America in the bible

Revelation 13 is the crazy Bible interpreters
013:011 And I beheld another beast (The Bible interpreters)coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns(iggnorance and arrogance) like a lamb, (a believer in God - a lamb)and he spake as a dragon(Satan, lies mixed with truth, as from the begining). 12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast(Satan) before him, (God has Judged these people, who claim to know God.. They recognized the false prophet Satan sent. )

Rev 18
018:010 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come. (Baghdad was a truely mighty city.)
018:011 And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more: (Cry... no more oil)
018:012 The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble, (The US is not a main produce of these... I don't think we produce any ivory, let alone a vessel of ivory:D)
018:013 And cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men. (We don't have slaves anymore either)
Also, many many people would argue with you that the US has the greatest city in the world.

(This war) is not God's Will. God's Will is for everyone to be saved and anyone to perish.
Except when he instructs people to kill... or assists them in the killing

Have you seen those cases of child abuse by priests in the United States? There you go, an evidence.
You pick any religion, and it contains people who do bad things. This is like saying black people are bad because one stole my bike when I was 5. It's over generalizing and insulting to people who actually think.
Who is able to make war with the beast, who is like the beast?

This refers to the State power or beast description of the US

During the comming tribulation no one will be able to buy or sell, literal may mean one thing, but spiritually that is the boycott the Harlot system churches will impose on teaching the truth, the revealed word of God that exposes them for what they are.

Those deceived by this system have already taken this mark...
Forehead types revelation......Hand type fellowship. see

In the spiritual sence it's already happening,

The mark as Cain had, He knew what God wanted, the truth but turned and did the other thing.
And was cast out of the presense of God.
So are these churches for rejecting His truth and chosing their creeds over Him who is the Word of God.
This is what Rev. 18 is describing, and to reject Him, He had to be here in His fullness......Read Rev 18:1...It's Him, the Son of Man, being revealed from heaven.

This has already happened, and they knew it not......

Based upon what, specifically, do any of you identify anything in the Bible as referring to the U.S.?

I mean seriously, there is not a single specific, identifiable reference here to the U.S. you're making this shit up or believing the shit someone else make up.

It's hip deep with crap in here. Luckily, I've got my waders on.

Originally posted by Persol
Rev 18
018:010 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come. (Baghdad was a truely mighty city.)
018:011 And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more: (Cry... no more oil)
018:012 The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble, (The US is not a main produce of these... I don't think we produce any ivory, let alone a vessel of ivory:D)
018:013 And cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men. (We don't have slaves anymore either)
Also, many many people would argue with you that the US has the greatest city in the world.

Persol, I am agreeing with you here. While the current "Pax Americana" ideology of our goverment concerns me. We are not the Babylon discussed in the Bible.:eek:
Thanks Sans... it's nice to have some rational backup. Even if we do disagree on other points:D
Your both right.
We "America" are NOT the babylon in Rev 13 or anywhere else.

Babylon is the Church, the Organized Religions that represent false christianity.

It is really amazing to me that people can not see this once it's clearly pointed out to them. It truely is hidden from the eyes of the "wise".

The America in Rev. 13 is the reference to the Image to the beast.

The first beast was Rome, a political power.

The Image to the beast is the American political power that WILL unite with the religious power.

They are two seperate things, Civil and Ecclesiastical powers.
Babylon is the Church, the Organized Religions that represent false christianity.
Oh, so I can buy vessels of ivory at my local Organized Religion?
Originally posted by TheVisitor

Those deceived by this system have already taken this mark...
Forehead types revelation......Hand type fellowship. T/B]

I do not agree with this........This is an actual physical mark
The Greek: 5480 charagma khar'-ag-mah from the same as 5482; a scratch or etching, i.e. stamp (as a badge of servitude), or scupltured figure (statue):--graven, mark.
The Greek here does not say it is some unseen mark.
Originally posted by TheVisitor

The America in Rev. 13 is the reference to the Image to the beast.

The first beast was Rome, a political power.

The Image to the beast is the American political power that WILL unite with the religious power.[/B]

While I agree with a lot of the things you have said about the interpretations of scripture, I disagree with what you are saying here.
I do not see America as the political POWER of the world uniting with religious power to become the beast...........Scripture does not support it nor does the current political presence..........If you truly look at the political lineups of the world America is not in the big scheme of things as much as it seems to be on the surface. America is not the New World Order........wait and see........
i guess the fun part of the bible is that it can be interpretted to suit ANY purpose. while i don't agree with those, have fun with it. it's like horoscopes!
I don't think so. It is quite hard to fit anything there. The descriptions are way too narrowed...
America is alway 13, 13 stars, 13 stipes, 13 original colonies.
It is the nation with the two horn like a lamb (lamb - christ, America has alway been considered to be the Christian nation.
This is the political (civil) power that will support the Harlot. Just as Rome once did to the Catholic Church.

