Are all man’s inventions doomed to fail?

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How can we possibly know if something is "doomed to fail"?

How would we determine whether or not the wheel was "doomed to fail"?
You didn't ask about efficiency. You asked about doomed to failure.
I asked about anything that isn’t doomed to failure. That was the original question. Someone mentioning shoes and other things obviously missed the point.

silence would have spoken more volumes but now we have ourselves a logical argument.

is billvon misled, correct, or incorrect?
What do you mean by "doomed to fail"? Can you please give us an example or two of things that are "doomed to fail"?
I asked about anything that isn’t doomed to failure. That was the original question.
So what has efficiency got to do with that?
Someone mentioning shoes and other things obviously missed the point.
And I am asking, What IS the point?
is billvon misled, correct, or incorrect?
I would say that billvon is usually correct. In this case, i think he gave a good answer to your question. If you don't like it, you're going to have to be more clear about wtf you're asking.
So you believe they aren't? (How are you measuring efficiency?)
Well the fact it exists gives it 100%. The fact it does work brings the percentage down. Compare it to a machine that may work faster. Add in wear and tear… statistics… safety can also influence efficient production. if the operator gets hurt the machine usually stops running you hope.

Or I can calculate the cutting speed of a endmill or face mill for a particular metals most efficient removal. Sometimes it runs too fast and moves too slow creating small hot chips. Some metals like aluminum are softer which allows for the mill itself to move at a faster pace.
So what has efficiency got to do with that?

And I am asking, What IS the point?

I would say that billvon is usually correct. In this case, i think he gave a good answer to your question. If you don't like it, you're going to have to be more clear about wtf you're asking.
Well in order to last forever something would have to be over one hundred percent efficient.

and there might be some answers but they are certainly not man’s inventions…
That's not the definition of efficiency. You are thinking of durability or longevity, neither of which is required for a sucessful invention.
Since when has the definition of a word really explained it’s usefulness?

durability and longevity are increasing factors of efficiency. the fact that they are doomed to break is no fault of mine.

nobody mentioned successful…

and I disagree most successful inventions are durable. And the processes that makes them are efficient. What isn’t efficient is excessive thought on this matter.
So, are we all agreed that all man's inventions aren't doomed to fail, then?
What invention will replace pipes and hoses?
I'm not saying they will be around forever.
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