can take not only a wheel chair but our strechers ect (ie no tight turns halfway along)

In this case, I believe they would, in fact, be requiring abortion clinics to entirely retrofit or close.

Since that would probably really mean constructing a whole new facility, this might put all or most of them out of business.
In this case, I believe they would, in fact, be requiring abortion clinics to entirely retrofit or close.

Since that would probably really mean constructing a whole new facility, this might put all or most of them out of business.

im not sure that this shouldnt be done in a hospital to start with, there is alot of risks with an abortion which may require surgical intervention to repair. Concidering that when my grandmother had a stroke in a rehab center designed to deal with stroke victoms they took 18 hours before calling an ambulance, im cautious of medical personal beliving that they can handle everything on site. How long potentually could a pt be heamoraging before the onsite medical staff said "no this isnt working, we cant handle this, they need an operating room now". Then you have to wait for the crew to arive, then we have to sort our extracation, its all to messy. Personally i would rather see a women who wanted this done go to somewhere like flinders or even womens and kids where if something goes wrong at least they either be stabilised and transported to a trauma center or an operating crew can be choppered in and do surgury on site and then transport.

Public hospitals have the ability to stabilise pts (and the staff) alot better than what amounts to a glorified doctors clinic
That would be nice...but considering they bomb abortion clinics here, attack them with butyric acid and protest them daily...no hospital wants to deal with it.

That's why it's done in clinics

It's a low level war here, really.

I had mine in the Planned Parenthood building..and it is a new facility...and blastproof. It is set up to take bombings and resist armed attack.
Public hospitals have the ability to stabilise pts (and the staff) alot better than what amounts to a glorified doctors clinic

True, and this is an important point.

Dental clinics should also be either in hospitals, or directly near them, given the complications that can occur due to some dental procedures.
That would be nice...but considering they bomb abortion clinics here, attack them with butyric acid and protest them daily...no hospital wants to deal with it.

That's why it's done in clinics

It's a low level war here, really.

I had mine in the Planned Parenthood building..and it is a new facility...and blastproof. It is set up to take bombings and resist armed attack.

IMO, that would be the perfect argument for doing them in the hospital.

Nobody would be able to tell who was going for an abortion from who was going to see their neurologist...Unless you want to bomb an entire hospital?
Hmm...I honestly wish they would do abortions in hospitals...I just understand most hospitals won't. Private funding issues maybe?
Fraggle Rocker;2810881....Like most American busybodies said:
really? You're calling me names? :mad:
I guess this busy body doesn't care what you post because I'm gonna assume the post is immature as teh name calling
I fail to see why suicide shouldn't be legal, it's not like they could prosecute anyone for it anyways. Besides, the laws do nothing to prevent attempted suicides as if you're already suicidal then you obviously aren't going to be deterred by the threat of punishment(or really any threat for that matter).
There are insurance, inheritance and other legal and financial issues that accompany the death of a person. This is why the death of a person also needs to be legally clarified.

Because there are crimes such as insurance fraud, inheritance fraud, murder that is staged as a suicide etc. that can be related to suicide.
i think that the issues raised by anti-suicide ppl are born in the loss of ppl in their lives that have committed suicide..

IMO it is a VERY selfish attitude..i mean if they cared enough for the suicide victim they would/should have tried to prevent the suicide, i am not talking about the lipservice most ppl assign to the act(this word is not the right one as it intones actually doing something,not just talking) of helping/caring..

how many ppl in your life have said that they 'care' yet they do nothing to 'care' for you..

i am suicidal(not wining,just sharing)..i think about suicide daily..it is so much a part of my life that it is not a point of contention anymore..IOW i tried twice to kill myself (17 is a bad age for this) i finally determined that the third time is up to God,which means that i would pry never go through with it at this point, but that does not mean i do not think about it..

one of the things that sends me down this path of thoughts is when someone says that they 'care' then do absolutely nothing(advice is just lipservice to satiate their own guilt) to help me.
It's really not very difficult to kill yourself. If you've tried multiple times and failed, you're not really trying, you're just asking for some attention.
i think that the issues raised by anti-suicide ppl are born in the loss of ppl in their lives that have committed suicide..

IMO it is a VERY selfish attitude..i mean if they cared enough for the suicide victim they would/should have tried to prevent the suicide, i am not talking about the lipservice most ppl assign to the act(this word is not the right one as it intones actually doing something,not just talking) of helping/caring..

how many ppl in your life have said that they 'care' yet they do nothing to 'care' for you..

i am suicidal(not wining,just sharing)..i think about suicide daily..it is so much a part of my life that it is not a point of contention anymore..IOW i tried twice to kill myself (17 is a bad age for this) i finally determined that the third time is up to God,which means that i would pry never go through with it at this point, but that does not mean i do not think about it..

one of the things that sends me down this path of thoughts is when someone says that they 'care' then do absolutely nothing(advice is just lipservice to satiate their own guilt) to help me.

