All religion is "evil"

A better example is lusting for a woman in your heart is equivalent to adultery.

Of course, the Holy Spirit of God which inspired the Bible writers and created humankind mistakenly thought that we think and feel with our hearts, instead of our brains. In fact, no Bible writer ever referred to the heart, which makes any claim that they were ALL being metaphorical very farfetched.

But, I must say, I am a goddamned adulterer. :(
My fantasies alone condemn me to a circle of hell even Dante didn't envision. My own private demon party zone. Ugh.
superluminal said:
The very concept of religion - that one group of people, with no physical proof or evidence, can state that THEY ALONE have the TRUTH - is an appallingly horrifying idea with appallingly horrifying consequences, and always will be.

Dear Sup:

There are many religions. How are you sure that your statement is nut null and void of reality? It`s opinionated I guess.

superluminal said:

I personally believe that the holy bible contains all the truths I need. And I am not showing here an opinion. Scientific truths, historical truths, and other truths are not biblically wrong. So, what are you trying to prove about "THEY ALONE have the TRUTH"?

If you feel you have the truth, then share it religiously with us and I will also share you the truth in the Bible.

Verily yours,


god created the earth and put the stars in a "firmament". The bible says so. Scientifically, that's way wrong.

Religion is like most anything else, in that it can be "used" for bad or for good depending upon the intentions of those who are using it. I also think that anything done or said in the name of God, and especially in the name of Christ, inherently has a more profound effect, whether bad or good.

Do you realize that Jesus did not teach the behaviors that you're rightfully complaining about? He was the opposite of what you're describing...He taught against what you're speaking about. Jesus had a thing or two to say to the "hypocrits" who ran the temple...He criticized them. Told them that it wasn't supposed to be about power, control and money. He told them it wasn't about following "rules", but about being "born again of the Spirit". And He said to Nicodemus "You don't know these things and you are running the temple???"...talking about the pharisees. SO THEY KILLED HIM. I mean, Jesus was murdered because He was a threat to their power! Religion hasn't changed much since then either, sad to say. But why would it really? People still have the same intentions now as they did back then.

Jesus was generous, loving, and humble. He healed people. He didn't force Himself upon anyone. People came to droves. He taught people not to judge each other. It seems like you don't have a problem with the ideology so much as the practicality. And you know, there was only one Jesus...what are you gonna do? The rest of us are assholes! lol. j/k...kinda. But even that is confirmed in scripture...that we're sinners. I know that's a bad word, but I think that we can all agree, regardless of what you call it, that there's definitely something "wrong" with humanity...sytemically, historically, globally, and consistently "wrong". And so we can certainly take something perfect, and f it all up.

I mean, if an organization doesn't even follow it's own doctrine...even seeks to oppose it in a way, then is the problem with the doctrine, or the organization? I don't go to church. I have such an aversion to the judgemental and hypocritical crap that you're talking about, I just can't. That doesn't mean I don't want fellowship, or that I think I'm some "better" Christian. I just have to have honesty and purpose. I'm not into a ritual, a show, an exercise, or a club. I'm into truth. So I like to hear honest people talk about Jesus. You don't necessarily need some organization, shit, political and economic power structure, to do that. I can do that in my living room. I can do that here.
superluminal said:
Unless you eat too much. That's gluttony. One of seven deadly sins (I think). Too much ice cream, off to hell with you!


Let's see if you can read my mind.
dalahar said:
Maybe it means if you glance over at a girl and instantly (because this girl looks great and didn't overdress) lust after her, like just an animal response, then it is OK.

But then the next thing you know she ain't got no clothes on and you are seconds away from jumping on her in the middle of the mall...then you are effectively lusting after her in your heart.

I don't see why the former is more of an "animal response" than the latter.


If all christians believed as you do, I think the world would be like a bowl of cherries with vanilla bean ice cream. Except for the politicians. We would need to put them all into a spaceship and send them into the sun.

Our problem is with the ones who willfully use religion for power, and those who blindly follow their shit. You know this. Most christians have not thought about this the way you have. They are robots. You know that too. An evil master with enough robot minions and you've got a big problem on your hands.
superluminal said:

god created the earth and put the stars in a "firmament". The bible says so. Scientifically, that's way wrong.
Are you sure the book of Genesis talks about God putting stars as if they hang in "firmament/sky inside the earth?

What about if I tell you about this:

Proverbs 8:27 When he prepared the heavens, I was there: when he set a compass upon the face of the depth:

How about that creation not taken in Genesis?

Where did I say "inside the earth"?

Proverbs 8:27 When he prepared the heavens, I was there: when he set a compass upon the face of the depth:

Just what the fuck does that mean? Who was there? What depth? The ocean? He put a compass under water? Why? What did he need a compass for anyway? Was he lost? How can god get lost in his own ocean? head...!!!
superluminal said:

Where did I say "inside the earth"?

Just what the fuck does that mean? Who was there? What depth? The ocean? He put a compass under water? Why? What did he need a compass for anyway? Was he lost? How can god get lost in his own ocean? head...!!!

superluminal said:
Where did I say "inside the earth"?

Did I say you said that?

Remember I`m using the powerful tool in the universe.

Genesis 1:8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

Genesis 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

Genesis 1:15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.

Genesis 1:16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.

Genesis 1:17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,

So what`s the problem with that?

So all I can say is

Amos 5:8 Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The LORD is his name:

source and
superluminal said:

...I'm an ass for thinking that ice cream can get you into hell...


...Vanilla bean.

Was I right?

Spot on.

I'm a flippin vegan. No ice cream for me. :(
superluminal said:

If all christians believed as you do, I think the world would be like a bowl of cherries with vanilla bean ice cream. Except for the politicians. We would need to put them all into a spaceship and send them into the sun.

Our problem is with the ones who willfully use religion for power, and those who blindly follow their shit. You know this. Most christians have not thought about this the way you have. They are robots. You know that too. An evil master with enough robot minions and you've got a big problem on your hands.

I know this!! Eureka! I love it when when our minds meet. :)

Never fear my dear, God will take care of it. The world hasn't ended yet. You know, during this "miracle" that I keep talking about, God revealed some prophecy to me, having to do with Revelation. And He identified Babylon as the Vatican. You know, the whore riding the beast, drunk on the wine of the saints...mother of all prostitutes? It's organized religion. Not just Catholicism either, because denominationalism doesn't even make sense according to scripture. It's just that the Vatican is the epitomy of organized religion. Within all denominations, there are those who take His name in vain and witness falsely regarding Him, and there are also those who don't, but who love God and have true faith in Him, and who know Him and are born again in His Spirit. The catholic church seems to want indoctrinization and membership to take the place of this personal relationship with God, and for it's clergy to take the place of Jesus Himself. Like, "if you want to get to God, then you have to go through us". That's not what the Bible says, and that's why I jumped Lawdog's shit so bad when he came out here spewing that lie.
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superluminal said:
Too bad. You can eat italian ices. No gelatin.

Yea, it's not the same, but it's ok. Even though I love the way ice cream tastes, I have a big "problem" with milk. Not a lactose intolerance, but more of a cruelty intolerance. I think it's weird to repeatedly aritifically impregnate another species, so that we can steal its babies, and take their milk for ourselves. yuk.