
thedevilsreject said:
how long did it take you to think that one up muslim

Just read all his posts; he is incapable of rational thought :bugeye:
thedevilsreject said:
how long did it take you to think that one up muslim

About as much as as it takes you to come when you're having sex with your wife - in other words not very long.
Resorting to invectives to prove a point is a sign that :

1. you have run out of reasonable arguments
2. you never really had anything reasonable to say
3. you have lost the argument
Muslim said:
... sheep-molesting cause of nightmares in small childerin...
Hey! Who told you I have sheep??? :bugeye: Anyone who impunes the honor of my sheep flock will feel the wrath of my staff up their wazoo.

P.S. muslim, get a better thesaurus and or dictionary.
Muslim said:
No, I live in the "enlightened west" so its something I picked up in school.

Do you therefore blame the 'west' for your fall from Islamic grace and the resulting eternity of damnation and hellfire Allah has waiting for you?
Muslim said:
Is that a conclusion or just the place where you stopped thinking?
Your posts will make people want to stop thinking. :bugeye:

"outrageously blabbering wretch and a disgusting, enema-addicted lamentable mistake by your parents an unconscionably gluttonous barbarian and a myopic, coma-inducing dreg of the Internet a precociously narcissistic loafer and a repugnant, sheep-molesting cause of nightmares in small childerin unutterably blighted miscreant and a dastardly, sock-sucking personification of vulgarity petty, air-polluting depraved orgy of subhuman indecency wickedly reprehensible trollop and a dastardly, acidly acrimonious failure to endure the scrutiny of those with distinction"
"outrageously blabbering wretch and a disgusting, enema-addicted lamentable mistake by your parents an unconscionably gluttonous barbarian and a myopic, coma-inducing dreg of the Internet a precociously narcissistic loafer and a repugnant, sheep-molesting cause of nightmares in small childerin unutterably blighted miscreant and a dastardly, sock-sucking personification of vulgarity petty, air-polluting depraved orgy of subhuman indecency wickedly reprehensible trollop and a dastardly, acidly acrimonious failure to endure the scrutiny of those with distinction"

He's on my Ignore list so I missed this, but I have to admit, I'm impressed.
spiritual_spy said:
I dont know. I guess Dante just had a sadistic side:D

Here, I found it. :)

In canto XXVIII, where one encounters Mohammed and Eli, Dante's lack of respect for Muslim culture is again Portrayed. In this canto, one of the sinners tells the two travelers of Hell: "See how maimed Mohammed is! And he / who walks and weeps before me is Ali, / whose face is opened wide from chin to forelock" (canto XXVIII, 31-33). Since they caused schism in life, Dante has eternally punished them in a gruesome manner by having their wounds sealed and then reopened by a devil. Had he not felt so contemptuous of Islam, he would have not placed Mohammed and Ali, the religion's two most influential men, in Hell. Furthermore, Dante would not have depicted them as being maimed in such a graphic manner if he was not so perturbed by the culture. One can imagine that such a punishment would bring an extremely excruciating amount of pain upon the individual who is being punished; thus, by giving these two progenitors of the Muslim religion an extremely tormenting, agonizing punishment for eternity, Dante shows how strong his aversion to the Arabic world is. Had he not been so contemptuous of Islam, then he would have given Mohammed and Ali a milder punishment.

The placement of the two most influential men in Islam among the schismatics introduces one of the main factors that fuels Dante's contempt for Arabic culture. In addition to a prejudice against the culture, Dante's dislike is also derived from its effects on Christianity In contrast to the view of his time, Dante does not punish Mohammed and Ali for heresy, but rather for schism, indicating that they brought about schism in the Christian Church.[07] Mohammed and Eli are not only responsible for heresy, as Dante believed, because in addition to forming a religion that went against the ideals and established views of Christianity, they also caused dissent and schism within the Christian community. During the Middle Ages, there was a prevalent belief that Mohammed was an apostate Christian, possibly even a cardinal.[08] Furthermore, Mohammed possessed a deep reverence for Christ, for he regarded him as being the greatest of prophets, and considered his birth to be a wonderful event.[09] Even though Mohammed might have been an apostate, he was still a member of the Christian community, thus, when he decided to break sway from Christianity to form Islam, he took with him many followers of the Christian god. Since the Muslim religion began to attract many individuals, eventually consuming almost all of the East, Dante must have felt that these individuals were "stolen" from Christianity, and would have been part of his religious community if it were not for Mohammed. For this reason, Dante feels that Mohammed caused dissent, or schism, in the Christian community, and was not responsible simply for heresy. For Dante, heresy involves doubting Christianity's ideals "Epicurus and his followers, f all those who say the soul dies with the body" (canto X, 14-15). Since part of the Christian doctrine entails the belief that the soul has an afterlife either in Heaven or Hell, Epicurus doubted this belief by stating that "the soul dies with the body^" Thus, he spoke against Christian doctrine, and for that reason, he is amongst the heretics Dante most likely believed that Mohammed was responsible for heresy as well, however, his main problem with Mohammed is predicated on the turmoil that he caused in the Christian community by founding Islam.

samcdkey said:
Here, I found it.
In canto XXVIII, where one encounters Mohammed and Eli, Dante's lack of respect for Muslim culture is again Portrayed. In this canto, one of the sinners tells the two travelers of Hell: "See how maimed Mohammed is! And he / who walks and weeps before me is Ali, / whose face is opened wide from chin to forelock" (canto XXVIII, 31-33)............................................ Reference:


'Dante's lack of respect for Muslim culture'!
That is not true.

In Dante's Inferno, people from every culture are placed
there soleley on the basis of their bad deeds.
And as far as poetic justice is concerned, Dante was
very fair-minded.

samcdkey said:
"outrageously blabbering wretch and a disgusting, enema-addicted lamentable mistake by your parents an unconscionably gluttonous barbarian and a myopic, coma-inducing dreg of the Internet a precociously narcissistic loafer and a repugnant, sheep-molesting cause of nightmares in small childerin unutterably blighted miscreant and a dastardly, sock-sucking personification of vulgarity petty, air-polluting depraved orgy of subhuman indecency wickedly reprehensible trollop and a dastardly, acidly acrimonious failure to endure the scrutiny of those with distinction"

He's on my Ignore list so I missed this, but I have to admit, I'm impressed.


Oh am on your ignore list Oh god what am I going to do now I must surly end my life, the woman I so much love for is "ignoring" me.

"on my ignore list" - like I give a pink flying unicorn fuck. And anyway waiting for you to say something intelligent is like putting a candle in the window for Jimmy Hoffa.