Just because I say I care, doesn't mean I'm going to put my life on hold and take on your problems. Besides, what do I know about talking you down and what do I do with you if I do talk you down? Also, as I understand it, those that really want to do the deed, usually don't fail.
It's really not very difficult to kill yourself. If you've tried multiple times and failed, you're not really trying, you're just asking for some attention.

i have thought of that..but i did not publisize my attempts..i tried to do it with no-one watching..(no notes or anything)

the first i tried to use my dads gun and chickened out..
the second i tried to overdose on pills and alchohol..
i guess part of the failed attempts were a lack of desire for the pain that comes with an attempt...

and you just validated my point..which was that the ppl who have lost loved ones to suicide should have showed more attention to the victim..

(disclaimer..this attitude does not apply to all suicide victims,i have heard stories where this does not apply)
Just because I say I care, doesn't mean I'm going to put my life on hold and take on your problems.
exactly..when it all boils out it comes down to selfishness..you care more about your own problems than you do about others.
(i am not talking about you and me..but you and your own loved ones)
this is a major factor in suicides (IMO), why should I care to live when no one else cares for me to live?
sometimes it doesn't take much to show you 'care', you do not have to put your life on hold for most cases..others pry required some medical treatment, but even so, you are not helping by telling someone they need medical treatment, it would be more helpful to 'hold their hand' and take them to the doctors..that shows them that you do care and you are not just paying them lipservice.

Besides, what do I know about talking you down and what do I do with you if I do talk you down?
again my argument is not about me and you..its more about you and yours..
you would(should) have more understanding of your loved ones to be more effective in showing them that you care..
there are ppl who can effectively talk down strangers, which implies an easy solution to the problem and has the potential to invalidate my previous comment.
Also, as I understand it, those that really want to do the deed, usually don't fail.
that is a cop out..
you are saying if they ain't dead, then it isn't a problem,hence not worthy of your attention..
i am suicidal(not wining,just sharing)..i think about suicide daily..it is so much a part of my life that it is not a point of contention anymore..IOW i tried twice to kill myself (17 is a bad age for this) i finally determined that the third time is up to God,which means that i would pry never go through with it at this point, but that does not mean i do not think about it..

one of the things that sends me down this path of thoughts is when someone says that they 'care' then do absolutely nothing(advice is just lipservice to satiate their own guilt) to help me.
Perhaps you should enlist in the military. It could be a win/win. On the one hand, you might get killed (and go out a hero rather than a suicide). On the other, putting yourself in harms way might just help you realize that you want to live after all.

Regarding the legal status of suicide, the fact that estimates of what percent of suicides are mentally ill varies between 5% and 95% affects the legal status. If a person is suffering from a mental illness, should we let them commit the irreversible act of suicide if we can do something to prevent it? On the other hand, if they are suffering from some terminal illness, suicide may well be the most logical option.
Perhaps you should enlist in the military. It could be a win/win. On the one hand, you might get killed (and go out a hero rather than a suicide).

The military doesn't want a soldier who wants to get killed. They want a soldier who wants to do the killing.
lol..tried military..got kicked out for 'marginal performance of duty'..was young and stupid..if i could do it over again, i would not have been so easy to get out.

but yes..certain suicide victims should be allowed to die..(pry about 1% of all)
by itself it should not be illegal,there should be services that would accompany such a decision, to help the victim(family is the first) determine if that course of action has been thoroughly thought through.
Perhaps you should enlist in the military. It could be a win/win. On the one hand, you might get killed (and go out a hero rather than a suicide). On the other, putting yourself in harms way might just help you realize that you want to live after all.

Regarding the legal status of suicide, the fact that estimates of what percent of suicides are mentally ill varies between 5% and 95% affects the legal status. If a person is suffering from a mental illness, should we let them commit the irreversible act of suicide if we can do something to prevent it? On the other hand, if they are suffering from some terminal illness, suicide may well be the most logical option.

that is the single most stupid thing i have ever herd. For starters you wont even get passed the psych test, secondly thats because they dont want someone whos suicidle putting other peoples lives in danger, thirdly just because you want to die doesnt mean you want to get shot (ie PAIN), fourth just because you want to die doesnt mean you want to kill and fithly you REALLY want to put someone in a delicate mental state INTO BOOT CAMP???