Antimatter Universe


Staff member
Since we should have same amout of antimatter as matter when the universe was created, is it possible that the antimatter universe is 90 degree out of phase in Time dimension?

Just a thought....
Slight inbalance in matter/antimatter ratio

Hi kmguru,

From a logical point of view, there would need to be an equal amount of matter and antimatter in the universe. We're just lucky this inbalance is slightly disturbed, because otherwise all matter would have been annihilated somewhere around 300.000 years after the big bang, and we wouldn't be here to talk about it.

The reason why the balance between matter and antimatter is disturbed, is because nature doesn't seem to follow the rules we have deduced in the theories of elementary particles. There are several symmetries we found in nature (for this discussion the relevant ones are the C, P and T symmetries), and nature seems to have a slight preference for matter over antimatter. This is called the C (Charge) violation.

The exact reason why this symmetry is broken is unknown to me (I don't think there is a physical explanation for it yet, in mathematics it works out nice).


Originally posted by kmguru
Since we should have same amout of antimatter as matter when the universe was created, is it possible that the antimatter universe is 90 degree out of phase in Time dimension?

Just a thought....
And a very nice thought it was, though I haven't a bloody clue what it means. D'you write for Star Trek, by any chance?
Hey rde, Here is something I picked up from my reference directory: pretty interesting, huh...and no I do not write for Star Trek. My feet is on the ground on Knowledge Management issues. One of these days, I will really get into space, which like every other human, intrigues me. This forum helps me to keep in touch a little...until...

'Antimatter factory' starts work

The Antiproton Decelerator (AD2) slows particles to a "leisurely pace"

Scientists at Europe's biggest high-energy physics laboratory have built an "antimatter factory" to study why the world is made of matter, not its mirror image.

The experiment at Cern, in Geneva, aims to produce antiatoms, and to slow them down long enough to conduct experiments on them.

It is hoped the results will explain why the world is made of matter rather than antimatter - which only occurs naturally in cosmic ray collisions.

Scientists have been puzzling for years over the disappearance of antimatter, as the Big Bang should have created the same amount of matter and antimatter, and in principle the two should have wiped each other out.

Search for a difference
The experiment will be looking closely for any difference between antimatter and matter to explain the asymmtery.

A spokesman for one of three antimatter projects at Cern, Rolf Landua, said: "We are looking at how the Universe would look if it was made out of antimatter. Would there be the slightest difference between our Universe and the Universe of antiatoms?"

Even a minute difference could explain why the world is made of matter, and why antimatter disappeared.

The antimatter factory cost $11.5 million to build, and consists of a circular concrete box containing a ring of high-tech magnets.

It slows antiprotons, the antimatter equivalent of the proton, down to what Cern describes as a "leisurely pace" - one tenth of the speed of light.

After trapping the antiprotons, the scientists mix them with positrons, the antimatter equivalent of the electron, to produce antihydrogen.

Precision technology
Cern succeeded in creating nine antihydrogen atoms in 1996, but they disappeared almost instantly.

"These antiprotons are an unruly bunch," said Cern spokesman Neil Calder. "They disappear the moment they touch matter.

This is the first time we'll be able to study in great precision the behaviour of antihydrogen and poke around with it because now we have the technology to hold the antihydrogen in place to study it. That's the breakthrough."

Cern hopes to have the first antihydrogen atoms by the end of 2000, and to have analysed some of the results by the end of 2002.

Two other projects on antimatter, at Stanford in California, and at a Japanese national laboratory, presented initial results last week.

Those projects do not aim to build antiatoms, but to compare the decay of antiparticles with the decay of normal particles.

Uh, oh.......... kmguru is the next Backslash777.......... Ok kmguru atart talking like this now: We are kmguru........ And i'll start talking like this: Yes all knowing exalted beautiful one........ Hehehheehehh........ Just messing around. Though kmguru is pretty worldly and cultured.:D ;) :cool:
I just replied to backslash in the "breast" topic. Can somebody explain to me what do you mean follower to backslash? I thought somebody is imitating his version of computer talk that is imitating a human that is imitating a computer and posting the stuff....

It sounds fun, and we are here to have fun...