Aliens: E.T.s or demons?

oh my oh my. the first thing i think okinrus and i are in agreement over!!!!
however, i like to apply the same logic to religion
No, just choose your prophets wisely. I do think that some cases may be demons but there's no reason to extend this to all cases. Someone could just as well say that the demons were the cause of the need.... I would not underestimate the power of demons since some people are clearly decieved here.

Aliens generally get too much press. Zeitun has much more photographic evidence than any alien story but is not mentioned at all. And the stories of people saying the name "Jesus" and the aliens leaving are also not mentioned.

(I don't consider UFOs, aliens, abductions to be a joke. I just happen to believe they are here for our benefit. I also believe they absolutely WILL prove Xianity to be false. I think that IS your main fear! You're spending entirely too much time trying to prove the aliens evil when it is Xianity that is evil! Yeah, I've head the horror stories from alleged abductees, and I believe their stories. I just don't think these aliens are from outer space or another planet, but they are from right here among us, possibly in a parallel universe that we can't enter just yet. I would encourage you not to fear them but to learn from them. They may be our final hope. Certainly it isn't Jesus!)
You believe everything but christians to the disregard of logic.
Originally posted by okinrus
Alot of the problem with aliens is some people have an overwealming desire to see other life and this need is manifested in visions.

No, just choose your prophets wisely. I do think that some cases may be demons but there's no reason to extend this to all cases. Someone could just as well say that the demons were the cause of the need.... I would not underestimate the power of demons since some people are clearly decieved here.
ah too bad we're not in agreement, see, i thought you were implying that the aliens people were seeing were manifestations of their own minds. i then said we could apply your logic to religion- that some people have an overwhelming need to see what they believe to be the truth and this need is manifested in visions/halucinations. i don't see any difference between the two that means the same logic can't be applied.

now i'm not about to go choosing prophets as they are something of what you believe. i personally don't believe in people chosen by god who can see the future- instead, i believe in the smart things that people have said/written down.

demons are another thing entirely. once again, us little old humans seem to small and unimportant to occupy somethings eternity over (i think it's a type of arrogance instilled by some religions). my friend once said to me that because i don't believe in demons i don't know that they already have power over me. however, he was the one dreaming about satan while i was dreaming about flying (you know, the type where you're flying without a plane). infact, if what i've heard is true about demonic influences i've never once experienced one in my life. and your quote is priceless "I would not underestimate the power of demons since some people are clearly decieved here.". i wonder who is the decieved, when you believe in something that has relevance in the whole universe only to us (not mentioning the fact that they aren't even natural to this universe).

i don't know. everyone to their own i say (in terms of beliefs), only when someone is not paying the same respect back does it get up me nose. and saying that individuals here are evil by something you believe gets up my nose.
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i wonder who is the decieved, when you believe in something that has relevance in the whole universe only to us (not mentioning the fact that they aren't even natural to this universe).
Deception is one main attributes of demons. You could relate it indirectly to demons or you could call it some sort of meme if your somewhat skeptic. No one here has said that people who believe that aliens have landed are evil but only that they are being decieved. I don't see belief in aliens being evil from a christian perpective but the over-wealming desire to see aliens might be somewhat depraved. There have been a number of cults that believe in aliens so this might be sign of demons if you believe in them.
Deception is one main attributes of demons. You could relate it indirectly to demons or you could call it some sort of meme if your somewhat skeptic. No one here has said that people who believe that aliens have landed are evil but only that they are being decieved. I don't see belief in aliens being evil from a christian perpective but the over-wealming desire to see aliens might be somewhat depraved.
i thought the main thing about demons was they were evil? and did i state that the aliens were evil, did i imply it?

the 'overwhelming need' could rather just be an acute fear, i.e. the reason my friend was dreaming about what he thought was satan whereas i was dreaming about flying- he's scared of the boogie man while i wanna fly. fear or desire have the same resultant effect- they make people see things that aren't really there.

There have been a number of cults that believe in aliens so this might be sign of demons if you believe in them
lol, i don't believe in aliens, atleast, not the sort that have visited our planet. and why would a cult (one believeing in aliens or christ seeing as cult is a cult) be evidence of demons???????? you, by your logic, could be being deceived by demons, i am not saying you're a part of a cult, but your logic you seem only to apply in certain instances.

is this serious?
nup. :D
Originally posted by Crushing Belial

I'm a Ufologest, Astronomer, Biblical scholar, and study Ancient
civilizations i have alot of resources, there are many abduction cases where victims are told (By Aliens) that God dose not exist, and i just read about two cases of abduction that were halted do to the would be victims calling upon Jesus.

