Are we approaching a "golden age of atheism" in America?

No, it's irrelevant because you made it up.

I'll bet you're trolling.

I really don't understand your point of view. Do you accept that all people have a right to their beliefs? Or must they all think like you?
Well I hope your thoughts make you happy. :shrug:

There is no guarantee that thinking will make one happy, if one follows whewre the question leads.

In my experience, religious types opt for a comfortable superstition and only think about it when challenged. At that point they defend themselves by using stupid arguments such as " who are you to question god's purpose ? " The main popint to notice is that they argue in a circle, i.e., they take god's existence for granted and instead of providing objective evidence ( an impossibility) they take refuge in bullshit.
There is no guarantee that thinking will make one happy, if one follows whewre the question leads.

In my experience, religious types opt for a comfortable superstition and only think about it when challenged. At that point they defend themselves by using stupid arguments such as " who are you to question god's purpose ? " The main popint to notice is that they argue in a circle, i.e., they take god's existence for granted and instead of providing objective evidence ( an impossibility) they take refuge in bullshit.

I don't believe everything in the world needs to be subject to such minute examination. There are better things to do with your time. I don't even see why religious people need to defend their beliefs. Its unnecessary to convince other people why you believe something. You should do it only for yourself. If I like someone or something, I do not spend my time examining why, I just enjoy it. I don't see the reason to have to convince everyone I know of my desire or decision. Most religious people get defensive, as if they have to justify why they think as they do. Thats only required when it is socially undesirable or if you go public with it. Otherwise its unnecessary.

I think happiness is inevitable. As is unhappiness. Thinking does not make it so.
Seems not too many people subscribed to Q's analysis of religious people not wanting to be friends with unbelievers and believers of other faiths.

Northern Ireland, my home city of Glasgow Scotland, Iraq, Israel, Palestine, USA...

Just off the top of my head.
I don't believe everything in the world needs to be subject to such minute examination. There are better things to do with your time. I don't even see why religious people need to defend their beliefs. Its unnecessary to convince other people why you believe something. You should do it only for yourself. If I like someone or something, I do not spend my time examining why, I just enjoy it. I don't see the reason to have to convince everyone I know of my desire or decision. Most religious people get defensive, as if they have to justify why they think as they do. Thats only required when it is socially undesirable or if you go public with it. Otherwise its unnecessary.

I think happiness is inevitable. As is unhappiness. Thinking does not make it so.

Who said everything in the world needs to be subject to minute.examination ? If my head itches I scratch it but if someone wants to investigate what's behind it then that is their prerogatice.

When it comes to one's core beliefs, then thought is necessary. Not everyone can manage it though. " The Unexamind Life ..."
Who said everything in the world needs to be subject to minute.examination ? If my head itches I scratch it but if someone wants to investigate what's behind it then that is their prerogatice.

When it comes to one's core beliefs, then thought is necessary. Not everyone can manage it though. " The Unexamind Life ..."

Thats your opinion, because that is what is important to you. You appear to think core beliefs are restricted to religion, when ordinary everyday life is all based on core beliefs. Most people arrive at their beliefs based on their society, thinking has very little to do with it. Do you think you would be the same person if you were born in South India or Palestine? Even with access to the same information, your personality will be shaped by your circumstances, not decided by sitting down and planning it out.
Sure, the suicide rate is higher in atheists. I can fully comprehend why. I would want to kill myself too.

Kanita Dervic, Maria A. Oquendo, Michael F. Grunebaum, Steve Ellis, Ainsley K. Burke, and J. John Mann. "Religious Affiliation and Suicide Attempt" The American Journal of Psychiatry (161:2303-2308, December 2004).
M*W: What is their academic affiliation? A parochial institution, I suppose?
Thats your opinion, because that is what is important to you. You appear to think core beliefs are restricted to religion, when ordinary everyday life is all based on core beliefs. Most people arrive at their beliefs based on their society, thinking has very little to do with it. Do you think you would be the same person if you were born in South India or Palestine? Even with access to the same information, your personality will be shaped by your circumstances, not decided by sitting down and planning it out.

