Although irresponsible use of our technology does cause problems (pollution and such), our technology does indeed also have great benefits for other species. All around the world, our human technology is being used to ensure the survival of endangered species. So we get a bit of both, the bad and the good. Hopefully corporate dweebs who like to pollute will one day ONLY have access to "clean" production methods and such.
As for that "power of gods" stuff, well, I never believed in the idea of gods. A kid with a gun has the power of life and death over an adult without one. I have at my disposal greater technology than do people in the stone age tribes of the Amazon basin. I can kill, I can create life (by shagging). None of these things is really that special, all thigns considered. Never saw any place for "gods", never saw proof or reason for proof. Regardless of how advanced our technology becomes, it will always be just our technology. Whether we have the intellectual capacity to use it wisely as our tech advances is not a new problem. We've faced that very problem for a very long time, it has been a part of us for a very long time. Heck, look at how we spent a thousand years misusing steel! And gunpowders or various types! Such ideas about whether we can be responsible with our tech are nothing new.