Atheistic Trolls...?

Originally posted by Zero
The guy who owned the Kmart now has lost the freedom/ability to sell that particular CD. The thief has deprived the Kmart owner of the freedom to sell that item, since it is now gone.

Verbal abuse reduces a person's mental freedom by inflicting psychic pain which hinders the victim.

This all sounds trivial, but remember that both are punishable by law, and the consequences are serious.

Gee, Zero, if I psychically transmit messages of abuse to you, can you claim I am affecting your mental freedom?
Go read the part of US law that has to do with it. Honestly, I hope you are not as dumb as you sound.
The k-Mart owner can just order another copy of the cd to sell, he still is free to sell that cd.

And how is verbal abuse punishable by the law?
The Kmart guy has lost the ability to order that particular item, that unique item.

If you really think it is okay, that the Kmart guy has nothing to lose, then go walk in and steal whatever you want. Go argue that to him and I'm sure he will reeeaaaallly agree.

And I'd say that US law is the best form of law that the human race has. Sure, it has some anti-unamerican attitude, and sure it has some sickening pieces to it but it's probably the best we have. The part about verbal abuse and stealing being punishable is correct in my opinion.

And go read it before we discuss any further. It's like a bunch of people arguing about the bible when none of them have read it. It sounds retarded and will get you nowhere.
Originally posted by Increan
The k-Mart owner can just order another copy of the cd to sell, he still is free to sell that cd.

And how is verbal abuse punishable by the law?

Well, not really. He still can't sell that copy of the CD...
Originally posted by Zero
And I'd say that US law is the best form of law that the human race has. Sure, it has some anti-unamerican attitude, and sure it has some sickening pieces to it but it's probably the best we have.

Not at all. Did you know that there are over 200 countries on the Earth?

EDIT TO ADD: and many of them don't outlaw shooting holes in rupees or other foreign currencies :p
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This is starting to sound like "Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me." Perhaps if we were to direct our efforts to conflict resolution instead of conflict escalation? This is why I see the concept of World Peace as little more than a pipe dream (crack pipe, that is...). It seems impossible to disagree on a topic even at THIS small a scale without turning it into a personal attack, whether real or perceived. If we can't conduct ourselves like rational adults at this level, how can ever hope to tackle larger issues in life? Name calling and abusive language is more worthy of little kids on a playground. I see a lot of it on this site, however, and wonder about the ages of my fellow-users. There's even a trend that seems to think "If I just put a little smiley face afterwards, that makes it okay." That's kind of like running over somebody with a Mack truck and defending yourself in court by saying "Hey, I said 'oopsie'.".

As moderator of this forum, I get a lot of complaints about personal attacks and abusive language. On more than a few it was little more than someone who couldn't defend themselves in a legitimate debate. On most, however, there are major breaches of the TOA going on. I usually find its simply because what one person finds offensive is not considered offensive by the other's culture or upbringing. A simple e-mail advising the offender to take it easy is usually sufficient. Others (at least two from this forum, and I don't know how many from the others) have been banned from the site because they wouldn't settle down.

I can only offer some small advice as to how to conduct yourself in regards to Freedom of Speech, Fascist Oppression, and this board. Hang freedom, hang oppression. Let's work on courtesy. Just because someone gets nasty with you doesn't mean you have to get nasty right back. It can be a lot of fun, but it does nothing to resolve the debate.

And for cryin' out loud. Don't wait until you can't think of a nasty comeback before e-mailing me with a complaint. Let me know immediately.
This is starting to sound like "Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me." Perhaps if we were to direct our efforts to conflict resolution instead of conflict escalation? This is why I see the concept of World Peace as little more than a pipe dream (crack pipe, that is...). It seems impossible to disagree on a topic even at THIS small a scale without turning it into a personal attack, whether real or perceived. If we can't conduct ourselves like rational adults at this level, how can ever hope to tackle larger issues in life? Name calling and abusive language is more worthy of little kids on a playground. I see a lot of it on this site, however, and wonder about the ages of my fellow-users. There's even a trend that seems to think "If I just put a little smiley face afterwards, that makes it okay." That's kind of like running over somebody with a Mack truck and defending yourself in court by saying "Hey, I said 'oopsie'.".

