Any people with real psychic/paraphysical abilities here?

Originally Posted by Oli
Meh, I know for a fact that there's more on this "sixth sense"* - you know, when you realise that someone's staring at you behind your back, and that sort of stuff.
But I'm buggered if I can remember which books it's in or get the correct terms to Google it.
Give me time...

* I mean actual scientific studies, not the woo woo "It's your third eye" type crap.

As in... 10 people seperated in a room.... an i can stare at 1 of 'em thru a peep-hole in the wall an wit ther Sixth-sinse they can tell if ther the 1 bein stared at.???

If the esample above is what you'r talkin about id like to see a scientific study that shows people have a sixth sinse to be able to know if somone is starin at 'em thu a peep-hole.!!!
You mean by detecting differences in air pressure, differences in how the local wildlife is responding to the surroundings, etc.? If so, yep... but at the same time there is nothing psychic about it. It's all normal stimulus.
No, I'm talking about a direct line-of-sight ray of small particles that is emitted from the eye during a stare. It sounds a bit ludicrous, I know, but we must remember that gravity particles and gravity waves have not been detected, yet we know that they must exist. Humanity has not yet reached Nature's smallest scale just yet and it may be some time before we do. It should be remembered that "science doesn't know everything".

BTW I've seen televised experiments into this where there was a positive result, but because it was from only one person (who had a nervous disposition) the overall conclusion was that the phenomenon was an illusion.
Why do you asume that these "small-particles" esist.???
I don't believe in Einstein's picture of space-time. I believe that everything can be thought of as particles or radiation. It's only a matter of time before the mainstream view will be overhauled, in my opinion. If an experiment showed that ESP did occur in some people, how else could it be explained? I even believe that people can detect the stare of Bigfoots etc!
I don't believe in Einstein's picture of space-time. I believe that everything can be thought of as particles or radiation. It's only a matter of time before the mainstream view will be overhauled, in my opinion. If an experiment showed that ESP did occur in some people, how else could it be explained? I even believe that people can detect the stare of Bigfoots etc!

Why do you beleive that people can detect when they are bein stared at.???
No, I'm talking about a direct line-of-sight ray of small particles that is emitted from the eye during a stare. It sounds a bit ludicrous, I know, but we must remember that gravity particles and gravity waves have not been detected, yet we know that they must exist. Humanity has not yet reached Nature's smallest scale just yet and it may be some time before we do. It should be remembered that "science doesn't know everything".

BTW I've seen televised experiments into this where there was a positive result, but because it was from only one person (who had a nervous disposition) the overall conclusion was that the phenomenon was an illusion.

There are no cells in the human eye that perform any such function but are you saying that you can demonstrate this nonetheless?
Why do you beleive that people can detect when they are bein stared at.???
From personal experience of course. I don't particularily notice much anymore, I don't bother thinking about it either. My barber was talking about it a few months ago; he believes that only certain people can subconciously notice though.

There are no cells in the human eye that perform any such function but are you saying that you can demonstrate this nonetheless?
It doesn't lend itself to a laboratory experiment on an individual. The experiment I saw was a group of people staring through a two-way mirror at a group of people queuing to enter the inner door of a theatre. The only person who obviously reacted, by keeping turning to look at the mirror in a quizical way, was a lady who was on her own. The experimenter was a former magician who had preconceived pessismism and dismissed the result under some duress.
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Why do you beleive that people can detect when they are bein stared at.???

Do you thank people can be fooled by what they thank they are personaly esperiencin.???
Of course it's possible. Maybe if the phenomenon was accepted by science there would be a spike in the number of people experiencing delusional effects, I don't know. The evidence doesn't particularily support the idea or dismiss it. Straight scientists wouldn't risk their reputation on a serious high budget experiment though. They wouldn't be able to accept a positive result, so therefore it would be a biassed experiment even if one was commissioned.
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Do you thank people can be fooled by what they thank they are personaly esperiencin.???

Of course it's possible.

Straight scientists wouldn't risk their reputation on a serious high budget experiment though. They wouldn't be able to accept a positive result, so therefore it would be a biassed experiment even if one was commissioned.

