If you mean 'how could I prove it?' then I have no idea. I haven't been arguing it exist, just that we don't know it doesn't and that we shouldn't make assumptions.Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
how could your proof the existence of 'soul'.
If you mean 'how could I prove it?' then I have no idea. I haven't been arguing it exist, just that we don't know it doesn't and that we shouldn't make assumptions.Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
how could your proof the existence of 'soul'.
Perhaps you would like to show us your proof of this. It is an irrational prejudice an no more. The jury is out. Better brains than ours have been and still are working on this with no success yet.Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
Emotions are simply impulse of different pathways in the brain and the use of different endorphins. Pain, pleasure, happiness, angry, frustration, depression are link directly to specific sections of the brain and levels of specific endorphin uses. So no there is no magical soul making us who we are... there is only a physical soul made of neurons, dendrites and axons.
Originally posted by Canute
If you mean 'how could I prove it?' then I have no idea. I haven't been arguing it exist, just that we don't know it doesn't and that we shouldn't make assumptions.
I agree, although we can't prove it yet. We seem to also agree that animals are conscious of emotions and desires.Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
No there is no different between humans and animal, if you mean to say that human have a distinct group of characteristics that no other animal has combined then you are correct. Humans have advance and complex language, advance cognitive skills and opposable thumbs, beside that we act and think like animals, we have the same emotions, desires and impulses as animals, we may have some distinct abilities that have allowed us to conquer the world for are own selfish greedy animals disires, but when it comes down to it we are nothing but talking monkeys!
Of course it does.Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
Ants also have a distinct group of characteristics that combined no other animal has... does that make them "special"?
Originally posted by DrNeroCF
did atoms not exist before the microscope?
Did I say it did?Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
and how does that makes us special, does that give us a soul?
Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
actually no...the microscope was invented long before the atom theory was postulated if I am not totally mistaken.
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
Atoms existed before the microscope because theory predicted they existed base off evidence.
Originally posted by DrNeroCF
well, it seems like a soul isn't a physical structure, and probably isn't some magical thing...what about being a term? the essence of man, so to say...not so much as a soul is what makes us different, but what makes us different is dubbed our soul
Yes, this is the classic circular argument. Things that are not scientific are not science, and things that are not science are not scientific. This of course means that everything that exists is scientifically observable and scientifically explicable, I don't think. It's an old argument, attempted in dozens of ways, and it doesn't wash. If you look the the fallacy is obvious.Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
I am assuming that you know perfectly well that things do not exist in science if they cannot be shown to exist in some scientific manner, be it directly or indirectly. We can therefore make the assumption that it doesn't exist, since it doesn't fall into the realm of the natural world...apparently.