Are you beginning to make a case for relativism ? Are you saying that in the places you mentioned there are no people who have thrown off the shackles of superstition? You will find such people everywhere. The easy way out is to stay with the flock, given that not many think of leaving it in the first place. A million people can't be wrong and all that nonsense.
Are you beginning to make a case for relativism ? Are you saying that in the places you mentioned there are no people who have thrown off the shackles of superstition? You will find such people everywhere. The easy way out is to stay with the flock, given that not many think of leaving it in the first place. A million people can't be wrong and all that nonsense.

Thats not what I meant, but I doubt you'll understand what I am trying to say. I find most westerners have a limited understanding of the concept of belief. And I'm not too good at articulating the Eastern mind. Suffice to say that western focus narrows everything down to its least common denominator, while eastern thought moves outward and is more holistic and embracing of differences. Traveling down the narrow lanes of western thought is an dissatisfying process, because you see less and less clearly as you zoom onto a very small part of the picture.
No Dave, it does not suggest in the least that the passage illustrates the non-exclusivity of Jews, but is instead of reflection of the current Jewish state of that time, which was entirely based on the Old Testament, which is the only thing they knew.

Hence, Jesus followed the Old Testament tradition of limiting his "in-group" of the saved strictly to Jews. "Thou Shalt Not Kill" very specifically references thou shalt not kill Jews. "Love Thy Neighbor" very specifically references 'neighbor' as fellow Jew.

It doesn't really matter how you interpret the scriptures Q, the fact of the matter is billions of Christians both past and present believe that Jesus was speaking to the whole world.

Matthew 24:13 But he who endures to the end shall be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.

This passage shows exactly the audience Jesus wanted to reach, and it seems to be going according to plan.

"If one slays a single Israelite, he transgresses a negative commandment, for Scripture says, Thou shalt not murder. If one murders willfully in the presence of witnesses, he is put to death by the sword. Needless to say, one is not put to death if he kills a heathen." ~~ Rabbi Moses Maimonides.

Ask a Jew or Rabbi about this part.
This thread is pointless; atheism will never be prevalent in the USA, or at least not for quite a long time.

Also KennyJC you're just a slightly smarter version of Q; the reason? You are so damn militant about atheism and so anti religion, you cannot listen to any other point of view. What makes you better than the religious fundamentalists?
Thats not what I meant, but I doubt you'll understand what I am trying to say. I find most westerners have a limited understanding of the concept of belief. And I'm not too good at articulating the Eastern mind.

If it is so great then keep it to\for yourself. We dont really go ahead. PLEASE.:)
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This thread is pointless; atheism will never be prevalent in the USA, or at least not for quite a long time.

Also KennyJC you're just a slightly smarter version of Q; the reason? You are so damn militant about atheism and so anti religion, you cannot listen to any other point of view. What makes you better than the religious fundamentalists?
Being sensible. He doesn't want too and isn't going to kill anybody, and most certainly not for his beliefs.
He is morally and ethically superior to any religious person, simply because he knows life is precious, it is the only one we have, and because of that he will do his utmost to make sure that everybody he comes in contact with, has a good, comfortable, and pain free life, just because it is the right thing to do, and not because he wants to appease some fantasy god.
Thats not what I meant, but I doubt you'll understand what I am trying to say. I find most westerners have a limited understanding of the concept of belief. And I'm not too good at articulating the Eastern mind. Suffice to say that western focus narrows everything down to its least common denominator, while eastern thought moves outward and is more holistic and embracing of differences. Traveling down the narrow lanes of western thought is an dissatisfying process, because you see less and less clearly as you zoom onto a very small part of the picture.

Different concepts of belief ? Define Eastern as opposed to Western belief.