Atheists revenge. Persecution of theists.

There is not.

If there ever was a "christian god" my God killed him.
And a stupid claim.

But then again, what else could we expect from a liar?

The evidence you seek... You can not handle it.
Bullshit supposition.

What do I see in you? A very smart man who thinks he has all the answers.
And another.

Maybe you do, but you must understand neither you nor I can prove God, or disprove him. I can assure you that if you find faith you would be a welcomed addition to the Kingdom of Heaven, if you can not then... well...

If God wanted to be proved, he would prove himself.
And an empty claim...
Please, highlight my "ignorance and misconceptions about god". I'm all ears.
Go ahead. (But keep it on-topic and stick to the Christian god of the bible).

No... But please keep talking about this bible thing. Having been confirmed catholic many years ago I have never heard of such a thing. Much less someone who only finds truth through it's words alone.

Please find a post of mine where I assert this.
the whole no plan means no god thing, which you correct yourself after refuting me to another poster.
If there's no plan then god could be omniscient, but it's not a necessity.

Which goes against your initial statement.
Either there's a plan by god or there isn't a plan.
If there IS a plan then either we're doing what god intended or we aren't.
If we aren't then god isn't all-powerful and crap (i.e. not omniscient either), therefore he's not god.
No... But please keep talking about this bible thing. Having been confirmed catholic many years ago I have never heard of such a thing.
Maybe you should actually read the bible and see what it claims:
Job 37:16 Do you know the balancings of the clouds, the wondrous works of him who is perfect in knowledge.
1 John 3:19-20 By this we shall know that we are of the truth and reassure our heart before him; for whenever our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and he knows everything.
For example.

Much less someone who only finds truth through it's words alone.

the whole no plan means no god thing, which you correct yourself after refuting me to another poster.
Wrong again.
You failed last time to show this, and I suppose you'll fail again if I ask. But you're welcome to try. I have not, and do not, claim, no plan: no god.

Which goes against your initial statement.
And you simply demonstrate, once again, that you can't read.

I'll explain the first sentence and the start of the second one to you, and we'll see if you can work it out from there.
1) Either there's a plan by god or there isn't a plan.
So we have case 1 OR case 2. (Plan or no plan). Got that bit?

2) If there IS a plan... Here I confine my argument solely to Case 1 (plan). Case 2 is no longer considered. Do you understand that part?
Hence I made NO claims whatsoever about my assumptions/ conclusions/ beliefs or any other thing regarding the no plan situation.
Define plan.
FFS. According to Christian (and other) theology there is a plan for mankind and the world. A path that we are "following" in accordance with "god's will" to achieve whatever the f*ck it is we're supposed achieve.
FFS. According to Christian (and other) theology there is a plan for mankind and the world. A path that we are "following" in accordance with "god's will" to achieve whatever the f*ck it is we're supposed achieve.

I love you!
One more time. What are you talking about? You clearly are not as smart as you try and make yourself seem. Your clever thinking strategies is no match for my advanced knowledge.

The Adjustment Bureau
tackles this issue rather effectively...

it says that God does have a plan and we have free will, if our free will does not line up with his plans, he changes the plan..
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Links that show mans misguided interpretations of god to include a plan. Therefore applying their own meaning to life. Where is the quote from God that says his plan? I'm tired of hearing mans misinterpretations.

You think I think god thinks like us. I don't.
Any man would have more balls and would be correcting us but God, not a word in his own defense.
That shows complete lack of pride.
Shame on him.
Even man, with all his faults, is greater and more responsible.

Well, there are earthquakes, plagues, famine, cancer, asteroids hitting the Earth and so on.

I take it this could be God's response to what goes on in His name on earth.
This from this religionist who is sickened by his own fellow religionists who have rejected logic and reason for the faith of fools and belief in fantasy, miracles and magic.

"A horrible and shocking thing has happened in the land:
The prophets prophesy lies, the priests rule by their own authority, and my people love it this way. But what will you do in the end?"

Jer. 5:30-1

His people love it this way!
So you didn't actually bother to read any of them. Fair enough.
yeah sorry didn't see anything relevant to my point.

And you know they're misinterpretations because...?
I don't see a quote from Jesus, god, or any person for that matter explaining what exactly "the imaginary plan" entails. Just biased statements of hope for a plan or deeper meaning.

Nope. I'm fairly sure you don't think at all.

Correct. I represent an inanimate object. Not much thinking necessary.
yeah sorry didn't see anything relevant to my point.
:rolleyes: Yup, it's a reflex of yours to "not see" anything that would show where and how you're wrong.

I don't see a quote from Jesus, god, or any person for that matter explaining what exactly "the imaginary plan" entails. Just biased statements of hope for a plan or deeper meaning.
Then you didn't read my post either. Nor have you answered the question I asked.

Correct. I represent an inanimate object. Not much thinking necessary.
Fortunate that you're so well qualified in that regard then.
Then you didn't read my post either. Nor have you answered the question I asked.
I'm not responsible for you confusing Devine intervention with an ultimate plan for life. Or googling "gods plan" as if it would lead you to somewhere that contained actual evidence instead of quotes attempting to say how Jesus was gods big plan...

But I rather enjoyed reading this part... Only because I like the conclusions it draws. And it defines godly.
"The beginning of the execution of God’s plan for life is revealed in the Book of Genesis.* When we read the book of Genesis, we recognize the spiritual elements that are being taught by the message.* Adam represents man; Eve represents woman.* He created man in his likeness, Gen 1:27.** Man has some amazing capabilities.* He has the ability to create, to have a sense of justice, to intercede, to rescue, to show mercy, to forgive - these alone place him far above the animals, perhaps even the angels.* Man is, surprisingly, quite Godly.* Furthermore, man has the ability to have a relationship with God.* Man has the ability to receive the Holy Spirit - God Himself.* Finally, man is destined for immortality.* There is nothing more God-like than to be immortal!"

Fortunate that you're so well qualified in that regard then.
Quite proud of this fact actually. Mostly because you don't understand my position in this regard.
I'm not responsible for you confusing Devine intervention with an ultimate plan for life.
And I'm not responsible for you not reading about what I actually wrote.

Or googling "gods plan" as if it would lead you to somewhere that contained actual evidence instead of quotes attempting to say how Jesus was gods big plan.
See? Still proving you didn't read it.

Blah blah blah

Quite proud of this fact actually. Mostly because you don't understand my position in this regard.
Your "position in this regard" is irrelevant, since it's not what the thread is about.