Actually, Oxy, we've stopped calling each other names quite a long time ago on this thread and instead changed to intelligent debate about whether such things are OK, not on these forums, but in a 100% free society in general (as long as these freedoms don't interfere with anybody elses-- that's where we're arguing). Perhaps you've mistaken this intelligent debate that we're now carrying on for name-calling because of the nature of this debate?

And frankly, the age comment insults me more than most users, I can guarantee you.

As moderator of this forum, I get a lot of complaints about personal attacks and abusive language. On more than a few it was little more than someone who couldn't defend themselves in a legitimate debate. On most, however, there are major breaches of the TOA going on. I usually find its simply because what one person finds offensive is not considered offensive by the other's culture or upbringing. A simple e-mail advising the offender to take it easy is usually sufficient. Others (at least two from this forum, and I don't know how many from the others) have been banned from the site because they wouldn't settle down.

I'm still insulted that I first heard about your warnings to me through Bebelina and not through you yourself. In fact, I've still not received any sort of PM from you (which apparently you told Bebelina you sent already) and I find this insulting.

I can only offer some small advice as to how to conduct yourself in regards to Freedom of Speech, Fascist Oppression, and this board. Hang freedom, hang oppression. Let's work on courtesy. Just because someone gets nasty with you doesn't mean you have to get nasty right back. It can be a lot of fun, but it does nothing to resolve the debate.

Generally I think much of this happens because people mistake Xev's joking and lunacy (not the part where she calls people names) and my share of the same for name-calling or being mean. A borderline example would be earlier in this thread where I had a two-word long reply to Bebelina that said "fucking bitch", which quite a few people could tell was being sarcasting (in light of the content of her post), but others couldn't, and I realise that perhaps I shouldn't've made that post. However, there are many things that Xev, myself, and others say that isn't anything like that (not nearly as subtle, if it were real it wouldn't be as upsetting), however it is still responded to with name-calling ("you started it!") etc.

And for cryin' out loud. Don't wait until you can't think of a nasty comeback before e-mailing me with a complaint. Let me know immediately.

ROFL. I generally do think that, as the moderator of the Religion forum, you should make a post asking people to please not try to indoctrinate others with their religion (many of Ekimklaw's posts were telling people they had to convert, this makes many such as myself uncomfortable)
Don't take it personally, Gil. I'm not singling anybody out. (I sent you e-mails, BTW, not PMs. I used the address listed in your profile.) If you haven't explored the rest of the site too far, there's quite a bit of name calling that goes on. It's like being a playground monitor at times.

Actually, I am happy to see that an intelligent debate is going on, and one that sprung from such vulgar roots! I just felt like posting something hopefully reminded us that freedom doesn't always equal rudeness. Sometimes people on the internet tend to forget that they are still talking to human beings, not soulless game sprites. (Forgive me if I used an incorrect comparison. I'm no programmer.) They use the mask of anonymity as a convenient excuse to say and do things they wouldn't normally do in a face-to-face meeting. In this respect, though, at what point do we hang up courtesy in favor of honesty? And why do so many people find it difficult, if not impossible, to be honest without being crude? I'm not trying to be Miss Manners here or anything. I'm just trying to keep it civil and free at the same time.

If you wanted to see "indoctrinations", you should have been here for the Friday Night Sermon. If it's still going on, nobody has complained. It started out, quite blatantly, as a sermon. This isn't a place for sermons, and a few users complained that the FNS wasn't doing anything to stir up debate or conversation. Posts that attempted to do such generally went unresponded to. After a series of contacts between myself, Dave, and the posting party, the sermon was reconfigured to engage others in debate instead of simply preaching. (There were actually some copyright violations going on, too, but that's a whole 'nuther ballgame...). There have been other attempts by various users to take the I'm-right-and-you're-a-dirty-sinner approach to goading people from debating into mere fighting. Fortunately, most of these were defused by logic and discussion, two weapons that irrational people have no defense against. Feel free to e-mail me (I often forget to check the PMs, so e-mail is more efficient) with any complaints about the forum. (Site complaints have to go to Dave.)

