Are you convinced?

Its okay as long as you don't hurt yourself I guess
thanks, I could split my sides, could'nt I.
I am sure if you search these forums carefully you will find other persons to ad hom and add delight to your workplace and social situation
oh yes there's loads, but your, by far the best.

Why weren't you asking for these peer reviewed journals when we were discussing evolution? I'm sure there are several thousand papers that could keep you busy. But you seem to rather focus your attention on certain things there is not yet any scientific consensus about.. is this your 'God of the Gap' again? Do you think because there is no detailed consensus on abiogenesis yet that it means God poofed it? Or is it more likely these chemicals combined naturally?


I am just trying to understand how it is established that one's knowledge has progressed if one abandons one type of knowledge (thesim) for its (apparent) lack of evidence and insteads advocates another type of knowledge that doesn't appear to have any greater premises for establishing what it declares to be truth
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emotion is consciousness. to see if something has consciousness, touch it and see if it reacts somehow.

because everything reacts, everything has consciousness, so everything has emotions.

there is only one emotion (energy): love (magnetic energy). but we divide it into many parts. fear is love for oneself. if i touch a cat it likes it, but if i cut it with a knife it hates (fears) it, because it loves itself (the emotion love, god).

Then we're actually arguing for the same side :) . You call it love, I call it reactivity. You believe the universe is conscious, I believe the universe is analogous to a giant computer.

I don't think that you should assume the entire universe works on only attraction (and repulsion through negative attraction). You can get an identical universe by assuming there is only 'hate' and love is it's opposite. I think the best universal model would accept attraction AND repulsion; like a balance.

i think studying logic makes you think illogically.

No it doesn't. :mad: Sometimes it's true that two logical people are both right but argue a lot; however this is because of misunderstanding, they probably both mean the same thing but can't communicate properly.

people discuss because they want to challenge their beliefs and become greater, but at the same time, they fear that they are wrong, because if we are wrong, we don't exist anymore, we evolve and become something else.

I'm sorry, I just don't understand what you're saying. :confused:
I came here as a Roman Catholic and Sciforums helped me become an athiest

I came here as an atheist and Sciforums helped demolish my notion of what theism (and so atheism) actually means. Let's raise a glass to the questioning of beliefs.
I think the best universal model would accept attraction AND repulsion; like a balance.

do you think stars and planets are controlled by magnetism instead of gravity?

i think so. gravity is just magnetism in rotation.

if only gravity ruled planets and stars there would be no space between anything, everything would be stuck in one place, the universe wouldn't exist.

magnetism explains everything. it explains why there are male and female. atheist and theist.

magnetism is consciousness. consciousness is duality. separation. you and me. inner and outer.

we create many countries. people join in specific groups. energy concentrates in points. planets. we create planets. galaxies. separation. between everything.

i have a bar magnet...
and another little strong magnet...
and when i try to unite south and south or north and north...
they repel...
but when i bring them closer they attract...

so... it's like that with the earth too...
it attracts us because we're close...
but it repels large things which are far away...
like the moon...

so like... am i the new einstein now because i united magnetism and gravity...

i'm sleepy..
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C7ityi, you need a serious dose of education in basic physics, I think.
Until then, please try and avoid any discussion on magnetism, gravity and any other physics-based interpretation of existence - for your own protection. :D
I kinda agree with Sarkus.

do you think stars and planets are controlled by magnetism instead of gravity?

i think so. gravity is just magnetism in rotation.

if only gravity ruled planets and stars there would be no space between anything, everything would be stuck in one place, the universe wouldn't exist.

magnetism explains everything. it explains why there are male and female. atheist and theist.

magnetism is consciousness. consciousness is duality. separation. you and me. inner and outer.

we create many countries. people join in specific groups. energy concentrates in points. planets. we create planets. galaxies. separation. between everything.

i have a bar magnet...
and another little strong magnet...
and when i try to unite south and south or north and north...
they repel...
but when i bring them closer they attract...

so... it's like that with the earth too...
it attracts us because we're close...
but it repels large things which are far away...
like the moon...

so like... am i the new einstein now because i united magnetism and gravity...

i'm sleepy..

You are GREATLY oversimplifying the universe. Magnetism is NOT the reason for duality :eek:

Haven't you heard of the 4 fundamental forces? Gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces. How can you possible say that gravity is electromagnetism??? Don't you realise that physicists have been trying to find a way to unite those two forces for years; it's the holy grail of physics !!!

Also, you're belief that that without magnetism, the universe would be a point shows that you have absolutely no understanding of the concept of escape velocity...
c7ityi_ looks like a cartoon character that says something really stupid, but you can't help going 'awww'.
Haven't you heard of the 4 fundamental forces? Gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces.

hatem says: These four kinds of energy are the consequence of only one energy: magnetic energy, i.e., MIND. Depending upon the circumstances, this one energy produces such and such a behavior, to which physicists give special names.

How can you possible say that gravity is electromagnetism???

because it obviously is.

Don't you realise that physicists have been trying to find a way to unite those two forces for years; it's the holy grail of physics !!!

so? people have known thousands of years ago that magnetism is the only energy in the universe.

Also, you're belief that that without magnetism, the universe would be a point shows that you have absolutely no understanding of the concept of escape velocity...

seriously... motion can't start without magnetism. planets, stars, galaxies, cant rotate and move if there is no repulsive force. galaxies couldn't be flat if magnetism didn't control them.

dualistic energy: Barred Spiral Galaxy (1920x1200).jpg

if gravity rules planets and stars, where does their motion come from? why do they move?

in my magnetic universe there's no need for hypothetical things like big bang, dark matter, anti-matter, string theory... etc.