are you an atheist that used to be a theist?

are you an atheist?

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the word turned is wrong, because, it should be reverted, you can turn into a theist, but it is impossible to turn into an atheist, it is how you are born, you can only revert back to the norm.
it is a gradual process shedding the religion skin you been brainwashed with, It takes years, to revert back.
that should be "rarely mentioned subjective idea of atheist converting to theism", which is a complete and utter in possibility, without a blow to the head. you dont go from rational to irrational, now do you.
maybe so but she is correct.

although technically you would be an atheist, you're just a non-believer in the real sense. an atheist that has been indoctrinated, and through a lot of study, and self doubting you become enlightened, with the truth, that kind of atheist is wholly different to a non-belever. it having a knowledge of religious fantasies that once had a hold of you, and having no concept of god/religion.

so what is the difference between an atheist and somebody who doesent believe in god?

according to wikipedia it doesent mach what you and MW say, it doesent say anything about having to be a theist first. why does it seem like you try to make atheism sound like you have to study for it? or like its hard to acheive. its a very simple concept.

"Atheism, as a philosophical view, is the position that either affirms the nonexistence of gods[1] or rejects theism.[2] When defined more broadly, atheism is the absence of belief in deities, alternatively called nontheism.[3] Although atheists are commonly assumed to be irreligious, some religions, such as Buddhism, have been characterized as atheistic.[4][5]"

I don't understand why it is that most of the personal attacks here are from atheists. You don't see the born-again Christians personally attacking anyone (unless they are attacked first). Then again, I think there are only 3 of us. :confused:
I'm talking about PERSONAL attacks against other members of this forum.
Everyone else is fair game as evidenced by people slamming Jesus and God.
Oh, except liberals. They are not fair game. :rolleyes:
I don't understand why it is that most of the personal attacks here are from atheists. You don't see the born-again Christians personally attacking anyone (unless they are attacked first). Then again, I think there are only 3 of us. :confused:
M*W: Oh, come on now. It's the christians who spew their hate and venom. Atheists don't tolerate christians' stupidity. Why is it that you people join predominantly atheistic forums then try to convert everyone. You're wasting your time. You need to join a forum where you belong. There's plenty of them on the Internet.
M*W: Oh, come on now. It's the christians who spew their hate and venom. Atheists don't tolerate christians' stupidity. Why is it that you people join predominantly atheistic forums then try to convert everyone. You're wasting your time. You need to join a forum where you belong. There's plenty of them on the Internet.

People do not tolerate any stupidity. It gets very annoying reading post from people who read a book or two and then come on here with ALL the answers.

Your making claims and passing them off as truth, do you see how dumb that is?

Christians repond to the delusions passed on this board, over 2000 years later and this board, that is supposedly Atheist (that is your claim) and what like 60-70% of the posts are about Jesus. That is pathetic, you dont believe, then you dont believe...quit harping on it.

We had some kid who read two books and claimed he hd all the answers...HE iis a militant Atheist, so tell me who is DELUDED?

Who will remember Medicine*Woman 2000 years from now? Who will remember SnakeLord 2000 years from now or your real names for that matter?

Your all being led by your noses, why cant you see that?

Like i have said on here a few times i believe in Jesus because of an NDE- so what? and M*W i am not sure i can believe things you say anymore. You know what i am talking about:( . Thank for you stories.

AND finally, when i joined did i miss the Atheist check box?
I've always been an atheist. I don't count my child years as I was brainwashed and not mature enough to realize.
your brainwashed now, but so what...who isnt?

You can't be brainwashed to think that the ridiculous doesn't exist... merely you become old enough to use your common sense and reject these silly claims which as a child you would believe.
Like i have said on here a few times i believe in Jesus because of an NDE-
Why would a death experience result in a belief in Jesus.

I can see how it would lead to a belief in an afterlife.

Did you see some spiritual being while you were dead that identified himself as Jesus?
I know you will not see what i did if it is by your own have to want to live---more than anything, you have to want to live.
But the real Jesus never even heard the name Jesus. Its just a word dreamed up by Latin translators.

His real name was Yeshua Ben Yosef.

Surely he would have identified himself by his real name.

Lots of people all over the world have death experiences and dont neccessarily see Jesus. They might see characters from the religion into which they happen to be born.

Or just unidentified 'beings of light' who communicate either with language or some form of telepathy.
Does not matter, it is identified by what you would understand. A new born baby would understand it- they are pure, uncurrupted.
And i was not dead- it is called 'near death experience'
Oh well, then it doesnt even count.

The only experiences which lend credence to an afterlife are those which takes place during periods of brain death...meaning no vital electrical activity whatsoever.

If the brain is still functioning the visions are usually dismissed as imaginative dreams.