Welcome to Sciforums CB

Since you say you are a UFO-logist, I am sure you must be aware of Budd Hopkins, Stranton Friedman and numerous other UFOlogists who have written countless books about abduction and loss of time since the abduction of Betty and Barney Hill, I have read most of the books and I have to admit that not once I have seen it being mentioned that Aliens have tried to convey a message that there is no GOD...In fact I do remember an article where they quote saying the Aliens were very much interested in our religious methods as it was to do something with our area of brain.

Like Cris said this post has to be a joke but I appreciate you being one of the first Xians to actually accept the possibility of aliens not connected to Xianity ....

Also while I am here ....what difference would it make to Xians as they started this Conversion process long time back it just might come back to haunt them when we have Aliens converting people in to believing the "truth" ...and they should have no problems as whether the truth has Jesus in their scope or not it still is the truth ....
Aliens Xianity

Originally posted by Guru
I have read most of the books and I have to admit that not once I have seen it being mentioned that Aliens have tried to convey a message that there is no GOD...In fact I do remember an article where they quote saying the Aliens were very much interested in our religious methods as it was to do something with our area of brain.
(Good morning Guru! I agree with you. I've never read or heard anything about aliens saying there is no God. If God created the universe, then God created aliens, too. You probably know by now that when I say "God," I mean a force of energy not an entity. Also, his fear is extreme, not just because there may be aliens, but by what the aliens might be saying! This is too absurd. I believe his fear is based on his belief in Xianity. Perhaps he has a little doubt about Xianity being able to save him!)
Like Cris said this post has to be a joke but I appreciate you being one of the first Xians to actually accept the possibility of aliens not connected to Xianity ....
(If aliens were in fact created by God (the God of All), they wouldn't be connected to Xianity at all!)
Also while I am here ....what difference would it make to Xians as they started this Conversion process long time back it just might come back to haunt them when we have Aliens converting people in to believing the "truth" ...and they should have no problems as whether the truth has Jesus in their scope or not it still is the truth ....
(This is a good question. I think his doubt lies in his religion. What difference does it make if what aliens say to us is the truth? What are all the Xians going to do when the truth becomes known?

A)They'll deny it.
B)They'll knock on more doors.
C)They'll tithe 20%.
D)They'll commit mass suicide.
E)All of the above.)
I'm going on 30, i don't think it's funny to make fun of my disorders there are many cruel people out in the world but i still love you may God bless you and your family.

For medicine Woman
I don't fear Aliens the reason i think they are of the demonic nature is because of my research, i have a computer dedicated to it personal stories of abductions, Home videos, videos from nasa missions pictures of ufo's and aliens, not cheesey ones and i'm matching ancient and modern day descriptions i there is a link to the past with the ancient Sumerians,The Bible,Medieval period and now. Why are they sneaking around? they seem to have an interest in political control and the military industrial complex, i don't think that they are all evil, i belive angels visit in some of the same ways they are extraterestrials who are extra-dimensional that can take different forms spiritual, apparition, and in flesh.

Oh! and to you Guru
Keep digging my friend and you'll find some good cases (Stanton's one of my favorites)
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The new paradigm

Originally posted by Crushing Belial
For medicine Woman
I don't fear Aliens
(You're obsessed with them!)
...the reason i think they are of the demonic nature is because of my research,...
(But is your research scientifically produced?)
i have a computer dedicated to it personal stories of abductions, Home videos, videos from nasa missions pictures of ufo's and aliens, not cheesey ones and i'm matching ancient and modern day descriptions
(Could you possibly use punctuation?)
...i there is a link to the past with the ancient Sumerians,The Bible,Medieval period and now.
(And you point would be?)
Why are they sneaking around?
(Why do you think they are "sneaking around?" They're probably going about their business as usual. You think they're "sneaking around" because you can't see them at work!)
...they seem to have an interest in political control and the military industrial complex,...
(With their antigravitational knowledge plus whatever else, I don't know, I surely would hope they were on our side!)
...i don't think that they are all evil, i belive angels visit in some of the same ways they are extraterestrials who are extra-dimensional that can take different forms spiritual, apparition, and in flesh.
(How do you know they aren't angels? I suggest that if you should see one, you should be nice to him and welcome him and his friends. If you really believed in God, you wouldn't have these unnatural fears. In any event, you should make them feel welcome here on Planet Earth. At least it may prevent you from getting a cattle prod up your ass.)
Once again with the insults what does that say about you? why must you put yourself on a pedestal?why must you bash? I don't fear death and if they came to me i would react to them with kindness.
I'm going on 30, i don't think it's funny to make fun of my disorders there are many cruel people
wow! you're nearly 30 and you still believe in that all that fiction. you said you had a disorder, not disorders. as well, if you are going on thirty have you not come to accept your disorder yet? and not to care what people say about them? dyslexia is not really that great a disorder anyway, it is troubling don't get me wrong, but you have your health and your mental capacity fully intact, something that everyone doesn't appreciate enough. i still think your replies aren't consistent with that of a thirty year old, but whatever. if you seriously believe that something with quite a bit of power (relative to us of course) would spend its eternity toying with humans i think you are misguided. you say extra-dimensional and i say why the hell hang around a bunch or self involved humans for eternity, the whole universe is out there to see, it would be a far more interesting proposition than us.

