Anyone can read the Bible. - Really?

It is not often that I get stumped, but this time you win.:shrug:

Naked Man on the Mountain is a stone representation on the side of a mountain in Greece I think . A town some where. Where they have maintained the stone imagery for over a thousand years . It is a ritual the town folks preform . It is white rocks put together to look like a Man with one big penis hard. It has been there so long and maintained the town folks don't remember why they maintain it .
I can tell you why . It is like the people here have already tried to tell you . If you got the spirit then spit it out . Show your nakedness for as it is written the word will be put in your mouth and there is no need to prepare . Like Moses and Pharaoh and all that happy shit . If you got the spirit then it will pour out of you like water out of the holy cup . Spilled blood so to speak . Your heart will spill the blood .

The 5/3 is the invention of the true cross and me and Lori share that in common. We also share the 7 years of Jubilation too . We are like kissing cousins in that regard . So that is the 3rd. day 5months 7 years . Now go read your bible and you might start to catch on to what the May Day celebrations are all about . Are you unionized ? Join the Rat king and you mix your blood , guts and excrement with us . Trade spit so to speak . You know ? Like the ritual of spitting in your hand and then shaking hands with someone else . The bond of your word
Naked Man on the Mountain is a stone representation on the side of a mountain in Greece I think . A town some where. Where they have maintained the stone imagery for over a thousand years . It is a ritual the town folks preform . It is white rocks put together to look like a Man with one big penis hard. It has been there so long and maintained the town folks don't remember why they maintain it .
I can tell you why . It is like the people here have already tried to tell you . If you got the spirit then spit it out . Show your nakedness for as it is written the word will be put in your mouth and there is no need to prepare . Like Moses and Pharaoh and all that happy shit . If you got the spirit then it will pour out of you like water out of the holy cup . Spilled blood so to speak . Your heart will spill the blood .

The 5/3 is the invention of the true cross and me and Lori share that in common. We also share the 7 years of Jubilation too . We are like kissing cousins in that regard . So that is the 3rd. day 5months 7 years . Now go read your bible and you might start to catch on to what the May Day celebrations are all about . Are you unionized ? Join the Rat king and you mix your blood , guts and excrement with us . Trade spit so to speak . You know ? Like the ritual of spitting in your hand and then shaking hands with someone else . The bond of your word
You are a bit different than most. So I will look out for your postings a bit more to see if I can understand your mysteries.
I on the other hand am a down to earth bloke who doesn't dabble in any form of symbolism. I am more natural.
But I don't throw my pearls in front of pigs for they will eat me up as well. And the pearls will be lost in the crap of the pig pen.
@Rob --

How can one mythological action be dependant on Genesis being a literal account. I was showing how ridiculous his argument was. You saw it.

It's quite simple really. In the Genesis creation myth there is something called the Original Sin, the first sin that cursed the rest of us to forever wallow in sin. Because of this god commanded that a blood sacrifice be given every year to wash away the sins that we committed that year. Jesus supposedly came down from heaven to act as a pure blood sacrifice, one that wouldn't have to be repeated year after year, one sacrifice for all of mankind's sins.

However for all of this to be true, the Original Sin had to take place, and that only happens if we interpret Genesis literally. Of course we can't interpret Genesis literally because all of the evidence we have available shows that it's wrong, literally every piece of evidence. So, no original sin means that no blood sacrifice is necessary, no blood sacrifice means no Jesus, no Jesus means no christianity. Ergo, christianity only makes sense if Genesis is interpreted literally.
@Rob --

It's quite simple really. In the Genesis creation myth there is something called the Original Sin, the first sin that cursed the rest of us to forever wallow in sin. Because of this god commanded that a blood sacrifice be given every year to wash away the sins that we committed that year. Jesus supposedly came down from heaven to act as a pure blood sacrifice, one that wouldn't have to be repeated year after year, one sacrifice for all of mankind's sins.

However for all of this to be true, the Original Sin had to take place, and that only happens if we interpret Genesis literally. Of course we can't interpret Genesis literally because all of the evidence we have available shows that it's wrong, literally every piece of evidence. So, no original sin means that no blood sacrifice is necessary, no blood sacrifice means no Jesus, no Jesus means no christianity. Ergo, christianity only makes sense if Genesis is interpreted literally.
Well we should smash Genesis and write it new, but that does not affect my Christianity. I am not dependant on Genesis being true at all.
You are a bit different than most. So I will look out for your postings a bit more to see if I can understand your mysteries.
I on the other hand am a down to earth bloke who doesn't dabble in any form of symbolism. I am more natural.
But I don't throw my pearls in front of pigs for they will eat me up as well. And the pearls will be lost in the crap of the pig pen.

What do you think the cross is ?
@Rob --

Well we should smash Genesis and write it new, but that does not affect my Christianity.

You might not let it bother you, but you can't say that your religion is logical without addressing this argument.

I am not dependant on Genesis being true at all.

