Along came a spider

Most spider injuries are infections caused by people crushing them against their body and breaking their own skin with brittle bits of spider leg etc. If you have one on your body just flick it away to be safe.

If you want to remove a large spider from inside get a clear plastic bag, place it over your hand and then place your hand over the spider on the wall. Work your fingers around so that the plastic touches the wall all round and then grab the spider gently. Once you have it surrounded in plastic you just need to turn the bag inside out (off your hand) holding the spider inside with your hand then take the bag with spider outside and release it.
Most spider injuries are infections caused by people crushing them against their body and breaking their own skin with brittle bits of spider leg etc. If you have one on your body just flick it away to be safe.

If you want to remove a large spider from inside get a clear plastic bag, place it over your hand and then place your hand over the spider on the wall. Work your fingers around so that the plastic touches the wall all round and then grab the spider gently. Once you have it surrounded in plastic you just need to turn the bag inside out (off your hand) holding the spider inside with your hand then take the bag with spider outside and release it.

Or, call LaurieAG and she'll come right over and take care of it for you. lol

I can't imagine that going smoothly for me. :oops:
You know what's funny? If I saw a giant butterfly or lady bug the size of that spider above, would I be afraid? Probably not, because for some reason, I accept lady bugs and butterflies as being friendly, lovely creatures.
I would never kill a butterfly or a ladybug or a dragonfly. If I find a ladybug in the house, I'll take it outside. Once I had a wasp in the house and I tried to catch it to take it outside but it was too fast for me. I felt bad that I "had" to kill it.

On the other hand, I'll gladly kill any mosquito I can. And flies have been bad around here this year. I killed three yesterday. A towel makes a good fly-swatter that they can't outrun.

And spiders are easy to take outside too - just sweep up the pieces.
Hate to break the news wegs but 'Laurie' is a boys name where I come from.
Sorry! I didn't know that.

But it doesn't matter with spiders as my identical twin brother is shit scared of them but I'm not lol.

I can't imagine putting a bag over my hand and feeling the shape of the spider against my hand...eek. It's all too much. :oops:
Well I for one think Spiders should have a World Spiders Day. Amazing creatures, cunning good to have your back.
Spiders invented the diving bell.
Water spider or Argyroneta aquatica is a spider species that spends its life underwater. This spider builds an underwater web structure and fills it with air bubbles to make a diving bell, where it lives, molts, mates, and brings up its offspring.

The picture on my phone - from a bank of the Mississippi R north of Anoka MN - looks much like this, only of a bit larger specimen and guarding eggs in a specialty web (they don't spin webs otherwise). With the legs it was a bit bigger than the palm of my hand. The hatch was successful, and the spider held her guard almost motionless until the little guys had molted and left - none of the many birds foraging in the area disturbed it, nor did any fisherman, although it was in plain sight about three feet up a seedling cottonwood next to a river access foot trail.

These things hang around cabins and docks and boats, woodland ponds, etc. They can swim, submerge to catch fish and frogs and water insects, and trundle across the surface (with their bodies in contact, legs pumping). They live all over the eastern US, and they are common.
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“Spiders are next to mothliness”, as the old adage goes.
Or is that just me?
I have a (mild) phobia about both spiders and moths.
Much less than it used to be, but still... *shiver*.
When younger I would be pretty much unable to move if I saw either in the room with me, and they didn’t need to be all that large, either!

If I was a superhero then my arch-nemesis would undoubtedly be Spidermothman.

As for that huntsman, I don’t have a glass large enough, nor a piece of paper strong enough to slide under it even if I did.
If I lived in an area where those were even a possibility I would pretty much have to build myself an hermetically sealed passive house, with any pipes leading in and out of the house lined with miniature laser-grids to kill the ****ers before they could get in.
Then there would be the Crushing Machine of Crushy-Death they’d have to get past, before avoiding the Water Flush Of Doom.
Then, if all my other preventative measures had failed, they'd have to get past the Raid-filled caverns lined with sticky-paper.
After all, I’m not a cruel person.
Look up Titan Beetle for what I imagine such a chimera to be (sorry, struggling to post pictures).
Seriously, God must have just invented LSD and was having serious issues after testing it when he came up with such things!
Look up Titan Beetle for what I imagine such a chimera to be (sorry, struggling to post pictures).
Seriously, God must have just invented LSD and was having serious issues after testing it when he came up with such things!