Are homosexuals born with this disorder or acquired?

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But unlike you, most of the people who come to this site aren't looking to "fix" the "problem" of gayness.
They don't view it as needing fixed or as a problem.
I'm fairly sure I know why you do, though.
Homosexuality used to be listed among psychological disorders, until gay activists lobbied to have it removed. Some pedophiles have taken the same stance, but nobody's buying it, thank God.

One of the psychologists responsible for actively having homosexuality removed from the list of psychological disorders only three decades ago was a man named Robert Spitzer. He's changed his views. In Oct 2003, he published a study that shows that "homosexuality" can be cured through "reparative therapy."

If it can be cured through psycho-therapy, then it seems that it ought not to have been removed from the list of psychological disorders. Doing so three decades ago was a grave disservice to those afflicted with homosexual orientation.

See more about Robert Spitzer's study here:
i have never met any man that would prefer an anus over a vagina.
why all the hoopla anyway?
sex is just the veeeeery tip of the iceberg.
Which chromosome?

Are you claiming that homosexuality is a "disorder"?

If you're assuming the cause of homosexuality is genetic, then you've already answered your own question about whether homosexuality is "built in" or acquired (i.e. nature or nurture). Haven't you?
I don't know that's why I asked. My opinion on this topic has no value. This fact could only be determined scientifically, and so far no valid scientific study has proved that homosexuality is linked to a certain gene. The two studies that claim to do so are seriously flawed in their method and are not considered valid by serious scientists. There is some evidence that some homosexuals may have been subject to in utero influences, probably hormonal, that affected the deveopment of their sexuality.

Another possibility is gene mutation, damage of the ovum or sperm of the parent (or grandparent) which affected development of reproductive system, including hormonal system. The developing embryo can also be damaged by outside influences - drugs, virus, radiation etc. Either of these are likely as the cause of true hermaphroditism, or errors in correctly assigning gender to newborns which of course leads to gender identity problems later in life.

To say that this or any disorder is present at birth is not the same as saying its cause is genetic. There are many other pre-birth influences that could play a part, but so far no study as definitely established such a cause for the disorder in any or all homosexual persons.
Homosexuality, like any form of sexuality, is based on personality firmware which regulate the behavior. The personality firmware are empty at birth, and progress naturally, while also being programmed by the unique sensory and imaginary input going through the conscious mind.

As an analogy, the firmware begins like a pepper seed at birth; small and genetically self contained for a pre-programmed progression. The pepper seed will start small and grow into a characteristic pepper plant based on DNA. The conscious mind is sort of like the sun and nutrients which overlap the genetic unfolding of the plant, providing data. The final result is a composite firmware effect, which is partually collective (human nature) while also partially unique to a particular person in space and time.

There are layers of personality firmware, with each layer defining part of human nature. If you look at most gay males, all their body hardware says male, from muscularity to the ability to reproduce like a male. The sexaul difference is in the mind not the body. With homosexuality, a different firmware layer is being programmed by the conscious mind to act as the program for sexuality. Human nature is quite compelling so it will seem very natural.

Relative to males, there are three (in general) layers of firmware. Going from bottom to top, these firmware are male, female and male in terms of traditional sexual character. The bottom male layers are connected to the animal instinct of a male. The middle layers, which are crosssexual (male's female side) is connected to firmware of relationship (human, object and intellectual relationship). These can make a male moody or emotional, which is why it is called female. While the highest layers are connected to firmware of meaning (rational and empirical). In the female, the layers go female, male, female. The middle male layers of a female are her masculine side (perfection).

What appears to happen with gay men is although the lowest level firmware should define the functionality of their male body instincts, including sexuality, the middle layer becomes programmed their sexuality, inducing a cross-sexual component to their sexuality (feminine side), even with the body naturally male.

This is possible to do, but it is not exactly natural. The result is the brain tends to remain at slightly higher potential. This can result in a higher level of agitation, compulsion and restless energy. This can be sublimated and used for constructive and creative purposes.

