See, if you are in doubt about a person or if you are sure about a person’s shady nature, then obviously you would like to safeguard the most precious possession around you from him, for me those children are very precious and if I see that something or someone can harm them, then I will definitely keep them away. Why we should think that any such safety reference to children would be suggestive of Pedophilic? Dirty mind??
You are terrible really. You raised the children card out of the blue.
Your attempt to sugar coat your behaviour makes your appology worthless.
What words do you atribute to me to justify your vile attempt at slander.
You think I am not what exactly.
What have I said that is any way inconsistent to who I am.
Get over it. You are being silly.
I admit my failings, my inexperience, my desire to learn and yet you have some problem with me... Why because I am prepared to post my face and you are not?
Why because I am prepared to be specific about my career and you are not?
Why because I am prepared to talk openly about my limited experience with the ladies?
Why because I like Paddoboy and the way he takes time to post worthwhile and interesting links?
Why because I am prepared to be open as to how the bank closed its doors on me?
Why because I am open about my age?
Why because I am open about my physical condition?
Why I ask you when I am more open, save Paddoboy, on this forum as to who I am and which part of the world I live, can you give me an answer?
Why when I try to discuss your spagettification do you refuse to look at what I went to the trouble to post?
Why when I try to explain how science works, as limited as I understand, you totaly refuse to see or accept the proposition of best model.
I dont expect you to answer because you are wrong but you will never see that.
As to my education.
I bet you enjoyed a better education than me. I went to public school mostly in country NSW and believe me if you came away knowing how to read and write you were lucky.
I could do leaving certificate chemistry when I was inprimary school but do you think any teacher said now here is a bright lad lets give him some special attention.
When infirst year at high school I taught myself chess, no help from anyone and using pieces of paper withthe pieces hand draw, and beating everyone including all the teachers in high school did anyone say oh he is clever lets give him a little more attention.
I did not go to University full time and had to work 5 and a half days a week.
Did you get it so good.
I had to fight for everything mate.I had to fight the bullies at every new school... You are a bully and I will eat you up. You bullies are all alike.. Gutless truely gutless.
You make me sick you are a pretending phony and you have the hide to talk to me as if you know something, you are full of it.
I know more about cosmology than you ever will because it went hand in hand with my love of astronomy but I dont run around beating my chest and being arrogant saying I know more like you do.
Get down on your hands and knees and beg my forgiveness and the forgivness of this forum that you foul by your discusting defamation.
So know this if you dont beg me and the forum for forgivness your life will be hell I will give you stick everytimes you post.
Mind you I will probably have to stand in line because of your actions I wont be the only on after you.
Think about it mate.
So I hope you had a good day, I must say I was disappointed to see you had been banned for 24 hours.
I hope the rest did you some good.