Are men gods




Speculation presented as follows :
it does take place . Out of nothingness . The future reaches back to the past and pulls it into existence. It is set moments in time when resonance occurs. It is predicated on the wave function of frequency and convergence by a heat source. That heat source is what is in question in my mind .
Deeper speculation build off first speculation :
Maybe the future bumping into the past causes heat differential that causes initial waves ( given that differential in heat is the building blocks of matter in the beginning )
And maybe someone will recognise your word salad for what it is.
Oh! I just did.
It might. If there actually were such a law.

It is an unwritten law of the U.S. We do it all the time in foreign countries . Were we impose our will to the detriment of existing populace. Like when pig farmers replaced all Haitian pigs from with pigs from the Midwest of the U.S.
They all died and the Haitians then had no pigs. Disastrous consequence of friendly help. I think the pig farmers got paid for there pigs anyway .
And maybe someone will recognise your word salad for what it is.
Oh! I just did.

Waaa Waaa Boo wooo Waa Waaa boo hoo , you no likey Me post . What is my word salad ? Do you mean it is a word salad ? You could have conserved on site space and just said " Word Salad " Your so mean and I am so good to you . Don't you believe in cronyism ? That would make you very rare in a world of greed .
Everyone is taking the sense of god literally. Everything has to be interpretated in convinient ways in religious texts when the truth is emboddied knowledge you can only learn once you understand what "god" actually is which is envelopping consciousness.

Before we say we are not gods consider our relationship with the universe. Our intimate relationship with consciousness (reality and the brain)

We use a small portion of our brain, we are connected to a much larger source that has to do with living in this dimension.

Consider plants and animals 1st and second circuits mind third circuit is the mind circuit.....we can feel higher circuits as well during certain occasions...

This makes everything else up the marker of reality. You think qabalists and 5'ers and occultists in esoteric circles are just lunatics? There are distinguished men who is way more successful and in the know than you, presidents and senates included. They are trying to gain a deeper understanding have you read the zohar or other writings it literally spells this out for you.

Try researching religions in predated societies before european colonization.
once you understand what "god" actually is which is envelopping consciousness.
Evidence please.

We use a small portion of our brain
Wrong. As you've been informed before.

we are connected to a much larger source that has to do with living in this dimension.

Consider plants and animals 1st and second circuits mind third circuit is the mind circuit.....we can feel higher circuits as well during certain occasions.
Word salad.

You think qabalists and 5'ers and occultists in esoteric circles are just lunatics?

There are distinguished men who is way more successful and in the know than you, presidents and senates included.
"There are" or "They are"? If you meant "They are" then - wrong again.
And who is saying man cannot create? What the fuck is going on..... what dont we create??? In the future who is to tell what man can and can do some people are straight talking out of there ass.

People are acting like they understand the limitations of man on a level deper than there everyday experience that they can remember.
Your trollin dyw I can care less if you dont acknowledge what I have to say. You seem to know absolutely nothing about anything that isnt mainstream and emperically known. I suspect you like the feeling of knowing something so you attack people in general with specious claims and I suspect you know very little of anything at all.................

Do you claim to have secret knowledge from secret fraternities, occultists groups and high level masons that do include senators and presidents or do you want to proceed with your comments that make no contribution to the subject at hand.
Your trollin dyw I can care less if you dont acknowledge what I have to say. You seem to know absolutely nothing about anything that isnt mainstream and emperically known. I suspect you like the feeling of knowing something so you attack people in general with specious claims and I suspect you know very little of anything at all.................
Yeah blah blah blah plus ridiculous and false ad-homs.
You claim I'm making specious claims while posting your own.
Can you substantiate any of them? Any at all?

Do you claim to have secret knowledge from secret fraternities, occultists groups and high level masons
Masons? Weren't your original list, try reading it.
Dyw is quite knowledgeable really . It is quite astounding really . Yeah I look up to the old " Design Engineer " < better known as an inventor in low class civilizations like the U.S.

The Masons !! I do. Real Masons not those phony groups that never laid a stone . I am part of the Brotherhood of Carpenters after all. Were pretty strong group . Lots of assets . Not as much as Mormons I don't think . Maybe.

So yeah I got secret Mason Knowledge . Methodology mainly
Your in a religious forum asking to substinate claims?? Your comments are an obstruction of this thread that is based on interpretating religions and questioning the concept of god in general just elaborations on that idea from a religion called the "5% nation of islam" and other interlinked constructs from religions that support my idea.

What is wrong with you how would I substenate god in a meaningful way nothing outside of "Here god is" will satisfy you and that is not what I think "god" "is"

Your just a fool trolling on ad-homs or not I dont understand why being over critcal is a way that suits your needs of contributing to the topic at hand. Why dont you challenge my line of thinking to coinside with your own. What is your opinion? Clearly your interested always being in religious forums for years and what not. Your interested in something?? Is it to prove people wrong??

I know europeans changed and removed texts from ancient writings this is fact............... I dont believe in a white blue eyed Jesus I believe there is something deeper than the layers we are aware of that make up our reality. Jesus said it himself... yeee are all gods but shall die with flesh like men. There are literally hundreds of statements that support the idea he is stating that we can be like the msot high.

You dont.... thats fine. Research the pineal gland, ancient egyptians obsession with it and moorish sciences.. buddhism, etc. Im just talking about an idea not saying that "Human is god which is omnipotent authoritive man raising hell in heavens sky and can do what they want"
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Your in a religious forum asking to substinate claims??
So why complain about me "making unsubstantiated claims"? Or are you just doing some daily hypocrisy practise?

Your comments are an obstruction of this thread that is based on interpretating religions and questioning the concept of god in general just elaborations on that idea from a religion called the "5% nation of islam" and other interlinked constructs from religions that support my idea.
And you think simply making claims, without explanation (let alone substantiation) helps further the topic?

What is wrong with you how would I substenate god in a meaningful way nothing outside of "Here god is" will satisfy you and that is not what I think "god" "is"
Fine. Then you'll have to accept that my claims are just as valid as yours.

Your just a fool trolling on ad-homs
Oops, that would be you.

Why dont you challenge my line of thinking to coinside with your own.
On the one hand you complain when I ask for something more than your word and on the other you ask me to challenge your "thinking"? Can you see your basic problem here?

Jesus said it himself
Unlikely, since there's no evidence Jesus actually existed.

Research the pineal gland, ancient egyptians obsession with it and moorish sciences.
Hahaha, YOU are telling ME to research? I went through all this crap decades ago. There's no substance to it.
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Im just talking about an idea not saying that "Human is god which is omnipotent authoritive man raising hell in heavens sky and can do what they want"
PS, maybe you should do a little more checking.
The 5% Nation doesn't claim that humans are gods:
5% of black people are chosen ‘Gods’ of the world and Islam is the black man’s natural culture (but not religion)