AI or GPT-4 try?

Geometry problem: Semi-circle inside triangle: Triangle with known length sides a, b, c where a is the longest. Place inside the triangle a semi-circle with entire diameter resting on side a, which is horizontal. The arc of the semicircle is maximum possible inside the triangle.
Known - triangle dimensions. Unknown r (semi-circle arc radius) and x (distance along a from left end of a to center of diameter). Find equations for r and x In terms of all possible triangles.
Above is my latest attempt ro check AI. It was submitted to both BingChat and Chatgpt. Neither got it right.

Have you tried to illustrate it with a picture? Were these AIs trained in geometry?
If you asked the same question from a human scholar in literature, would he/she get it right?

AIs must be trained in the scientific discipline, just like people. If it takes 6 years to earn a doctorate in a specific discipline, allow an AI 6 years to earn its doctorate and then compare its knowledge and processing speed to its human counterpart.

GPT is not brute computing power. It is a learning system that must be taught just like a human mind.
Have you tried to illustrate it with a picture? Were these AIs trained in geometry?
If you asked the same question from a human scholar in literature, would he/she get it right?

AIs must be trained in the scientific discipline, just like people. If it takes 6 years to earn a doctorate in a specific discipline, allow an AI 6 years to earn its doctorate and then compare its knowledge and processing speed to its human counterpart.

GPT is not brute computing power. It is a learning system that must be taught just like a human mind.

The description should allow a picture making by AI. Solving the problem requires high school math including analytic geometry. I would hope AI can do better than a literature scholar.
The description should allow a picture making by AI.
I think what I keep coming up against is how can you tell it's the AI that is failing?

Unless the AI can parrot back to you what it thinks you're asking, it seems to me there is always the possibility that it is a communication error, rather than a problem-solving error. i.e. your description is perhaps ambiguous and it is getting the wrong picture. That can't be laid entirely at the feet of the AI.

Think of a game of "broken telephone". Say I give you a math problem, but I whisper it to you. I whisper What is two plus two? But what you hear is what is two less two? You answer zero. Is that your fault? No. It's a fault in the communication - which is outside your control.

So, my question is: can the AI tell you what it thinks the problem is, as it understands it from you - before it starts to solve it.
The description should allow a picture making by AI. Solving the problem requires high school math including analytic geometry. I would hope AI can do better than a literature scholar.
Is that any different for humans?
We must be careful to equate the new AI with brute power number crunchers, pre-programmed with equations, with
new text (token) based intelligence which can learn equations (or write them), but does require instruction where and how to find answers in available scientific literature on the internet.

Ask how many humans, learned in a specific scientific discipline, make mistakes in understanding complex questions from another discipline. You cannot expect perfection from a new and as yet fledgling intelligent species.
AI (Skype) appears to see a meaning problem. 'diameter restin on a' was interpreted to mean coincidence, which was NOT the intent. Does 'rest' have such a precise math. definition? I Tried the question with 'placed' instead of 'resting'. BingChat seemed to understand it, but could not come up with an an answer. ChatGPT just gave up.
AI (Skype) appears to see a meaning problem. 'diameter restin on a' was interpreted to mean coincidence, which was NOT the intent. Does 'rest' have such a precise math. definition? I Tried the question with 'placed' instead of 'resting'. BingChat seemed to understand it, but could not come up with an an answer. ChatGPT just gave up.
Right. If you look up the word for "two mathematical lines that are on top of each other" you get "coincident".

I think what you want to say is "the two line segments are coincident but with different lengths".