How bout this for a serous near-zero cost scientificaly accurate esperiment you coud preform you'rself:::

You go set in a room wit you'r bak to a 2-way mirror (or peep-hole)... in the other room ther may or may not be a person in ther starin at you... half the time ther will be somone starin at you an half the time the room will be empty (it will be the persons choise which times they enter the room)... an this person will be a beleiver that somone can detect when they are bein stared at... out of 10 such tests... what percentage of the time do you thank you will be able to detect if you are bein stared at or not.???
From personal experience of course. I don't particularily notice much anymore, I don't bother thinking about it either. My barber was talking about it a few months ago; he believes that only certain people can subconciously notice though.

It doesn't lend itself to a laboratory experiment on an individual. The experiment I saw was a group of people staring through a two-way mirror at a group of people queuing to enter the inner door of a theatre. The only person who obviously reacted, by keeping turning to look at the mirror in a quizical way, was a lady who was on her own. The experimenter was a former magician who had preconceived pessismism and dismissed the result under some duress.

Two-way mirrors have a distinct look to them (i.e. they are easily recognizable as two-way). A more convincing experiment would be to have a group of people (in the dark) stare at a movie theater audience from behind a window near the projector.
Things I say have a tendency to happen, so maybe I should just shut up, but then again, I can't.
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Do you thank people can be fooled by what they thank they are personaly esperiencin.???

How bout this for a serous near-zero cost scientificaly accurate esperiment you coud preform you'rself:::

You go set in a room wit you'r bak to a 2-way mirror (or peep-hole)... in the other room ther may or may not be a person in ther starin at you... half the time ther will be somone starin at you an half the time the room will be empty (it will be the persons choise which times they enter the room)... an this person will be a beleiver that somone can detect when they are bein stared at... out of 10 such tests... what percentage of the time do you thank you will be able to detect if you are bein stared at or not.???
This may sound like a cop-out, but I wouldn't be interested in doing the experiment. The mechanism is very subtle and requires a state of ignorance from the rest of the mind. Otherwise you will begin to fool yourself into thinking something is happening when it is not. It's similar to beginner's luck (which I experience a lot), if you have no experience for your logical mind to think about, then you react to the other basic feelings of the body.
This may sound like a cop-out, but I wouldn't be interested in doing the experiment. The mechanism is very subtle and requires a state of ignorance from the rest of the mind. Otherwise you will begin to fool yourself into thinking something is happening when it is not. It's similar to beginner's luck (which I experience a lot), if you have no experience for your logical mind to think about, then you react to the other basic feelings of the body.
I'll second your assessment here CSS.
basically knowledge of what you are doing cancels out the ability to do it. There is a big difference between acting instinctively /reflexively and deliberately and with volition. The mere deliberateness changes the intent thus the sensation. So if you think you can get away with it you probably wont but if you think you can't but go ahead any way [ pot luck] you have a better chance of sucecss.
In a philosophical sense it is akin to the following analogy:
"A unlocked safe door that locks when you attempt to open it"

The mere attempt to open the door locks it.
I'll second your assessment here CSS.
basically knowledge of what you are doing cancels out the ability to do it. There is a big difference between acting instinctively /reflexively and deliberately and with volition. The mere deliberateness changes the intent thus the sensation. So if you think you can get away with it you probably wont but if you think you can't but go ahead any way [ pot luck] you have a better chance of sucecss.
In a philosophical sense it is akin to the following analogy:
"A unlocked safe door that locks when you attempt to open it"

The mere attempt to open the door locks it.
Thanks. :)
Things I say have a tendency to happen, so maybe I should just shut up, but then again, I can't.

O reallly... then say you'r gonna shut up an see what hapens.!!!

I did, moron.

Good for you... sinse what you said didnt com true mayb you have broken that ugly affliction of what ever you say tendin to hapen.!!!

I suspect it was my prayers that helped but no need to thank me :)

The evidence doesn't particularily support the idea or dismiss it.

What is the bes evidence you know of that suports the idea.???

Straight scientists wouldn't risk their reputation on a serious high budget experiment though.

Give me a general outline of a proper esperiment.???