Are the laws of physics based on magic?

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They are ignorant of God's existence or at least misinformed. They think that just because they cannot see something with their eyes it does not exist. They're pussies because they have never experienced or seen true evil and because of that they think life is a simple and easy and carefree existence void of evil and its opposite, good.

A person can gain knowledge of an after-life by experiencing the divine spirit of God that exists within themselves.

Atheists merely disbelieve in God, that doesn't mean they embrace evil. Atheism doesn't promote complacency and selfishness, what?

You might be interested to know that studies show atheists are more charitable (giving donations to charities) than religious people.

So...before you broad brush atheism, realize that your stereo type may be way off.
The only thing atheists practice is cynicism, meaninglessness, and religion hatred. They have no passion, no love. Nothing is sacred to them. They have nothing to fight for and nothing to defend.

This is just trolling at this point. 12-year-old Mazulu is having a tantrum because his worldview has been shaken to its sandy foundation by this thread.
Atheists don't have the heart, the soul or the passion to serve in the military to protect this country from its enemies.

What you talk'n bout Willis? I'm atheist and served 9 years in the U.S. Navy. Even had NORELPREF printed on my dog tag.
Atheists merely disbelieve in God, that doesn't mean they embrace evil. Atheism doesn't promote complacency and selfishness, what?

You might be interested to know that studies show atheists are more charitable (giving donations to charities) than religious people.

So...before you broad brush atheism, realize that your stereo type may be way off.

Hi wegs,
Actually, everything I know about atheists I learned from the atheists here on this website. OK, actually there have been some other influences. If atheists were as sweet and kind as you, I wouldn't be hammering them with insults. You many not really understand this, but atheists are devoid of passion, heart and soul. All of the charges I've made are exactly the way that they are (except you). I don't think you're a real atheist. I think you are just searching for a place to belong. You at least have the spiritual depth to understand that some people have real experiences. But not these atheists, not the moderators, not dmoe, not Baleron, not half a dozen other soulless globs of cells who don't want to be in the Book of Life.
Atheists merely disbelieve in God, that doesn't mean they embrace evil. Atheism doesn't promote complacency and selfishness, what?

You might be interested to know that studies show atheists are more charitable (giving donations to charities) than religious people.

So...before you broad brush atheism, realize that your stereo type may be way off.

Wegs, my esteem for you keeps growing. We may have slightly different world views, but your objectivity is admirable.
You are right. Atheists attack easy targets like Christianity and other religions that promote peace. But you will never ever ever hear them say anything about Islam, because Muslim clerics don't tolerate freedom of speech. Richard Dawkins is too cowardly to stand up against a real religious threat from Muslim terrorists. Atheists don't have the heart, the soul or the passion to serve in the military to protect this country from its enemies. They are just a bunch of drunks who love nothing more than a bottle of booze.

"I'm reasonably optimistic in America and Europe. I'm pessimistic about the Islamic world. I regard Islam as one of the great evils in the world, and I fear that we have a very difficult struggle there."
Richard Dawkins
What you talk'n bout Willis? I'm atheist and served 9 years in the U.S. Navy. Even had NORELPREF printed on my dog tag.

I salute you MR. Thank you for your service. I served in the US Army for 4 years. I even got to visit Kuwait (peace time) which was the hottest place I've ever been, even hotter than Houston.
This is just trolling at this point. 12-year-old Mazulu is having a tantrum because his worldview has been shaken to its sandy foundation by this thread.

But it's all true. The only thing atheists practice is cynicism, meaninglessness, and religion hatred. They have no passion, no love. Nothing is sacred to them.
"I'm reasonably optimistic in America and Europe. I'm pessimistic about the Islamic world. I regard Islam as one of the great evils in the world, and I fear that we have a very difficult struggle there."
Richard Dawkins

Those are the most diplomatic words I have ever heard from an atheist. What a load of crap!
Richard Dawkins is diplomatic to the Islamic clerics because he knows they'll try to kill him if he speaks to them the way he speaks to Christians.

Is that wrong? We are being held hostage to their violence. How is that his fault? They only make themselves look bad when they want to kill Salman Rushdie or some obscure cartoonist. Dawkins is in fact diplomatic to Christians too, he debates them all the time, and I don't think he dislikes any of them on a personal level.
Is that wrong? We are being held hostage to their violence. How is that his fault? They only make themselves look bad when they want to kill Salman Rushdie or some obscure cartoonist.
The faithful are willing to die for what is right. But not atheists. If Richard Dawkins was any more than a pathetic drunk, he would fly to Saudi Arabia and attempt to organize a debate.
The faithful are willing to die for what is right. But not atheists. If Richard Dawkins was any more than a pathetic drunk, he would fly to Saudi Arabia and attempt to organize a debate.

So who values life more? We only get this one. If I was threatened with the choice to convert to Islam or die, I would be on my knees in an instant praying to Allah. Why not? They are just words.
So who values life more?

Cowards. Slaves. Sometimes you have to fight for what is right.

Where would the black slaves be if the Northerners said, "Oh, were to scared to fight the south. We only have this one life."

Where would Europe be if American's said, "Oh, were too scared of Hitler and the Japanese because we only have this one life."
So who values life more? We only get this one. If I was threatened with the choice to convert to Islam or die, I would be on my knees in an instant praying to Allah. Why not? They are just words.

I would rather die free than live as a slave.
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