Enjoy the debate!
Originally posted by Zero
The Kmart guy has lost the ability to order that particular item, that unique item.

Cd's really are not unique there is always another copy just like it.

If you really think it is okay, that the Kmart guy has nothing to lose, then go walk in and steal whatever you want. Go argue that to him and I'm sure he will reeeaaaallly agree.

Once again I never said it was ok.

The part about verbal abuse and stealing being punishable is correct in my opinion.

I could go up to someone on the street and call the an asshole and say they were the worst person I have ever met and I won't get arrested and taken to jail.

And go read it before we discuss any further. It's like a bunch of people arguing about the bible when none of them have read it. It sounds retarded and will get you nowhere.

I'm not exactly sure what you want me to go read. Your earlier post or the law. And you stated you think it is correct in your OPINION, not an actual fact.
Originally posted by Oxygen
Don't take it personally, Gil. I'm not singling anybody out. (I sent you e-mails, BTW, not PMs. I used the address listed in your profile.) If you haven't explored the rest of the site too far, there's quite a bit of name calling that goes on. It's like being a playground monitor at times.

Actually, I am happy to see that an intelligent debate is going on, and one that sprung from such vulgar roots! I just felt like posting something hopefully reminded us that freedom doesn't always equal rudeness. Sometimes people on the internet tend to forget that they are still talking to human beings, not soulless game sprites. (Forgive me if I used an incorrect comparison. I'm no programmer.) They use the mask of anonymity as a convenient excuse to say and do things they wouldn't normally do in a face-to-face meeting. In this respect, though, at what point do we hang up courtesy in favor of honesty? And why do so many people find it difficult, if not impossible, to be honest without being crude? I'm not trying to be Miss Manners here or anything. I'm just trying to keep it civil and free at the same time.

If you wanted to see "indoctrinations", you should have been here for the Friday Night Sermon. If it's still going on, nobody has complained. It started out, quite blatantly, as a sermon. This isn't a place for sermons, and a few users complained that the FNS wasn't doing anything to stir up debate or conversation. Posts that attempted to do such generally went unresponded to. After a series of contacts between myself, Dave, and the posting party, the sermon was reconfigured to engage others in debate instead of simply preaching. (There were actually some copyright violations going on, too, but that's a whole 'nuther ballgame...). There have been other attempts by various users to take the I'm-right-and-you're-a-dirty-sinner approach to goading people from debating into mere fighting. Fortunately, most of these were defused by logic and discussion, two weapons that irrational people have no defense against. Feel free to e-mail me (I often forget to check the PMs, so e-mail is more efficient) with any complaints about the forum. (Site complaints have to go to Dave.)

Enjoy the debate!

Ooh... me like, me like :D

The FNS didn't stop, I was here for the 2nd-to-last post as of yet, and the last FNS was actually made fairly recently.

If you're still reading this thread, I'd just like to say that even though I do VERY, VERY, VERY frequently check my e-mail, it's flooded with both spam and sciforums notices (usually more of the former, with a smidge of the latter), and my blocked sender list has over 30 domains notorious for sending only spam (however I have no real way of blocking out spam from hotmail or MSN addresses, or yahoo, etc unless I want to stop getting mail from other people at those domains). I'm assuming that you got a responce to your e-mail from hotmail saying that my inbox was full. Either that, or you used one of the "key words" in the subject of your e-mail and it got forwarded to the Junk Mail bin. That's only happened to me about 5 times in the two or three years I've had Hotmail now, it's very rare that a legitimate message will say "sex" in the subject, "make money fast", or any of the OTHER keywords (actually, "krra aark" is one, but that's a VERY long story)