Gay is not the only example of altering firmware layers. Another example of would be using the lowest level firware of animal instincts, as a substitute for the middle level firmware of natural human relationship. The output result would be, instead of relating to humans, objects and culture in a normal human way, the result can be social relationship that is more like an animal; preditor. The deviation from the natural order will also create brain potential that can energize the criss-cross behavior. This is not exactly optimized, but is humanly possible.
I hope somebody could provide studies that show our brains can change depending on the way we use them.
That is so. But irrelevant.

The problem rests in the nature of what is referenced by the word "we" above.

As an exercise, try to use your brain so that you are disgusted - honestly repelled - by your erstwhile favorite food. (This will help you lose weight,d save you money, etc - it's well worth doing).
Remind me again why having consensual sex with an adult of either gender is a 'disorder'?

Remind me again why adults who have sex with other consenting adults should be obliged to 'fix' themselves?
Actually, the studies are extensive and repeatable. Open a Neuroscience text book and turn to the chapter on the brain and sex you'll find all you need to learn about genetic sex, phenotype sex, brain sex and sexual identity.

During development, it's very easy to turn a male rat's brain female and likewise turn a female rat's brain male. Their subsequent behaviors are of the brain sex. Likewise, fMRI scans clearly show male homosexuals to have female patterning brains.

Anyway, if you're interested in the science, get a text book. there's nothing shocking here. Neuroscientists have been running these experiments for 50+ years. It's pretty basic stuff TTYTT :shrug: Why the general lay public are ignorant of this basic science is beyond me.

this may address a mental gender identity, but it doesn't address sexuality. none of us fit into a male/female box per se; we all reside somewhere along a gender spectrum. there are masculine females and feminine males and everything in between. that does not equate to any particular type of sexuality, despite what all the homophobes would like to believe.

everybody's born "different" than everyone else.

it's my opinion that sexual phobias drive this need to falsely claim that homo and heterosexuals are soooooo different. that they're practically a different species and it couldn't possibly be a choice, a preference, a different perspective. it's quite silly.
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That doesn't mean that they are 'born' homosexual. I hope somebody could provide studies that show our brains can change depending on the way we use them. So it is completely possible that those brain differences noted are not due to any genetic or innate difference, but due to environmental influence. They in no way provide any evidence for the suggestion that homosexuality is biologically determined.

there are studies that show our brains change depending on how we use them. more specifically, that our thoughts and thought patterns alter the physiology of our brains.
If homosexualitiy were genetic, the parents must have all contracted the disease in order to spread it to their childern. :shrug:
Homosexuality used to be listed among psychological disorders, until gay activists lobbied to have it removed. Some pedophiles have taken the same stance, but nobody's buying it, thank God.

One of the psychologists responsible for actively having homosexuality removed from the list of psychological disorders only three decades ago was a man named Robert Spitzer. He's changed his views. In Oct 2003, he published a study that shows that "homosexuality" can be cured through "reparative therapy."

If it can be cured through psycho-therapy, then it seems that it ought not to have been removed from the list of psychological disorders. Doing so three decades ago was a grave disservice to those afflicted with homosexual orientation.

See more about Robert Spitzer's study here:

I guess not being a Christian should be considered a "disorder" as well, eh?
Denying homosexuals rights is what capitalists do.
You do realize that Stalin sentenced homosexuals to five years of hard labor and considered homosexuals to be part of a Fascist plot? You also should realize that being sentenced to "hard labor" under the Soviets was basically a death sentence. And not just death by lethal injection like here in the evil capitalist US, but death by starvation, torture, and basically being worked to death.

To illustrate how horrendous conditions were in the Soviet Gulags, consider the fact that at the end of WW 2 the USSR held over 3 million German POW's. As part of the Yalta agreement, these soldiers were sent to Soviet "work camps" . Since they were pretty good workers, they were treated better than most gulag inmates and given better food. Nevertheless, when these POW's were finally returned to Germany in 1955, there were only 10,000 left.

So please, go on about how homosexuals are treated better under communist regimes?

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