AIDS Class Action Lawsuit

And so. Two men or two women who are involved in a romantic relationship without sex are what? Homosexuals? Potential homosexuals? Sinners? Good friends?

Or perhaps you're thinking of this?

This must contain a bunch of timeless truths. God bless.

Thanks for your answer to my previous post.
Woody said:
The bill didn't go far enough in removing the quarantine order. So today we have an AIDS epidemic.

Tell me, what is wrong with everyone getting an AIDS test?

Without the appropriate health measures in place, the word "GAY" becomes an acronym for "Got AIDS Yet?"

AIDS is the cure for faggots. And apparently, also Africans.

Fine. Let them have mandatory testing for AIDS. And also herpes. And gonorrhea. And papilloma virus. All of it. Please. Spare us all the burden.

I really don't care if they want to do any of this. I'm not stopping them.

Does this mean that all gay people are now guilty and able to be taken in?
Queers act effeminate, are deviant, arer HIV positive, Aids infected, rotten plague carrying man devils.

There's probably some poor grammar and punctuation there, but hey! They're God's holy persons. Let's not push any further, eh?
Giambattista said:
And so. Two men or two women who are involved in a romantic relationship without sex are what? Homosexuals? Potential homosexuals? Sinners? Good friends?

Maybe Woody can shed light on this? :p
Giambattista said:
Maybe Woody can shed light on this? :p

Two men or two women who are involved in a romantic relationship without sex are what? Homosexuals? Potential homosexuals? Sinners? Good friends?

What is a romantic relationship without some kind of sexual chemistry going on? If this is what's going on, then yes, they are homosexual.

AIDS is the cure for faggots. And apparently, also Africans.

So in other words, if I agree, then I should just say nothing and let it happen, right GB. After all they are getting what they deserve and who am I to stop God's punishment on Gay's? -- right GB.
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Woody said:
What is a romantic relationship without some kind of sexual chemistry going on? If this is what's going on, then yes, they are homosexual.
So in other words, if I agree, then I should just say nothing and let it happen, right GB. After all they are getting what they deserve and who am I to stop God's punishment on Gay's? -- right GB.

What about a same sex atheist couple. They just live together, holiday, meals out, etc and love eachother. Why should they care less what some God they don't even believe in will do to them when they die? And why would you, or any other religious believer want to stop them, since they are not harming anyone?
wsionynw said:
What about a same sex atheist couple. They just live together, holiday, meals out, etc and love eachother. Why should they care less what some God they don't even believe in will do to them when they die? And why would you, or any other religious believer want to stop them, since they are not harming anyone?

because christians are homo-hadephobic. That means we're afraid homosexuals and atheists are going to hell, so we want to share the gospel with them so they won't have to go to a terrible place where they burn alive forever with maggots crawling all over them in eternal pain and torment with no hope of ever changing it.

You've changed the subject, so I ask again in bigger letters so you'll be sure to see it this time:

What's wrong with everyone getting an AIDS test?
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Actually injecting bigots, xians and racists with HIV is a great idea. We could let them die in cages on the streets to remind people how barbaric we once were. Like Pol Pot said once: "To have a healthy garden, one must pull the weeds." Let us begin.
Genjivitis said:
I'm just a pissy pissy faggot. that's why I say stupid things

As I already said before, you're on my ignore list so don't bother responding to me. You have nothing intelligent to say. Whatta waste of time.

Let's try this again. Someone please provide a reasonably intelligent answer to the following question:

What's wrong with everyone getting an AIDS test?

Can anybody answer this question with intelligence?
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Hard Up said:
According to Jim Mangia, NAP’s lesbian and gay organizing co-chair, the bill seeks to outlaw mandatory testing, quarantine and criminal penalties for people who “transmit” HIV.

Dude, that's standing up for your rights. Dumbshit.
What is wrong with taking AIDS tests is that the tests have absolutely no reliability. The perception that they are reliable is based on the fact that the AIDS industry has their people insult those who don't believe in the tests.
Woody said:
As I already said before, you're on my ignore list so don't bother responding to me. You have nothing intelligent to say. Whatta waste of time.