but whatever, if you think we're more interesting than the rest of the universe i feel sorry for you.

i'm matching ancient and modern day descriptions i there is a link to the past with the ancient Sumerians,The Bible,Medieval period and now.
you do realise that there is basically no consistency to be found, within just the last century (when ufo's became a 'thing') the popular belief of what ufo's should look like has changed from a cigar shape, through many other different shapes, to the disk shape that is the commonly held idea of what ufo's look like today. there is basically no consistency to talk about over a century of this earths history. besides, a century isn't really enough time to say whether there are consistencies to be found or not, maybe over a couple of thousand millenia, but a century is a spit in the sea when it comes to any length of time.
" Another curious aspect of the alien abductee phenomenon is the fact that the aliens always return their victims. "

Though one would think that if the victims were not returned to Earth, they would not be here to tell their story! Therefore the only "abductions" we hear about are those in which the victims are returned. Curious, or obvious?
I don't see a pedestal

Originally posted by Crushing Belial
Once again with the insults what does that say about you?
(It says I'm older, wiser, been there, done that, sent a postcard, bought a T-shirt.
why must you put yourself on a pedestal?
(If I don't put myself on a pedestal, who will?)
why must you bash?
(Because I'm good at it.)
I don't fear death and if they came to me i would react to them with kindness.
(As you should. I'm sure your mother has told you to be polite when you meet strangers. You should offer them a cup of tea unless, of course, if you live in Texas, then you could offer them a beer. Have them sit a spell. They've traveled a long way to see you. You might offer them to sleep over on your couch. They're not very big, anyway, I'm sure you have room. You might want to start up a conversation by asking them how their trip was...did they have any trouble finding your place? They like to talk about gravity a lot. If you have friends or relatives living with you, now would be a good time to introduce them to your visitors. You should not fear them. They are visiting you because you are special. It is no accident that they are there. They've been watching you your entire life. They even knew you before you were born! So, I'm sure you all have a lot to talk about! Don't ask them about THEIR parents or family. This seems to be a sore subject with them. They seem to be independent of family ties. Just be glad they're there with you. You needn't fear them. They come in peace.)

Originally posted by Crushing Belial
Medicine woman
You should do some research in all the areas i have and get back with me.
(Belial, I have done my own research, but it doesn't agree with what you are saying.)
You should do some research in all the areas i have and get back with me.
you do realise this is the internet? the chances that anyone here believed what you said about your majors is probably nil considering the ease at with which people can lie and embelish their stories and themselves on this electronic medium. i could say i was as big as arnie but who the hell would believe me? i for one wouldn't believe me. anyway, the following comments you made don't add up to your supposed research anyway, you seem to have investigated only very specific incidences that back up what you believe. actual degrees and the such don't often produce biased views because they require an indepth look into a specific field that one wouldn't make unless they were doing a degree.

i'm not quite sure what makes you all the things you said, but i don't think it was professional study. if it was, i would question the universities credentials.

why do people not end up responding to my posts?
I'm a ufologest no degree it just means i research ufo's, I'm an amateur astronomer means i don't get paid darn, i'm a Bible scholar and i study Ancient civilization Sumerians, Aztecs, Incans, mayans, Egyptians etc. but no degree there, i can't afford college but i do read what i can on these subjects
Originally posted by Crushing Belial
I'm a ufologest no degree it just means i research ufo's, I'm an amateur astronomer means i don't get paid darn, i'm a Bible scholar and i study Ancient civilization Sumerians, Aztecs, Incans, mayans, Egyptians etc. but no degree there, i can't afford college but i do read what i can on these subjects

CB - It is great to see that even if you cannot afford college you still pursue your interests. I am really impressed.

And do not worry about Med Woman she sometimes gets really mad at ranting Xians who speak without logic.

The whole topic is that when you equate Aliens/UFos to demons you are trying to justify your religion's existance. It so seems that you are afraid your religious teachings will not stand the test of aliens coming down more powerful than any humans can perceive(sounds like Terminator 4 commercial) :)

But you should remember your religion is just a little over 2000 years old ...Humans have been on this planet for a little over 200,000 years and the oldest living creatures Whales/Roaches have survived for millions of years without religion ...

Just think out of the box and once you see that ...the aliens coming down to meet us consider us as new species compared to other on this planet and nothing more for them to say our religion does not exist will be like telling a kid Santa Claus does not exisit ...oops.....I am sorry if you still believe in Santa ...
