Aliens, Greys and telepathy?

Matt D Skeptic

Registered Senior Member
Why? Is it some sort of fad that has to be included in witness statements to gain acceptance by the UFO community?

I get that impression. Anyone share this view? Why only Greys or varieties of, too? The X-files does indeed have a great deal to answer for. "Oh, they didn't have wrap around eyes and communicate communicate by thought projections in your mind? You must be lying." Surely to accept visitation by one kind of foreign life you have already have accepted life in the universe other than our drab little planet. Surely then you have to accept there is more than one? Is this TV \ cinema \ popular literature \ internet?

Why so much emphasis on the use of telepathy and Greys? I much prefer the benevolent space brothers of Vallee's or Adamski's day. Even if they were made up!

Why telepathy? That is all I ask. Anyone?

You know it to be so
This is my first time of qwrintings. I register this morning. Of course aliens are able to communicate with their minds only. You couldn't possibly make a sound out of that tiny little mouth. As for eating it is simple. They photosynthesis. Have you noticed that all in reports of the abduction phenomenon there are a bright light and tomato sources and grays with leather skin. It is all detailed in corsos book about roswell. There is account wieth no food substances being found at the rowell and other krash sites. It could be simple to ivovle such mechanism for this to allow for long distance travel from places to places withsout the needs for perishables such as food.

As for the telpathy. It is obvous that these creetures are of an inteellignece far is excesses than is ours. It is a higher states of ivolutions that is all.

I belief that the gray aliens are here to help us with out continuing wars with the lizard peoples. Dnever is where their is reported to be alien base and the headqorters of a new world order after the lizards invaded. The grays intending to help us.
This is my first time of qwrintings. I register this morning. Of course aliens are able to communicate with their minds only. You couldn't possibly make a sound out of that tiny little mouth. As for eating it is simple. They photosynthesis. Have you noticed that all in reports of the abduction phenomenon there are a bright light and tomato sources and grays with leather skin. It is all detailed in corsos book about roswell. There is account wieth no food substances being found at the rowell and other krash sites. It could be simple to ivovle such mechanism for this to allow for long distance travel from places to places withsout the needs for perishables such as food.

As for the telpathy. It is obvous that these creetures are of an inteellignece far is excesses than is ours. It is a higher states of ivolutions that is all.

I belief that the gray aliens are here to help us with out continuing wars with the lizard peoples. Dnever is where their is reported to be alien base and the headqorters of a new world order after the lizards invaded. The grays intending to help us.
Ochen' horrorshow, gospodin.

Ya nye znayoo, potomoo-chto...ahhh fergeddit.

All that tomato source and lizard stuff has made me queazy !