The Aether foam forming the vacuum is interesting by another point: it's not optimized to just the dispersive energy spreading, but even to inertial, i.e. highly causual energy flux, spreading in waves (the wave is the most atemporal, inertial and deterministic sort of energy). We can consider the vacuum as a sort of ideal metamaterial or boson condensate.
Many metamaterials are formed by spongy or foamy materials, the size of its cavities is tuned well for wavelength of microwaves and observable light. This results into negative refraction index, unfortunately in quite narrow range of wavelength in most cases. Simply because the cavities of such material are fixed, so they remain tuned to quite narow range of energy wave frequencies.
By AWT the vacuum is formed by dense particle system, filled/formed by foamy density fluctuations like condensing supercritical foam. From this point of view isn't very surprising, the vacuum is behaving like metamaterial too, focusing the energy waves into particles, so called the bosons. Because the foam gets dense during shaking by decreasing its bubbles, the vacuum is behaving as a "tunable" autoadaptive metamaterial, well optimized to the non-dissipative energy spreading at the distance in surprisingly wide range of wavelengths. Only the microwave (< 10E-6 eV) and TeV (>10E+12 eV) gamma radiation is undergoing the dispersion followed by Lorentz invariance violation. This enables us to observe the most distant light sources without dispersiona and/or dissipative attenuation.
While the AWT is inertia concept based, this insight gives us clue about probabilistic nature of Universe, whose geometry follows from trivial optimization task: under which density and geometry of density gradients we will be able to see as most (of these causal gradients) from the Universe, as possible?
We can compare this task to the observation inside of dense foam. If the foam will be too dense, we will not see many of foam fluctuations because of dispersion at the distance. If the foam will be too sparse, the visibility would be good, but we will not see many particles anyway. So here's some optimal concentration (and supposedly the shape) of foam gradients, which enables us to see as huge Universe, as possible. The compexity of solution of such simple task is increased by the fact, these density gradients are serving as an environment for information/energy spreading, i.e. both like the subject, both like mean of observation.
Currently it's not quite clear, whether the apparent optimization of the observable reality with respect to the causual energy and information spreading at the distance has some deeper reason, or whether it's just a trivial consequence of the anthropocentric principle: the Universe appears so, or it wouldn't be so huge and transparent for us. For example, the dumb animals doesn't care about vacuum and distant objects very much, so from perspective of such creatures the Universe appears a substantially poorer conductor of information, then for us - their Universes are quite limited. They simply doesn't care, most of Universe is formed by highly transparent vacuum with specific properties, what they can realize is just a highly dispersive Aether forming the particles of matter, not the vacuum or black holes.
As usually, we can expect, both these assumptions are dual in certain sense and therefore true at the same moment, depending on the observational perspective. But some deeper & more thorough analysis is definitelly necessary here.
Many metamaterials are formed by spongy or foamy materials, the size of its cavities is tuned well for wavelength of microwaves and observable light. This results into negative refraction index, unfortunately in quite narrow range of wavelength in most cases. Simply because the cavities of such material are fixed, so they remain tuned to quite narow range of energy wave frequencies.

By AWT the vacuum is formed by dense particle system, filled/formed by foamy density fluctuations like condensing supercritical foam. From this point of view isn't very surprising, the vacuum is behaving like metamaterial too, focusing the energy waves into particles, so called the bosons. Because the foam gets dense during shaking by decreasing its bubbles, the vacuum is behaving as a "tunable" autoadaptive metamaterial, well optimized to the non-dissipative energy spreading at the distance in surprisingly wide range of wavelengths. Only the microwave (< 10E-6 eV) and TeV (>10E+12 eV) gamma radiation is undergoing the dispersion followed by Lorentz invariance violation. This enables us to observe the most distant light sources without dispersiona and/or dissipative attenuation.
While the AWT is inertia concept based, this insight gives us clue about probabilistic nature of Universe, whose geometry follows from trivial optimization task: under which density and geometry of density gradients we will be able to see as most (of these causal gradients) from the Universe, as possible?
We can compare this task to the observation inside of dense foam. If the foam will be too dense, we will not see many of foam fluctuations because of dispersion at the distance. If the foam will be too sparse, the visibility would be good, but we will not see many particles anyway. So here's some optimal concentration (and supposedly the shape) of foam gradients, which enables us to see as huge Universe, as possible. The compexity of solution of such simple task is increased by the fact, these density gradients are serving as an environment for information/energy spreading, i.e. both like the subject, both like mean of observation.
Currently it's not quite clear, whether the apparent optimization of the observable reality with respect to the causual energy and information spreading at the distance has some deeper reason, or whether it's just a trivial consequence of the anthropocentric principle: the Universe appears so, or it wouldn't be so huge and transparent for us. For example, the dumb animals doesn't care about vacuum and distant objects very much, so from perspective of such creatures the Universe appears a substantially poorer conductor of information, then for us - their Universes are quite limited. They simply doesn't care, most of Universe is formed by highly transparent vacuum with specific properties, what they can realize is just a highly dispersive Aether forming the particles of matter, not the vacuum or black holes.
As usually, we can expect, both these assumptions are dual in certain sense and therefore true at the same moment, depending on the observational perspective. But some deeper & more thorough analysis is definitelly necessary here.
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