Alternate Realities(Histories)


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I am writing a story set in an Alternate Africa the problem is how does the characters end ulp in this Alternate Africa. Can someone please help me out.

Alternate Realities

Alternate Realities(Histories)
I am writing a story set in an Alternate Africa the problem is how does the characters end ulp in this Alternate Africa. Can someone please help me out.

I need some ideas for how my character(s) could end up in the Alternate Africa.
I need some ideas for how my character(s) could end up in the Alternate Africa.

perhaps you might try thinking one up.

but off the top of my head... John Q drove to the alternate airport, boarded his alternate airplane, and flew to alternate Africa.
It's a difficult one without a little bit of information:

Like where was the alternate spawned? Whats the differences? Are they just climate or are the people and their lifestyles different?

For instance the supposed link to our ancestory roots of apelike creatures walking through the plains might have been the point for an alternative to be sculptured.

Perhaps one drank some water with a protezoa that eventually caused some form of ailment that created a change to humanity as a virus, or a change in evolution.

Perhaps there was never slavery, and the populous was allowed to bloom, where instead of warring internally they managed to move to trade and bartering (Of course this would shift the whole worlds destined path)

Perhaps a climate change, the equator moves, the poles move and Africa becomes a frozen tundra. It's animal population have then evolved to survive the cold (the elephants look like wooly mammoths and Hairy Rhino's)

Perhaps Africa is the only continent left intact after a comet hits.

So the next question is how do your characters (hero's and villians) fit into this world? what are their plans? and during their plans what random actions could occur to complex their plans?

Are they just trying to escape? are they trying to find something that is lost or hidden? are they searching for a person or alien?

I as all these questions and mention these points as they are of use, because afterall your characters might be sucked through some interdimensional portal from a more advanced world.

Or they could awake in a post apocolyptic environment after a solar flare bombarded the planet and changed peoples superpositioning on a quantum level.

I'm sure you can think of something more imaginative :D
Well my story is that Ekon a boy from this reality along witht an ecentric prof. ends up in an Alternate Africa. He finds out that, he is actually from this Alternate Africa and that he is the true king. His cousin Tau has taken over. He killed Ekon's father and older brother and exhiled his mother. Now it is up to Ekon to save a kingdome as well as all of Africa because Tau has the plans of taking all of the continent.
You could invent a whole Tribal ritual that transposes a person through dimension, Have Ekon sent from the alternate with such a ritual done by the witchdoctor/priest as a method of exiling.

To get him back he has to go through the same ritual in this reality, but he needs some charm from his reality to get him back there. (A neckless or something that would signify his heirarchy.)
Put him in the Bermuda Triangle. Research a little on the Phildeliphia experiment and set up something simular.
You could even weave in a little about discovering some supposed ancient civilization like Atlantis and discover a working one way connection. Save discovering how to reverse it for some other novel if it does well...
How about this?

You could explain how all the different levels of the multiverse are connected through the super subatomic quantum foam that produces billions of wormholes for every atom. Each wormhole is then connected to another atom in another part of the multiverse.
Traveling through this wormhole would require nothing more than a deep meditative state under certain circumstances to travel your consciousness to your body in a parelel dimension in which you already share an existence with, but cannot occupy an awareness at the same moment in spacetime.
It's similar to the TV show Sliders, except that the character would be traveling mentally, not physically.

Or, your character could chase a white rabbit and fall down a rabbit hole.
Good luck