Babylon the Great, Mother of Harlots, and Abominations is Catholic and protestant.
The mark today is spiritual, I never said during the Tribulation it may not manifest into a physical mark.

The carnal mind can't see the types in the spiritual.

God has supernaturally blinded the ones with this demonational christian mark of the beast in this day, just as he did to the Jews at the coming of Jesus in their day

Not every one will see this, God made it that way.
This is what defines who has the mark of the beast, or the seal of god.
The ones that have it are the ones that are deceived by the Catholic church and other denominations...? Or is it also unbelievers in general? I'm not sure about those things, since Catholics did accept Jesus in their hearts. Although they have pretty wrong ideas, I believe they are still saved...:eek:

PS: I'm not in any of the denominations, I'm just a Christian. Not "Catholic Christian" or "Protestant" or whatever. Just so that you understand my point of view...:eek:
Catholics did accept Jesus in their hearts

There are good people in there, but, think about the words you just used,....... thats how they are deceived, by words.

"Catholics did accept Jesus" you said....., no, they accepted what the Catholic church is portraying to them as Jesus.

Jesus Christ is the Word.
Thats every word in the bible made manifest.
If they teach for example "days of miracles is past" or "what the pope says overides the scriptures....see thats not the word.

So thats not Jesus. It's "another gosphel".
They are worshiping Satan, who's ministers can transform themselves into an angel of light, thinking they are accepting Jesus. Thats been Satan's plan all along ...To be worshiped as God. Not "A" god....As the God of Heaven, impersonating Christ.

If it's not the Word - add none or take none away, it's not Jesus.....Get it?

I just used Catholics as an example, this goes for Protestants too. This is the the "mystery" of babylon the great mother of harlots, in Rev. 17, that is a mystery no more in Rev. 18, because something happened.
What has happened...?

In Rev. 18:1 another angel comes down, and the earth is "lightened" with his glory. Illuminnated, with revelation, thats the "glory" the earth is lightened with.......This has happened.

It is the revelation of the Son of Man (Jesus Christ) from heaven today.......Rev10:1-7 Rev. 18:1-4

When they reject Him, he rejects, and judges them...Rev 18:1-3
Then (Christ) calls His people out. Rev. 18:4...This is happening now.
A type of the exodus, moses takes them out...God thru him says "Let my people go" they ( these church systems) are also a type of spiritual Egypt, and Sodom.
Joshua takes them in.....Joshua is a type of Jesus Christ's ministry today.

Caught up to meet Him, ..and He is the Word.
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Yes I do. But what about Galatians? They had "another gospel" too... Paul sent that letter to them for this very reason....

But I do understand what you are saying... and no, I'm not deceived by that "church". I actually know what youa re talking about and I already even posted somewhere about it in sciforums... :)
Now take this drama, this beautiful step futher.

Satan has his bride, the Harlot system deceived thinking he is god.

Jesus Christ comes as promised revealed from heaven as the son of man. It's a private catching away...for only a small group, His elect.....His bride. He comes as a thief in the night, and He's here with only those He reveals Himself to seeing it.
This is in the scripture.

The big false church system is still expecting Christ to come...any day. Satan is impersonating Christ already and has them "looking" for the wrong thing.

When the big event they have been waiting for happens, it will be a big show, fire coming down in the sight of men, signs and wonders, and he will say: I'm here....

It will be Satan impersonating God, fulfilling the mis-interpreted prophcies He mis-qouted to them in the first place.

The real second coming of Jesus Christ is already happening now. It happens first, quietly calling out the names of His elect from the false system, and making them ready to go.
His Bride hath made herself ready.
Originally posted by TheVisitor
America is alway 13, 13 stars, 13 stipes, 13 original colonies.
Come on now... you can do better then that. Those three things you list are all cause by the number of colonies. It it had been 14 original colonies it would have been 14 stars/stripes. But guess what, America isn't always 13... now it's 50. You can not pull out 1 number and say 'America is alway 13'. (Well you can do that, but it's kinda stupid)
Come now. Revelation prophecies are quite preposterous. They were written in a time of superstitions and Pantheism to scare people, not that the Romans didn't do that anyway. Early believers were just as deluded as today's believers. And what's up with this 'chosen few'? 6 billion people on the planet and only 144,000 get 'lucky' to gain everlasting life? Preposterous.

The real second coming of Jesus Christ is already happening now. It happens first, quietly calling out the names of His elect from the false system, and making them ready to go.
Ummm... that would explain this...:

Luke 17:20-21
"20 Now having been questioned by the Pharisees as to when the kingdom of God was coming, He answered them and said, "The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed;
21 nor will they say, 'Look, here it is!' or, 'There it is!' For behold, the kingdom of God is in your midst."

But this still sounds like works...
What about those that are not in the false system, like me...?:confused:

I don't think there will be only 144000. This number is written in the beginning of Revelation and what it seems from the end of the Book is that many more will be saved...