Absurd things Christians say...

so everyone else can be greedy? is that it? i dont belong to an orgaized religion but i dont have a problem with them and i am not very conservative but tbh, you advertise your web site here quite a few times and why is that? because you want it to fail or be successful for financial gain?

Okay, I think I know what your getting at (but I am not sure, so bear with me).
The issue I have is with the hypocrisy I see in belonging to a religion that makes such honorable statements and twisting your way out of actually living it. Which is how I encountered the statement.There are Christians I do respect for living up to what they say they believe. I myself am not Christian, nor religious at all for that matter.

And yes I am trying to get people to visit my site (I would especially love folks from here stopping by- the level of discussion here is impressive)
I do see what you're pointing out. I am not against people being successful or wanting success. I believe that if you work hard you should enjoy the fruits of your labor, it's living off the fruits of others labor I am touchy about.

In my experience it is the folks who have the least that give the most in proportion to what they have, but that is another thread.
And yes I am trying to get people to visit my site (I would especially love folks from here stopping by- the level of discussion here is impressive)
I do see what you're pointing out. I am not against people being successful or wanting success. I believe that if you work hard you should enjoy the fruits of your labor, it's living off the fruits of others labor I am touchy about.

In my experience it is the folks who have the least that give the most in proportion to what they have, but that is another thread.

you are just holding some to a higher standard than others. there are many wealthy people who are very generous but where the religion part comes in is just an indication of your bias.

so you want to be greedy yourself and stand here with a bullhorn and point the finger at others?
we still make our own choices..

One more time: it is totally absurd for God to give rules to people who have no hope of ever obeying them. Why would God do that? Slow day? Just amusing Himself? Or maybe He just wants to point out to us what were doing wrong as if it makes any difference.

Now you are intimating that His laws are not for the collective group but on an individual basis. Someone please decide. It is quite obvious that God's laws are meant for all of the Christian nation. Yet some will feel privileged enough to think that God is only talking to them. Which is it? Are you together as Christians or are you strictly little islands off by yourself?

Not ALL of science has been proven, there are theories still unproven, does that mean all of science is full of lies?

What the hell does science have to do with religious absurdities?:shrug:
One more time: it is totally absurd for God to give rules to people who have no hope of ever obeying them. Why would God do that? Slow day? Just amusing Himself? Or maybe He just wants to point out to us what were doing wrong as if it makes any difference.

is this a 'i screw up one time and i might as well give up" question?
there IS forgiveness in the mix..the hardest thing a person can do is forgive himself..jesus already forgave us..

Now you are intimating that His laws are not for the collective group but on an individual basis. Someone please decide. It is quite obvious that God's laws are meant for all of the Christian nation. Yet some will feel privileged enough to think that God is only talking to them. Which is it? Are you together as Christians or are you strictly little islands off by yourself?

i think each of us has been given a clue, and until we can discuss it without getting emotional about it, we will never be able to see the big picture

Not ALL of science has been proven, there are theories still unproven, does that mean all of science is full of lies?
What the hell does science have to do with religious absurdities?:shrug:

um..maybe its time for me to unsubscribe to some forums...its getting to the point that all the forums im subscribed to, seem to be merging together in my head...lol

In my experience it is the folks who have the least that give the most in proportion to what they have, but that is another thread.

i understand what you are saying but i think it is more to do with them identifying with poverty more. but overall i cant say who gives more.

you did a nice job on your site.
If we are born sinners, God knows this, yet for some unknown reason He gives us laws to live by and then expects us to follow them. I question the wisdom of making such tenets when it is a foregone conclusion that mankind will fuck them up. What good are laws in an infinitely perpetual disobedient lawbreaking community and why would He expect us to obey them? It makes no sense.

Your view on God's wants is governed by a false religious views.

The law reveals sin. That’s what the Law is for, to let us know we are sinners needing salvation. God expects us to BELIEVE the Law that sin revealed by the Law is Sin.

Romans 3
19 Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. 20 Therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in His sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin. 21 But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, 22 even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, to all and on all[h] who believe. For there is no difference; 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, 25 whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed, 26 to demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.

We attempt to and do our best to follow what is good and resist what is evil, NOT because it is possible to be sinless but out of agreement and trust in God's will.

It is not a waste of time to do ones best to do good and resist evil when our current state of being dooms us to fail to always do good and resist evil. Because in wanting to do good we will do good more often and in wanting to avoided evil we shall do evil less often. This makes for the best possible world we limited human beings can make. Just because we cannot make our world a perfect world does not make vain our attempts to make it the best it can possibly be while we are in it.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Romans 3
19 Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. 20 Therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in His sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin. 21 But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, 22 even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, to all and on all[h] who believe. For there is no difference; 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, 25 whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed, 26 to demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.

This from the same book that says us, the earth, sun, moon and the rest of the universe was done in 7 days.
Your view on God's wants is governed by a false religious views.

