Atheists what is your proof?



Whether he is merely a self-diagnosed Aspie or has an official diagnosis, I do not know; but there must be something in a person to go so far as to self-diagnose themselves that way ...

Anyway, having some form of autism surely affects a person's philosophical outlook on life; it can make a mechanicistic outlook seem perfectly valid and acceptable.
But according to Christianity, it isn't just "in our minds". There is a connection between our consciousness and something that exists "outside our world/universe"

See, if that were true, if there were an interface between this world, and some other level of experience, we should be able to find the 'receptor' that exists in this world. If that truly is your argument, go find evidence for the receptor.

But here's the thing. We know simple chemicals can alter a personality, which rather scuppers the idea of that personality belonging to an independent soul. We know brain damage also changes personality. Know, you might argue the entire brain is merely a 'receptor', but then, you'd have to come up with some extraordinary proof to overturn all the current research and understanding, and propose a new mechanism for personality. Instead of hiding behind uncertainties, maybe it's time for theists to offer something of substance, or simply admit, it's all just about faith, and it's not necessary for it to be true.

Whether he is merely a self-diagnosed Aspie or has an official diagnosis, I do not know; but there must be something in a person to go so far as to self-diagnose themselves that way ...
I'll say

At the least it certainly explains why he insist on a certain definition of "science"
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You don't give convincing answers to the issues I've brought up.

You convolved evolution and cosmology. There are no convincing answer when you asked muddled questions. Do you want to talk about cosmology, abiogenesis, or evolution?

You say things that don't make sense such as, "Evolution is under no doubt."

Why don't you understand that? We know evolution works, because we have harnessed it's properties to breed different types of dog, and better racehorses. What is it about evolution you don't grasp or dislike? Speciation? 'Random' selection? What?

You say it's shocking that my name is science man because I don't seem to know much about cosmology,

No, I said it was shocking because you wanted the biological theory of evolution to explain the physics theory of cosmology. You call yourself 'Science Man' but don't even seem to grasp the separate branches. That is truly shocking.

yet you don't try to correct me

I think I have done exactly that. But it's not my job to provide your education. Did you go to school?

or if you are, you're not making any sense what so ever.

There's nothing wrong with the transmission,....

From what I've seen around here, it seems like you atheists on here think I'm ignorant,(especially on my understanding of the theory of evolution)

Sorry, but you are. You convolved cosmology and evolution. That shows you don't even understand the argument.

yet you don't try to correct me, or at least, not in a way that I can understand.

That's a blanket statement, but I am correcting you, and it's not my job to educate you.

You guys are very unclear when you to argue back to me on the theory of evolution or you are clear but what you say doesn't argue what I've said.

What do you need explaining? I'm sure someone has explained it to you already, but let's try again.

btw phlogistican you don't understand what I was saying when I was talking about converting so let me ask it this way. Do/did your follow a religion? If so, did you talk to them about why you didn't want to follow their religion? If not, why or if so, how did it go?

'Conversion' is the term when one switches from one religion to another. Atheism isn't a religion, so one cannot 'convert' to it. I explained already that I never believed, so no, I never followed a religion. Sure, we got herded into church every know and again but I was there under duress and always thought it was bullshit. Simply, I've never met an honest believer.
In science (or at least your version of it) you claim to know that all and everything is a consequence of physical phenomena ... which is quite clearly a claim that "science" can never know (since empiricism is always girded by metonymic barriers at the marco and micro level ... or to put it another way, why at a certain level the investigation of the universe or a cup of flour falls on its ass ).

Needless to say, this is not rational.

What is not rational, is effectively your claim that God can hide in the cracks science can't peer into. You seem to be saying that because _you_ have doubts about the completeness of each theory, God _could_ exist.

That's a stretch. It's certainly not rational.
That accepting the field of the senses as the complete field of investigation is like accepting a circle as the complete picture on whatever shape patterns exists

Who said anything about senses?


You said that if you study a circle, you come to the conclusion that corners don't exist. If that circle is your Universe, they don't. It has nothing to do with senses or perception, this addition is tangential to your original point and a mere diversion.
Who said anything about senses?

what else do you think the heated oppositiona re talking about when they say "no proof"

You said that if you study a circle, you come to the conclusion that corners don't exist. If that circle is your Universe, they don't. It has nothing to do with senses or perception, this addition is tangential to your original point and a mere diversion.
the analogy is more about how if you accept something partial as the complete picture, you simply carry your errors through.

