Atheism & Theism...A Common Denominator

You do not understand scripture.

Well that's funny because what I said is about guidance from the spirit in relation to scripture is confirmed by scripture.

In the bible, do you recall reading accounts of people reading religious texts and intellectually masturbating over them? Or do you recall accounts of people hearing the voice of god and being led by the spirit?
Well that's funny because what I said is about guidance from the spirit in relation to scripture is confirmed by scripture.

You know atheists don't believe a word you're saying. I'm wondering how theists feel about your experiences.

First off, exactly who's scripture are you referring to? I know you realize they're not all he same. So it is highly likely that some theists also think you're crazy because their scripture says God operates differently. But because of your adamancy I think it is reasonable to conclude that you think those theists that oppose you are crazy too.

Interesting to think that each theist has reason to believe the other theist is crazy, as in being wrong. If atheists think theists are crazy wrong and other theists think the same way about fellow theists then is the whole theistic world nuts?:D
You know atheists don't believe a word you're saying. I'm wondering how theists feel about your experiences.

First off, exactly who's scripture are you referring to? I know you realize they're not all he same. So it is highly likely that some theists also think you're crazy because their scripture says God operates differently. But because of your adamancy I think it is reasonable to conclude that you think those theists that oppose you are crazy too.

Interesting to think that each theist has reason to believe the other theist is crazy, as in being wrong. If atheists think theists are crazy wrong and other theists think the same way about fellow theists then is the whole theistic world nuts?:D

I don't think people crazy for believing what they do. What I find to be crazy across all beliefs, even non-beliefs (atheist coddling), are some very common motivations.

(Note: agreement has nothing whatsoever to do with confirmation...)

Maybe I'm using the word incorrectly. If I experience something, and I find agreement between what I experience, and how I experience it, in scripture, then wouldn't that scripture provide some confirmation? Maybe the word is substantiation? It is in agreement.
Now you have to prove you experienced god before reading about Him? Best for you to have feigned ignorance.

What I think is ignorant is that you think I have to prove anything to anyone. My experience is for myself.

It changes my life. It changes me. And that changes things.
Maybe I'm using the word incorrectly. If I experience something, and I find agreement between what I experience, and how I experience it, in scripture, then wouldn't that scripture provide some confirmation? Maybe the word is substantiation? It is in agreement.

Nope; that's completely incorrect.
Think of this: if you're out walking, and you encounter a burning bush, doe shtis 'confirm' scripture? No.

The problem is that you're misunderstanding what scripture is, namely, fictional allegory.
What I think is ignorant is that you think I have to prove anything to anyone.

if you mention scriptural verification of your 'experiences' then it would be ignorant of me not to question the validity of your experience. By you comparing the experience to something that was written prior to it then your claim is subject to scrutiny and most of all doubt.
Nope; that's completely incorrect.
Think of this: if you're out walking, and you encounter a burning bush, doe shtis 'confirm' scripture? No.

The problem is that you're misunderstanding what scripture is, namely, fictional allegory.

Well that's backwards. The scripture agrees with what I experience.
Well that's funny because what I said about guidance from the spirit in relation to scripture is confirmed by scripture.

In the bible, do you recall reading accounts of people reading religious texts and intellectually masturbating over them? Or do you recall accounts of people hearing the voice of god and being led by the spirit?

PE, what I said here is true. Wouldn't you agree?

Would you answer the question in the 2nd paragraph?

In the first paragraph I'm refering to the scripture that says the holy spirit is the interpreter.
Well that's backwards. The scripture agrees with what I experience.

Hence, that is why we know for a fact that you are lying. You can't possibly think that anyone with an ounce of sanity is going to believe that.
In the bible, do you recall reading accounts of people reading religious texts and intellectually masturbating over them?

No. I'm trying to think if text is even mentioned in there. Text in 3000BC may have been in the hands of the few or be the equivalent of word of mouth. So maybe the entire bible is full of metaphorically masturbating intellectuals.

Or do you recall accounts of people hearing the voice of god and being led by the spirit?

That's my whole point...once one guy says it happened to him then more are sure to follow. Everything depends on that first guy, was he sick in the head? In your case, although you may not admit it or remember it, you had previous knowledge of the confirming scripture.

Today if someone walked up to you and said God just spoke to me from a pile of dog feces you would not believe it. He'd be the first guy to hear God from a load of dogshit and even if more follow there is little reason to believe those people are sane. Over a period of time so many people claim to hear the voice of God from mounds of doggie turds that it gets published in the Christian Science Monitor. All of a sudden thousands begin to hear the Master's Voice and doggydoo takes on a whole new reverence.

The power of suggestion saved you from your personal hell. You say you experienced god, that's fine, but the only reason it agrees with scripture is because you've seen or heard of it before.
Scripture says the holy spirit is the interpreter of it, and the spirit interprets it to me.

The bible is full of stories of many, many people who hear the voice of god and who are guided by the spirit, despite ridicule from the blind, and that's happened to me.

These things did not happen to me because I recalled scripture and thought it would be cool to say it happened to me too, they just happened. I had no understanding of the dynamic prior to it happening. Unless you've experienced it, there's just no way to relate.