Atoms galactic counterpart


Registered Senior Member
I was checking out galaxies and I think atoms would behave more like galaxies than solar systems.

Black hole for the nucleus (protons and neutrons)

Did someone say electron clouds... more like electron dust is all the stars and stuff orbiting the galaxy black hole (nucleus). Im trying to thinking up a way to use jets for a way to transport electron dust.
I think it is safe to say that atoms do not in any way behave like a galaxy.
Im trying to thinking up a way to use jets for a way to transport electron dust.

Or maybe jets to add or remove the proton and neutron matter around without interfering with the electron matter. Since all the orbiting matter is located on a flat plain at perpendicular right angles to the jets, the jets wouldn't interferer with it. I wonder if you get reverse jets that move stuff inwards :shrug:

Because of the enormous amount of energy needed to launch a relativistic jet, some jets are thought to be powered by spinning black holes. There are two competing theories for how the energy is transferred from the black hole to the jet.

I think that the matter being jetted is located in either the south or north magnetic field of the galactic core, so if matter is located in the north magnetic field the matter is induced with a stronger north pole field and gets repelled by the cores north pole magnetic field. The matter being jetted is induced and repelled by the same north or south pole cores field.

Cranky I know... :eek: