Any people with real psychic/paraphysical abilities here?

Prior to waking up this morning i dreamt about making a loan payment at my bank. Wouldn't you know it, I'd forgotten all about my monthly payment up until that point. Although delinquent, I went in this aft and paid it.

Holy Cow! I must be psychic or something!!
I think a good comedian is psychic. How does a comic, once he starts his act, know what his/her audience will laugh at? Is it an inborn sense of recognizing the mood of the people watching or is it just experience?

However most comics cannot change from their routine and if in the wrong environment they will be awful. A good comic can change in midstream but is it psychic?
I think a good comedian is psychic. How does a comic, once he starts his act, know what his/her audience will laugh at? Is it an inborn sense of recognizing the mood of the people watching or is it just experience?

However most comics cannot change from their routine and if in the wrong environment they will be awful. A good comic can change in midstream but is it psychic?

Nope, it's called "reading your audience" and being able to switch gears when needed.

In fact, I had a go at it myself for a few weeks and did quite well. You just have to be able to tell what the audience is responding to and having several other types of lines you can jump to without making it apparent you're doing a switch. For example, you can change from talking about plane trips to cruise line jokes - since both involve travel - very smoothly. But leaping from bar room stories to ones about driving is awkward and difficult.

And I'm FAR from being psychic.:D

(Incidentally, though it worked out really well, I gave it up because I'm not the type that craves that much attention - it got old for me being center stage all the time.)
Nope, it's called "reading your audience" and being able to switch gears when needed.

Thanks, I was hoping someone would say that. You've describe psychic as I've always thought it was. Don't you think that seers who claim to be psychic are not reading a person's future but the person?
Well, looks like bluemommaphish missed out on week 2 of the experiment. I'll stop it here under the assumption that week 3 would suffer the same fate.

To summarize the results:

Week 1: The official word was "snot", bluemommaphish made 3 guesses instead of one and they were all incorrect.

Pre-week 1: The unofficial word was "tuna" and bluemommaphish made 1 guess and was incorrect.

All in all, it was a 100% failure rate. No psychic ability.
Thanks, I was hoping someone would say that. You've describe psychic as I've always thought it was. Don't you think that seers who claim to be psychic are not reading a person's future but the person?

Yes, they are doing the exact same thing. The best "seers" know how to watch the "client's" reaction to what they say. They can tell if they are on a good or bad train of thought by watching facial expresions and other forms of body English.

They start out with very broad and vague terms that would fit just about everyone (the way horoscope writers do) and then narrow it down just a little based on the feedback they get.;)
Hey look it's the three big boys without avatars !!

Unfortunately you guys like to fish around the sea being the skeptic sort of people you are... and forget to think that maybe for 3 seconds the reality of psychic events and things is not able to be taken a shit on as you do here.
There is one thread that would prove my point but you are too excited already even reading this that the nature of psychic phenomonon is non existent and total bullshit even. Well it isn't, and something like reading what I will ask you to would push this threads ignorant claims along a little bit possibly.

Read what is in this link, as this link is held in complete confidence by its author.
Also I ask you to post in the thread if you feel like it.
Also I ask you to consider that if the author thinks that he is in complete confidence in what he is saying then do you think he is entirely delusional and such and you feel confident in labling him this way?
Well all it takes is minimal study as asked to do by me.

As a further shot at you guys' bullshit I will post his very own words for you guys to read. And of course you can laugh all you wish but you are all very wrong and full of it... or even worse...

It is not sciences fault that current theory seems so adequate in what it acheives and how it appears to be correct. If I didn't have the expereinces and the knowledge I am priviledge to have, I would not be here pushing a barrow about the issues Sisyphus has mentioned in the OP.

I know for example that time must be absolute in the present moment and I know with out doubt the reality of zero dimensionalism. However to get this experience accepted as of value to science is extremely difficult and sometmes it is worth asking yourself, "Should science be privy to the truth about zero dimensionalism?"
As mentioned in the "distance with out time" thread knowing the science of zero point theory allows the ability to vapourise entire planets and worse. So I am vexed as to what to get into or not.

In some ways it is good karma or destiny to allow nature to determine when and what to say and this is why some of my posts have been so radical and disjointed. Trying to pick the moment is difficult.
Also I am aware that my posts are being monitored and I am concerned that this may be detrimental to the future although I realise that this is more paranoia or should I say being a little over cautious.

When I first arrived at sciforums a few years ago I entered with the issue of photon theory being incorrectly interpreted. I stated that I believe Alberts inspiration has been adulterated not only by Albert for the sake of acceptance by the 1900's scientific community but also since then by so many aspiring physicist. The truth about his inspiration is now lost to the confusion of ego and politics. IMO.

Some people have accused me of egotistical behaviour, that I am arrogant and have a false claim to superiority. I am sorry but when it comes to the job at hand ego is a luxury I can not afford. If I worried about ego and how ridicule may effect my approach then I am doomed to ineffectiveness as a student, teacher, healer and human person.

Photon theory is only half correct it has a simple interpretation error that when fixed allows all the data collected so far to still remain correct. Zero point thoery provides a significant alternative to current thinking with out invalidating exsting data on 'c' and on mass, gravity and inertia. It is in the interpretation of 'c' that is the cusp of sciences dead end.

This I am entirely confident of.

It provides a mechanism for the existance of universal constants which has been it's focus.
So why do I not publish the bugger and be done with it?

To publish a TOE that includes self- animated life forms consciouness, unconsciousness is extremely hard specially when it seems to fly in the face of sigificant pre-conceptions and frankly my energies are devoted to more important issues. Such as staying alive through extremely difficult times. To me it is a do or die situation and has been for nearly 18 years.
So excuse me for teasing you all with bits and pieces but I need to learn how to communicate these sorts of dynamic things in a way that doesn't raise hysteria and flaming.

So I publish a bit here and a bit there and test the water so to speak. So far things have improved remarkably from the early days [ JamesR and Pete may recall those days - ha remember MacM?] and of course I have learned so much about conventional ideology as well so that puting things in a better perspective is possible.

Incredibly even though SRT is very wrong it has inadvertantly saved all our butts so to speak, so destiny plays even a greater irony.
The main problem is in the details of what to reveal without creating massive problems. "Is mankind ready for a stargate?" and "the knowledge of how to vapourise a planet?" "Is it ready for the truth about telepathy and other psychic pheno?"

The key to it all is actually so simple that scientists all over are going to kick them selves for not seeing it earlier. ahh but for preconceptions as Sisyphus would say... Have science already found the key...possibly but will it use it? The quantum mind disc described in the Challenge thread indicates that they have access to the technology but do they know how it works? [hmmmm I tend to think not]

But enough unsupportable claims....just an attempt to explain why it is difficult to give myself credibility given the nature of what this credibility would create.
Until I am satisfied that the knowledge is containable and secure from corrupt use I shall not release it. This will only occur when I have finished the need to run such a strenuous life regiem of do or die...all or nothing...asceticism and my main mission is completed. Only then will all the truths come out and be revealed for the first time.

the thread for this is
Good luck science, as full of shit as you are..
Mind reading, Telekenesis,... you get the point. If you do,
would you be able to prove it to me? I am not trying to bait you for a flame and I am genuinely serious about the request.

Thanks folks,


I believe spiritually sensitive people sometimes think that everyone else is reading them.

They may be reading others spirits without being fully aware of it.
Unfortunately you guys like to fish around the sea being the skeptic sort of people you are... and forget to think that maybe for 3 seconds the reality of psychic events and things is not able to be taken a shit on as you do here.
There is one thread that would prove my point but you are too excited already even reading this that the nature of psychic phenomonon is non existent and total bullshit even. Well it isn't, and something like reading what I will ask you to would push this threads ignorant claims along a little bit possibly.

Read what is in this link, as this link is held in complete confidence by its author.

OK, I read it all. Sorry, but you and that jerk are both living in a fantasy world.

No one - and I repeat NO ONE! - has ever shown any proof of psychic claims.

It's pure utter nonsense (and some showmanship by a few out to get foolish people's money).
OK, I read it all. Sorry, but you and that jerk are both living in a fantasy world.

No one - and I repeat NO ONE! - has ever shown any proof of psychic claims.

It's pure utter nonsense (and some showmanship by a few out to get foolish people's money).

OK, I read it all. Sorry, but you and that paper are both twisted as one side is right and the other is not.

No one - and I repeate NO ONE! - has ever commented positively OR negitively on the link presented, or the commentary presented in my post.

It's pure nonsense (and a total show of disrespect for a party instead of respect for the party and disrespect for the ideas).

Mockery and criticial thought I swear!
OK, I read it all. Sorry, but you and that paper are both twisted as one side is right and the other is not.

No one - and I repeate NO ONE! - has ever commented positively OR negitively on the link presented, or the commentary presented in my post.

It's pure nonsense (and a total show of disrespect for a party instead of respect for the party and disrespect for the ideas).

Mockery and criticial thought I swear!

Wrong! It's disrespect for BOTH the idea AND the one proposing the idiotic idea.

If someone speaks foolishness then the speaker IS a fool - get it??:bugeye:
Wrong! It's disrespect for BOTH the idea AND the one proposing the idiotic idea.

If someone speaks foolishness then the speaker IS a fool - get it??:bugeye:

Yes "Read" of course I "get it". Someone is a fool if they want to argue something - one of the most foolish things I have ever heard in my life !! :bugeye:

Of course though holding disrespect like your patheticness does for the idea will never be able to see the intellectual quality of the idea (I have won my first debate) presented in that thread I showed you. Will never comment on it. Will never direct one point from the section of text I have shown you.

Yes "Read" of course I "get it". Someone is a fool if they want to argue something - one of the most foolish things I have ever heard in my life !! :bugeye:

Of course though holding disrespect like your patheticness does for the idea will never be able to see the intellectual quality of the idea (I have won my first debate) presented in that thread I showed you. Will never comment on it. Will never direct one point from the section of text I have shown you.


Why should I bother addressing idiotic points? :shrug: That's nothing but a waste of time and effort.

If you really want any of us to buy into this junk show some REAL evidence - not just some woo-woo running off at the mouth. Anyone can do that.
"Anyone" can also say something like this:

If you and the rest of the world refuses to comment on what you are refusing to comment on at the moment then you are passing by the actual proof of the psychic claims.

Of course you will not address any of them and instead of asking you to do you think I should start a thread with this "evidence" that no one has ever refuted? I believe QQ is not an idiot or woo woo but has something genuine to say about what "psychic" is.
"Anyone" can also say something like this:

If you and the rest of the world refuses to comment on what you are refusing to comment on at the moment then you are passing by the actual proof of the psychic claims.

Of course you will not address any of them and instead of asking you to do you think I should start a thread with this "evidence" that no one has ever refuted? I believe QQ is not an idiot or woo woo but has something genuine to say about what "psychic" is.

Exactly WHAT actual proof have I passed by? Neither you nor anyone else has ever shown any!!!!:bugeye:
And so you call that a reason there is no proof.

How insane.

You won't read it fine? I dont' care. Just telling you.
I am sure you'd like me to make a nice big post which i could do i may add . But I'm not.
What he said infact his very first sentence is probably a very good one. Every paragraph in his thing was good. When he talks about the photon that was good. He isn't just some woo woo obviously and it's a bid deal to me.

So , I don't really care how yout hink about it, so long as you DO NOT THINK ABOT IT. Or you DO think about it.

And in every case it is a win win for me, seeing how you post.

Then again according to youe verything I type is nonsense. So. There's nothing to discuss or some load of rot. "Yes that is true" you say when actually it is bullshit. The reason there is a such thing as "parapsychology" is so that it can be discussed and saying there is no evidence is like saying ther eis no moon. You really don't get it do you. YO NEVER WILL.

Until it is proven to you and then you won't be the laughing person anymore.