Action Notes v.1.FT

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Let us not launch the boat ...
Valued Senior Member
This thread contains action notes pertaining to the Free Thoughts subforum. Included are post edits and deletions, thread deletions and transfers, and other major actions undertaken by the moderators. Warnings and suspensions will be noted, though not necessarily by name.

Spam thread deletions will not be included in this record.

The thread serves as a record for the membership to observe. It is closed to comment; any inquiries or criticism should be directed to the acting authority via Private Message. The administration may, on occasion, override the moderator, but the reverse simply does not happen. If an action is taken by a higher authority, the lower authority cannot directly override that decision.
Closure, Redirect

• "plazmas saying gb 2 thread" — Thread closed and redirected to Cesspool.

Note: Members are reminded that objections to various moderator actions should be taken first to the relevant moderator, then up the ladder, before they are transformed into incoherent complaint threads. However, as near as I can tell, in this case, the issue is with the top of the ladder. In such cases, complaint threads go in SFOG, and it's helpful if people can understand what the hell you're talking about.
Closure and redirect

• "Let's play ..." — Thread closed, redirected to Cesspool.

Note: No, no, and no.

Vigilantes ought to be vigilant. But most of them seem to pursue some fantasy of being the arbiter of justice. And that's the sort of thing that gets them in trouble with the actual arbiters of justice. Because all these years later, nobody actually cares whether the Hatfields or McCoys were actually right. All anyone remembers is that a bunch of hicks spent decades killing one another.
Closure and Redirect

• "hitting someone with a wood" — Thread closed, redirected to Cesspool.

Note: I know it's Free Thoughts, and all, but some discussions simply cross a stupid threshold that is dangerous for this community to abide.
Closure and Redirect

• A thread regarding domestic violence has been closed and redirected to the Cesspool.

Note: No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, and no. Bottom line—Do not give this community any reason to worry about this sort of thing. Easy enough? Good.
• A thread regarding domestic violence has been closed and redirected to the Cesspool.

Note: No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, and no. Bottom line—Do not give this community any reason to worry about this sort of thing. Easy enough? Good.
I've deleted Saint's topic. We don't need it visible.

Never mind the bollocks — Two threads have been removed to the Cesspool.

Notes: These are sock puppet threads, which is why the listing is so vague; one moron repeatedly begging permission to come back here and repeat his violative advocacy of crackpottery as science is just one of those annoying things. Since we can't actually stop this member from trying, at least without blocking access from entire continents, we aren't going to be putting a whole lot of formal effort into cleaning up his messes.
The Menagerie
13 off-topic posts split into their own post and moved to Cesspool.
User Trooper issued warning for posts being Off-Topic, derailment of thread, continuation of a closed thread the member was barred from, Harassment of another member
Posts Deleted, Scrub Note

"Bruce Jenner AKA Caitlyn Jenner, why do we need to know about this?" ― Two posts deleted. One for being off topic; the other was simply a scrub.

Note: Members shouldn't worry about being scrubbed; the point is to get rid of the other material, in this case, quoted. Incidentally, that post asked a pertinent question, and to reiterate my answer from the inline note, I don't rightly know why. Generally speaking, though, if a post is just a quote of another post being struck for one reason or another and concomitant inquiry about the nature of the other, I try to clean those up, as well, just for the sake of the appearance of the thread. Sometimes posts quoting necessarily censored material might be altered, though in those cases I try to edit a copy and keep the original in soft-delete. Sometimes those responses need to stand in their entirety; I've never figured out a proper, stable formula. However the general point is simply that one shouldn't worry about being scrubbed when we're cleaning up someone else's post, though if I have erred and slashed too much, or deleted a post that needs to remain in some form, please do let me know. The point isn't to punish you; it's just to clean up the dumb shit left by other members.
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