I prefer anti-religious view. A false view would indicate that I actually believe but have only just misinterpreted.

The law reveals sin. That’s what the Law is for, to let us know we are sinners needing salvation. God expects us to BELIEVE the Law that sin revealed by the Law is Sin

I have looked at and digested these words from you for a good part of the morning and I'm somehow imagining you at a evangelical conference up in the crowd shouting 'Amen brother'. Just agreeing for the sake of agreeing, caught up in the moment. Anyway I digress....

Would you agree that there is only one divine law and that is to obey God. That is a law and not a revelation that we are sinners.

You have made a distinct effort to obey God for most of your life. What are laws are for? How about to correct an injustice? Did God feel an injustice was perpetrated upon His person and that a law was necessary to prevent it from happening again? No He did not. The law to obey was presented before any apparent injustice was committed. Why? We were not sinners at that point, were we?

By your logic, God would have intentionally tempted us to break the law of obedience so that it could be revealed to us that we are sinners. IOW God deliberately created us as sinners. It's just that we were too stupid to know it:D
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I prefer anti-religious view. A false view would indicate that I actually believe but have only just misinterpreted.

I have looked at and digested these words from you for a good part of the morning and I'm somehow imagining you at a evangelical conference up in the crowd shouting 'Amen brother'. Just agreeing for the sake of agreeing, caught up in the moment. Anyway I digress....

Would you agree that there is only one divine law and that is to obey God. That is a law and not a revelation that we are sinners.

You have made a distinct effort to obey God for most of your life. What are laws are for? How about to correct an injustice? Did God feel an injustice was perpetrated upon His person and that a law was necessary to prevent it from happening again? No He did not. The law to obey was presented before any apparent injustice was committed. Why? We were not sinners at that point, were we?

By your logic, God would have intentionally tempted us to break the law of obedience so that it could be revealed to us that we are sinners. IOW God deliberately created us as sinners. It's just that we were too stupid to know it:D

How can a law be a law when the person does not believe that the so called law maker even exists? Its like how can an athiest blaspheme? You cannot make laws via a religious person or organisation and expect an athiest or person of a different religion acknowledge it.
How can a law be a law when the person does not believe that the so called law maker even exists? Its like how can an athiest blaspheme? You cannot make laws via a religious person or organisation and expect an athiest or person of a different religion acknowledge it.

So atheists follow society's laws. The laws, other than religious laws, are basically the same i.e. don't kill, steal, etc. I agree with you but the thread is about absurd things Christians say so the Bible gets mentioned quitse a bit..

Adstar: Before the original sin God uttered a few commands to his new creations. He told them to have dominion over the animals, be fruitful and multiply and don't partake of the fruit of the Good & Evil Knowledge tree. Since the latter came with punitive measures, i.e. we will die, then that has all the qualities of a law. Up until that law was violated, mankind was without sin.

Why did God feel it necessary to enact laws for sinless beings? If the laws were in place before we sinned then what is the reason for them? You said the laws were enacted to reveal our sins, but sins that we haven't committed yet? You know what I'm getting at, perfect sinless beings shouldn't require any laws. Sounds like an absurd thing for a god to do and for Christians to say He did.

There's only one reason for a god to bring about laws for perfect beings...they weren't perfect. I think the irreparable timeline error (law before sin) by the Bible scribes proves the Holy Book was not written by God. It is plainly and simply a human endeavor gone bad.
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If a priest tells me I cant go into his church because I am the anti christ or something, thats a religious bias and not a law. The vatican makes laws for its 'subjects' but it cannot make laws that govern me.

I agree that many civil laws are along same lines but that is common sense more than a law maker copying a religious 'text'.

Here in the UK the British traditionally completely ignore laws they believe to be stupid and this is nothing now. eg: since we brought out a law stating that mobile phones can not use used by hand in travelling vehicles, I see it being abused every single trip on every single day, its so prevalent as to make the law unworkable. But a policeman will stop a lady from eating an apple or small choco biscuit on her way to work!! True!

We digress ...................... I may start a thread on that topic!!

I think because of this irreparable timeline error by the Bible scribes proves the Holy Book was not written by God. It is plainly and simply a human endeavor gone bad.

I completely 100% agree. The bible has always been the work of man, accoring to the time written and according to beliefs at that time. The bible has been completely and utterly overshadowed by the likes of the books of Carl Sagan RIP
If a priest tells me I cant go into his church because I am the anti christ or something, thats a religious bias and not a law. The vatican makes laws for its 'subjects' but it cannot make laws that govern me.

It wasn't too long ago he could. It is imperative that religion and politics remain separate. When combined they are extremely dangerous.

I agree that many civil laws are along same lines but that is common sense more than a law maker copying a religious 'text'.

There are those that think man could not function unless a god tells them what to do.