Let's try this again. Someone please provide a reasonably intelligent answer to the following question:

What's wrong with everyone getting an AIDS test?

Can anybody answer this question with intelligence?

Anybody that wants and AIDS test can get one, it's no big deal (here in the UK at least). So I guess there's nothing wrong with everyone getting an AIDS test, but how would you make them (if that is what you are suggesting)?
Let us ignore that crap about burning in hell with maggots (fire proof maggots no less).
James R said:
How often do you propose that everybody be tested?
And how will you use the test results?

Ok, these are fair questions to ask. Also, who pays for it? And, lastly, who wouldn't want to know if they indeed have AIDS?

I'd suggest letting the health department and federal epidemic control do their jobs just like this was any other epidemic such as small pox, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, polio, etc. This would be a government expense, of course, along with the testing.

As a result of the testing, each person should be issued a "clean certificate" which includes the date they were last tested. In situations where they could expose others to the risk, the certificate could be requested as standard policy. If they do not have one, then they could be requested to produce one. If the demand is inappropriate, then the individual could go to authorities concerning discrimination.

When someone has the disease they could be placed in quarantine, just like with any other epidemic control situation. This would have been pratical in the 80s when AIDS was just getting started, but it was fought bitterly by Gay-Activist organizations.

Edpidemic control is a battle that has been won before. Do we have epidemics of leprosy, typhoid, cholera, etc.? Not in a civilized society. Why not let the authorities just do their jobs?
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Roman said:

Dude, that's standing up for your rights. Dumbshit.

And they won their right to an AIDS epidemic -- which is the logical consequence of their and your irresponsibility. Some people are just so dumb. :rolleyes:

might I requote the news story:

ACT UP members vow to continue their efforts to bring attention to the pending quarantine legislation, including increasing pressure on local officials to exercise their power today to protect future generations tomorrow from this quarantine act.

I like that -- these ACT UP members are really protecting future generations alright -- how many of them do you suppose will have children? Where are these future generations coming from, and how are they protected from AIDS? As a parent, that's my concern. ACT UP offers no protection to the general population, they just act up like the pissy faggots they are -- little children with no accountability. Well they got their AIDS epidemic -- I hope they are satisfied.

ACT UP deserves to be sued, hence one of the claims on this proposed class action law suit, which I submitted as Exhibit 6.

Here it was as I originally proposed:

Whereas, the defendants through malfeasance, obstructed the control of a known epidemic by public heatlh officials. (Exhibit 6)

James R asked for evidence, and we can move to the next claim. Does everyone agree that Gay-Activist organizations have impeded the authorities, and this has contributed to the AIDS epidemic?
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MetaKron said:
What is wrong with taking AIDS tests is that the tests have absolutely no reliability. The perception that they are reliable is based on the fact that the AIDS industry has their people insult those who don't believe in the tests.

Wait a minute, when I give blood I am tested for HIV, and our nation's blood supply isn't tainted. Are you saying that our nation's blood supply is tainted from HIV positive donors?

As a result of the testing, each person should be issued a "clean certificate" which includes the date they were last tested. In situations where they could expose others to the risk, the certificate could be requested as standard policy. If they do not have one, then they could be requested to produce one. If the demand is inappropriate, then the individual could go to authorities concerning discrimination.

When someone has the disease they could be placed in quarantine, just like with any other epidemic control situation.

Do you advocate the same policy for the common cold? Because that is much more easily and commonly transmitted than AIDS.
James R said:

Do you advocate the same policy for the common cold? Because that is much more easily and commonly transmitted than AIDS.

It is not a practical contol measure for cold germs, which are common everywhere in the world. Cold germs are not life threatening.

Neither is it a practical control measure for staph germs, which are everywhere.

Epidemic control is more appropriate for things like West Nile Virus, polio, smallpox, anthrax, typhoid, rabies, and AIDS.
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