If there is no original sin(and thus no fall from grace) then why did Jesus need to come down to die at all? Either he did need to because of original sin or he didn't need to because Genesis never actually happened, which is it?
hmm..let me try..

i have posted that the story of genesis (adam and eve) to show us that we have the ability to choose,without that temptation we would be Gods robots, not thinking for ourselves and not doing anything until God says so, he set up the apple to show us that we could disobey God and make our own descisions.
Expulsion from Eden as reward, not punishment.

now God did not abandon us at first.he was there giving us advice, but we kept choosing to ignore it, we were testing the limits of our own choices, there are those who like teenagers who do not want to leave home, will do whatever they think they must to return home,(hence the animal sacrifices,and the desire to atone and return to Eden)

God could see this as a distraction from us growing as a species, so he sent us Jesus to show that our sacrifices are no longer needed,that we are forgiven for that original sin (which was not really a sin) so we could get on with our lives and 'grow up' without the distraction of us trying to get back into Eden, IOW we are responsible for creating our own Eden, God sent Jesus to show us that.

hehe..this says God did not create us to worship him, but to make our own way, to take responsibility for our own actions, and quit blaming him because we do not want to grow up.
Well we should smash Genesis and write it new, but that does not affect my Christianity. I am not dependant on Genesis being true at all.
Then you don't really understand Christianity. You may want to study the ancient Hebrew customs and festivals in order to get a handle on where all of this bloody symbolism comes from. (Passover lamb, Lamb of God, etc...)

I'm not saying the parables/teachings of Jesus are not valuable and/or educational. But without a "fall from grace" there is no need for reconcilliation.

Face it, we don't die because of sin. We die (just like every other living creature) because that's the natural order of things.
@NM --

Interesting personal interpretation, of course there's the tiny problem that it still requires that something resembling Genesis occurred, and we know it didn't.
@NM --

Interesting personal interpretation, of course there's the tiny problem that it still requires that something resembling Genesis occurred, and we know it didn't.

that speaks only to the physical aspects of genesis's claims. not the metaphorical aspect.
@NM --

Yes, your belief requires that there was a physical Garden of Eden and a physical Tree of Knowledge for Adam and Eve to eat from. We know that none of those things ever existed.
@NM --

Yes, your belief requires that there was a physical Garden of Eden and a physical Tree of Knowledge for Adam and Eve to eat from. We know that none of those things ever existed.

do you?

or do you just believe that it never existed?

(don't argue apples could not exist in the regions claimed to be the seat of humanity..)
@NM --

There's no way they could have physically existed where the bible locates them. And thanks to evolution we know for a fact, a firmer fact than water being H2O, that there was no Adam or Eve. Beyond that we have a complete lack of any supporting evidence, and while I know that you theists like the old "absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence" canard, but it is when the evidence should be there, and especially when there's conflicting evidence.
@NM --

There's no way they could have physically existed where the bible locates them. And thanks to evolution we know for a fact, a firmer fact than water being H2O, that there was no Adam or Eve. Beyond that we have a complete lack of any supporting evidence, and while I know that you theists like the old "absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence" canard, but it is when the evidence should be there, and especially when there's conflicting evidence.

i won't argue that there was only a single male and a single female as the origin of humanity..that is too hard to comprehend what with incest and all that..and i also won't argue that the bible is correct in its interpretation of the location of the garden of Eden..

i will argue that A&E is an analogy of our origins...of society as a whole..there has to be a start..

as far as Eden goes, science has claimed the southern most tip of africa as a possible location for the seat of humanity..where humans originated from.
but before you go off on a rant..i would also contemplate the possibility of our origins being from space..(one of my more wilder speculations)
Wanna know my metaphor for Genesis? Sure ya do...

One day man realized that he had climbed down out of the trees. He stood up, looked around and said, "Whoa dude! Check it out! We've got opposable thumbs! Look what we can do with a stick!" Of course with this new found intelligence came the realization that all things must die. Including ourselves. And this made man very sad.
@Rob --

It's quite simple really. In the Genesis creation myth there is something called the Original Sin, the first sin that cursed the rest of us to forever wallow in sin. Because of this god commanded that a blood sacrifice be given every year to wash away the sins that we committed that year. Jesus supposedly came down from heaven to act as a pure blood sacrifice, one that wouldn't have to be repeated year after year, one sacrifice for all of mankind's sins.

However for all of this to be true, the Original Sin had to take place, and that only happens if we interpret Genesis literally. Of course we can't interpret Genesis literally because all of the evidence we have available shows that it's wrong, literally every piece of evidence. So, no original sin means that no blood sacrifice is necessary, no blood sacrifice means no Jesus, no Jesus means no christianity. Ergo, christianity only makes sense if Genesis is interpreted literally.

The concept of Original Sin does not come from Genesis. Nor does any blood sacrifice. It's from the New Testament teaching of Paul the Apostle.

Jesus and Genesis don't interact.
Agreed. Paul is the one who tied Jesus back to Adam (and Genesis).

There are several references to Jesus as the Lamb of God. Jesus was the Passover Sacrifice. Etc... But from my understanding, Passover ties back to Exodus and Moses.
Agreed. Paul is the one who tied Jesus back to Adam (and Genesis).

There are several references to Jesus as the Lamb of God. Jesus was the Passover Sacrifice. Etc... But from my understanding, Passover ties back to Exodus and Moses.

that is right . The Exodus is what passover is all about . Moses also laid down the law .