I was born in the United States, and served in the United States Army.
Well that explains the attitude. You were brainwashed to believe that violence is sometimes the best way to resolve a dispute. Or more likely, you were raised that way so joining the army looked like a cool way to live out your violent fantasies. "Might makes right."
When Democrats aren't bad-mouthing President Bush and giving aid and comfort to terrorists, it's libertarians who are doing those things.
We have bad-mouthed every President who's been in office since the party was founded in 1972. Of all the presidents in history, the one who is routinely excoriated by the libertarian community and press is FDR, the arch-Democrat. It was he who changed America into the welfare state/nanny state/police state that it is today. About the only decent thing he did was end Prohibition, but the only reason was so he could resume taxing alcoholic beverages--a huge boost to the federal budget at a time when the income tax was nowhere near its current confiscatory level.
You're really out of touch with contemporary politics if you think the Libertarians are aligned with the Democrats. Most Libertarians are disillusioned Republicans. I'm one of about twelve in the whole country whose roots are on the left. I understand what liberals want to do and I even respect it, I just wish they'd figure out that it will never be accomplished by a government grown so big that, like any gigantic organism, it devotes most of its attention to its own internal metabolism, rarely notices external stimuli, and when it deigns to respond to them it's too late, too slow, and just plain wrong.
On the rare occasions when Libertarians perceive a substantive difference between a Republocrat candidate and a Demoblican candidate, and don't want to "waste their vote" on our party's candidate, they invariably vote for the Republican. Libertarians "steal votes" from Republican candidates, that's how Montana ended up with a Democratic senator in the 2010 election. This is the same way the Green Party steals Democratic votes, which is how Ralph Nader threw the 2000 election to Bush.
When Democrats aren't screaming for the opening of flood gates to illegal aliens, it's libertarians who do so.
Nobody wants to increase the number of illegal aliens. We all want to give peaceful, productive people a chance to become Americans. That's how this country became great. Americans have gotten soft and lazy, and their children are even worse. The only way you can get anything done in this country is to hire an Indian, a Chinese, a Mexican, a Russian, a Ghanaian, an Ethiopian, etc...
When Democrats aren't screaming for the legalization of heroin and methamphetamine and cocaine, it's libertarians who are doing this.
My grandfather, a staunch Republican, sold heroin and cocaine in his pharmacy. He never had problems with customers abusing his drugs because if he saw signs of it he simply cut them off--or worse yet, ratted them out to their wife or their mother the next time she came in. You fans of the Nanny State (their slogan is "health, safety, fitness and sobriety at any cost!") just don't understand that when you push a popular product onto the black market, whatever evils you see in it will become a thousand times worse. My parents lived through Prohibition and saw Chicago turned into a war zone. Now we have the new Prohibition, and I guess you guys probably think it's all right because we've turned Mexico into a war zone and you all hate Mexicans anyway so you don't mind seeing their families gunned down.
When Democrats aren't bad-mouthing America, it's libertarians who do it.
We love America. It's the bloated government, who now tells us what we can eat and where we can smoke, that we don't much care for. They're not responsive to anyone except corporate leaders and both the current president and his predecessor are certified retards who have no idea how a civilization runs. This isn't an American government, it more closely resembles the Nazis or the Communists. The last decent president we had was Eisenhower; the guy who warned us about the coming takeover by the "military-industrial complex." Which, BTW, did indeed happen.
Libertarians don't even know who their friends are. It sure isn't liberals.
We have no friends. Americans today don't value what little liberty they have left, so they don't mind giving it up to the Food Police, the Helmet Police, and the leering gropers in the Homeland Gestapo who have taken over our airports.