IOW nothing is wrong with empiricism - works perfectly fine for crossing the street ... but extrapolating it to all knowable claims makes for a weak world view
What is not rational, is effectively your claim that God can hide in the cracks science can't peer into.
what to speak of god, you could talk of how a cup of flour hides in the cracks that science can't peer into. IOW I am not talking about the subject of investigation, I am talking about the epistemological limitations of what is (falsely) heralded as having a monopoly on all knowable claims
You seem to be saying that because _you_ have doubts about the completeness of each theory, God _could_ exist.

That's a stretch. It's certainly not rational.
I am saying that if one expects a complete anything to be obtained from a discipline that works purely with tacit states and terms, its certainly irrational
what else do you think the heated oppositiona re talking about when they say "no proof"

Scientific proof is independent of the senses.

the analogy is more about how if you accept something partial as the complete picture, you simply carry your errors through.

No, the problem begins when you assume there exists more than you can detect. In a circle Universe, there are no corners. You may dream of corners, wish for them, want them, or feel they exist, but they don't.
I am talking about the epistemological limitations of what is (falsely) heralded as having a monopoly on all knowable claims

Which amounts to mud slinging, really. Your god lives in the cracks not known my science. You have to live with that.

I am saying that if one expects a complete anything to be obtained from a discipline that works purely with tacit states and terms, its certainly irrational

Who expects a 'complete anything'? I'm quite happy, and do not need to introduce God to explain anything, The habitat of your god is shrinking as science explores and understand more. You just throw mud and doubt science to keep a crack open in your mind, and place your god in it. That's a bit tragic.
Scientific proof is independent of the senses.
its empirical
the length and breath of it is the senses

No, the problem begins when you assume there exists more than you can detect. In a circle Universe, there are no corners. You may dream of corners, wish for them, want them, or feel they exist, but they don't.
au contraire, the problem begins when you assume that all that exists is what you can bring your blunt senses to bear on
Which amounts to mud slinging, really.
actually its philosophy
Your god lives in the cracks not known my science. You have to live with that.
you can also place a cup of flour in the same category

Who expects a 'complete anything'?
you for a start, when you subscribe to a pathological rendition of a reductionist world view

I'm quite happy, and do not need to introduce God to explain anything,
instead you lump in the claim that the characteristics of everything can be explained in terms of matter

The habitat of your god is shrinking as science explores and understand more.
once again, its irrational to think that a tacit frame of reference can expand anything (aside from further tacit references of course)

You just throw mud and doubt science to keep a crack open in your mind, and place your god in it. That's a bit tragic.
actually for the purposes of discussion, we could be talking about how even a cup of flour evades science.

Its not mud and doubt - its simply the limitations of the epistemology
actually its philosophy

No, it's mud slinging, and it's a pointless diversion.

you for a start, when you subscribe to a pathological rendition of a reductionist world view

'pathological', no, that's you. Wanting more than there is.

instead you lump in the claim that the characteristics of everything can be explained in terms of matter

And energy, and forces.

Its not mud and doubt - its simply the limitations of the epistemology

No, just the limits of your understanding of it's uses.
Scientific proof is independent of the senses.

Please try again, and comprehend what you are being told.

yes, indeed

The word empirical denotes information gained by means of observation, experience, or experiment.[1] A central concept in science and the scientific method is that all evidence must be empirical, or empirically based, that is, dependent on evidence or consequences that are observable by the senses.
No, it's mud slinging, and it's a pointless diversion.
Actually its a philosophical critique of your premise

'pathological', no, that's you. Wanting more than there is.
I called it pathological since you don't appear to be capable of even discussing the philosophical ramifications of your world view (what to speak of philosophical alternatives to it)

And energy, and forces.
which still gives you the same set of problems ....

No, just the limits of your understanding of it's uses.
when ever you get tired of the mud slinging, feel free to explain how tacit terms can generate a complete picture (although given your lack of understanding of empiricism it might be better to ask if you even understand what the word "tacit" means)
Your claim of "need" is saturated in highly questionable premises
Well excuuuuse me... Let me rephrase that for you.

You know, as long as you live long enough to reproduce and see that your offspring survive then that's all Mother Nature needs you for your genes have been passed on, life continues and you may now exit stage left - or hang around and watch the show. Provided you still have enough good teeth to eat with. :rolleyes:

EDIT: Actually you make a good point. It is much too easy to describe nature in human terms. We use analogies to explain complex concepts in bite size chunks. The problem is that most religious people "believe" the analogies are the reality.