Valued Senior Member
They have also discovered dihydrogen monoxide in vaccines. This deadly chemical was responsible for most of the deaths during the Titanic disaster, and exposure to this dangerous substance killed 3500 people in the US each year. And they didn't even do any testing on it before they added it to vaccines!
Irresponsible , and criminal really .
Agreed! Will you join responsible mothers in calling for the ban of dihydrogen monoxide in vaccines (and children's food and drink?)
It should be eliminated
Just be informed on the vaccines you inject into yourself .
So, to summarize River's stance:
Dihydrogen monoxide
- is Irresponsible , and criminal really,
- should be banned,
- should be eliminated.
Yes, informed.
Is Dihydrogen Monoxide Dangerous?
"...even the most innocuous of substances can be made to sound like a dangerous threat to human life."
“dihydrogen monoxide” — another name for that life-giving substance we identify as H2O ... or more commonly, 'water'”
Yes, River, with your diligence in keeping a watch for Dangerous Things That Big Pharma And The Government Are Contaminating Our Products With - you have just called for the banning, elimination and criminalization of ... water.
And, astonishingly, despite every attempt we made to clue you in, you never caught on, or even bothered to do more than Google 'DHMO'.
There's a very big lesson here.
Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt
Your anti-vax ideas (as well as your "ancient aliens" ideas and your "spin causes gravity" ideas) are based in ignorance and bandwagon-jumping: if someone says something loud enough and long enough, at least some fools will believe it.
That's exactly what you did here with DHMO. You jumped on a bandwagon after a single Google search. You are not informed.
Take some time and think about why you think you know what you know, and why a little bit of knowledge can be a very dangerous and destructive thing.
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