About the Members Round 11: SAM

Urdu speaker in India...
Is your family of the Nawab class?
Was your family affected by Partition? If so, how does that manifest today, if at all.
Do you think that modern India is becoming more secular?

Why do you have an anti-American agenda?
Why do you derail threads to suit your agenda?
Why do you highjack threads to suit your agenda?
Why do you lie to suit your agenda?
Why do you spread propaganda?
Why do you not answer questions?
What is the most important thing you learnt from Sci Forums ?

That knowing science does not preclude cluelessness in people.

Urdu speaker in India...
Is your family of the Nawab class?
Was your family affected by Partition? If so, how does that manifest today, if at all.
Do you think that modern India is becoming more secular?

My great- grandmother was in Pakistan (she was Afghani) and lost her home and all her possessions; she was lost during the riots and we found her only after 40 years, when she was close to 90 and working as a housekeeper in a family. Since she was from a very rich family, it was a difficult 40 years for her. My fathers family was divided between Karachi and Mumbai. So yes, we were affected by the partition. Everyone in India was, to some extent.

How it manifests today is hard to say. I personally had a protected childhood, since my parents went through a lot of hardship to make sure we were safe and well cared for. However, we did witness their troubles and heard their stories, so it was and is a part of our psyche. I would say that my own contribution to the mess is to work to ensure it is not repeated.

I think modern India can go anywhere right now. Its becoming harder to be a Muslim in India, not only because of the rampant Islamophobia we are bombarded with everyday from the west, but also because it is a society in transition. All we can do is make sure that we do all we can to protect the secular fabric of the country.

Why do you have an anti-American agenda?
Why do you derail threads to suit your agenda?
Why do you highjack threads to suit your agenda?
Why do you lie to suit your agenda?
Why do you spread propaganda?
Why do you not answer questions?

The problem lies not in the provocation, but in the resulting action.
What kind of motorcycle/car/airplane to you drive?

May we please have a recipe for something typically Mumbai, that is easy-to-make, but yummy-to-eat?

May we have another fave Bollywood video link?
15/19: "What caste are you?"

I'm occasionally improperly compelled to come barging into Sam's rest cue. Because she may be too modest to brag, we might have to guess until we get it right- that is, those of us too proper to have ever glimpsed the mythic Photo (you must be adolescent to click)

I'm going with honey-almond, with just a spare accent of apricot (?1)

Is it more tactful to guess with fiction, fruit, swatches, or Shakespeare (?2)

You should know by now that Sam's not Hindu, 15- not to suggest Hindus can't have lovely skin too, even if some blue goddesses seem a bit desperate 4 O2
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15/19: "What caste are you?"

I'm occasionally improperly compelled to come barging into Sam's rest cue. Because she may be too modest to brag, we might have to guess until we get it right- that is, those of us too proper to have ever glimpsed the mythic Photo (you must be adolescent to click)

I'm going with honey-almond, with just a spare accent of apricot (?1)

Is it more tactful to guess with fiction, fruit, swatches, or Shakespeare (?2)

You should know by now that Sam's not Hindu, 15- not to suggest Hindus can't have lovely skin too, even if some blue goddesses seem a bit desperate 4 O2

I hope you were drunk or something when you posted this...:shrug:

What kind of motorcycle/car/airplane to you drive?
I have a licence, but no car. :p

May we please have a recipe for something typically Mumbai, that is easy-to-make, but yummy-to-eat?
Try lassi.
Its like sweet laban.

May we have another fave Bollywood video link?
My heart is all Indian.
Or a taste of Bollywood? ;)

I'm going with honey-almond, with just a spare accent of apricot (?1)
You look very Lubnani yourself, btw.


What caste are you?


Do you think hubris shall be the fall of man ?
No, loneliness


Why do you have "gerush le aravim" (death to Arabs) under your screen name?
darn, I thought it was crrrruuuusssh the hhherrroinnn :C~


Hoo hoo! I know who that pithy comment was about.
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