Here in the UK the British traditionally completely ignore laws they believe to be stupid and this is nothing now. eg: since we brought out a law stating that mobile phones can not use used by hand in travelling vehicles, I see it being abused every single trip on every single day, its so prevalent as to make the law unworkable.

It's a proven fact that driving a vehicle while distracted kills. Didn't you just tell me common sense should prevail? The people who think the law is stupid are stupid.

The bible has always been the work of man, accoring to the time written and according to beliefs at that time.

However, at the time of writing this was common sense. Why do you think Adstar praises the Ancient Days? Much simpler then.:D
There are those that think man could not function unless a god tells them what to do.
slight correction - there are those who do not have a clue what to do so refer the a bible as their signpost, they are weak willed, so need something to hang on to.

As for stupid laws or stupid people, read my post in Politics, I categorised the question in a different thread then posted examples.
It wasn't too long ago he could. It is imperative that religion and politics remain separate. When combined they are extremely dangerous.

they both tend for the same goals..the goal of getting ppl to 'Do as your told'
if they ever got together..we would be the losers..

There are those that think man could not function unless a god tells them what to do.

or at least someone to tell them what to do...
its easier to 'do as your told' than it is to 'think for yourself'
and religion and politics knows this and plays it up for blind submission..
(have you ever voted for something that wasnt what it said it was?)
I have looked at and digested these words from you for a good part of the morning and I'm somehow imagining you at a evangelical conference up in the crowd shouting 'Amen brother'. Just agreeing for the sake of agreeing, caught up in the moment. Anyway I digress....

Funny how the pride in you must build up a false image of me in an attempt to justify your hate.

Never been to any religious conference in my life let alone an evangelical one. Never even got up in a church to do a reading or preach. Not even been inside a church for years.

Would you agree that there is only one divine law and that is to obey God. That is a law and not a revelation that we are sinners.

Obey Him in SPIRIT. That is to believe Him to trust Him (Something you cannot do because you have to be in CONTROL isn't that it, or at hold onto the delusion of control. )

You have made a distinct effort to obey God for most of your life. What are laws are for? How about to correct an injustice?

What injustice? The laws are a good guide to making life better within society. But that is a side benefit.

Did God feel an injustice was perpetrated upon His person and that a law was necessary to prevent it from happening again? No He did not.

No the Law is a teacher. Pointing us to our need for Salvation.

The law to obey was presented before any apparent injustice was committed. Why? We were not sinners at that point, were we?

The Law came AFTER the knowledge of good and evil was taken by humanity. taken against the expressed warning of God.

By your logic, God would have intentionally tempted us to break the law of obedience so that it could be revealed to us that we are sinners. IOW God deliberately created us as sinners. It's just that we were too stupid to know it:D

What is "IOW" ?

God did not create us as sinners, because sin only came with the knowledge of Good and Evil.

Oh and most people know that they are sinners. They just shout their consciences down into submission and embrace evil philosophy so they can enjoy the unrighteousness that they love. It's not good enough just to do evil, they must feel no uneasiness about it. So they can be "liberated" to enjoy it fully.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
So atheists follow society's laws. The laws, other than religious laws, are basically the same i.e. don't kill, steal, etc. I agree with you but the thread is about absurd things Christians say so the Bible gets mentioned quitse a bit..

Adstar: Before the original sin God uttered a few commands to his new creations. He told them to have dominion over the animals, be fruitful and multiply and don't partake of the fruit of the Good & Evil Knowledge tree. Since the latter came with punitive measures, i.e. we will die, then that has all the qualities of a law. Up until that law was violated, mankind was without sin.

Why did God feel it necessary to enact laws for sinless beings? If the laws were in place before we sinned then what is the reason for them? You said the laws were enacted to reveal our sins, but sins that we haven't committed yet? You know what I'm getting at, perfect sinless beings shouldn't require any laws. Sounds like an absurd thing for a god to do and for Christians to say He did.

The laws that i was refering to where the laws like not killing not stealing and such. I was not talking about the "you shall not eat of the fruit of the tree" law.

So not all laws are there to reveal to us we are sinners. Thanks for the good question.

There's only one reason for a god to bring about laws for perfect beings...they weren't perfect. I think the irreparable timeline error (law before sin) by the Bible scribes proves the Holy Book was not written by God. It is plainly and simply a human endeavor gone bad.

Nope. The Law "you shall not eat of the fruit of the tree" was a preventative law.

Genesis 1
31 Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I completely 100% agree. The bible has always been the work of man, accoring to the time written and according to beliefs at that time. The bible has been completely and utterly overshadowed by the likes of the books of Carl Sagan RIP

LOL "RIP" as in, Rest In Peace?

Thanks for giving me a big belly laugh for the day mate :D top stuff.

An athiest saying "RIP".... I got to save this and post it on some of the faith forums i visit. They will be rolling around in the isles.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days