
He's not doing anything. Thats the artists interpretation of his pose. Like this:


Traditional statues of Ganesha always had him sitting with his legs folded and holding out his three arms in an arc around him with the fourth one pointed down near one leg.

Nowadays people like to have fun with him.
Bebelina: "Isn't there a rule against dragging up old threads?"

There should instead be a rule prohibiting starting a new thread without checking to see if there is an oldie-but-goodie on the same topic. Someday with AI, I expect this to be automated, freeing humanity from spinning our zeals and chanting our rants.
I'm not sure about Bhajans, but I've some reports (don't know whether they're scientifically valid or pseudoscientific; they atleast claimed to be based on empirical observations) that the Gayatri Mantra, or the Mantra in devotion of the Sun, has some actual benefits for the mind and body.

i see this....

A Bhajan is any type of Indian devotional song. It has no fixed form: it may be as simple as a mantra or kirtan or as sophisticated as the dhrupad or kriti with music based on classical ragas and talas.[1] It is normally lyrical, expressing love for the Divine. The name, a cognate of bhakti, meaning religious devotion, suggests its importance to the bhakti movement that spread from the south of India throughout the entire subcontinent in the Moghul era.(link)

whats your "aarti" in relation to.... mantra/kirtan/dhrupad/kriti
examples of all? i hear dhrupad is original shit

i hate this aarti crap
minimalist is good

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The email is taken form a list I'm subcribed to

FYI, if using something from another list it is usually polite to scrub out the header, or at least the email addresses, and any full names of other people, particularly if you haven't discussed reposting their post with them.

This keeps them from getting broadsided by spammers and people who take issue with what they said who they didn't realize they were talking to.
I was forced to learn them when I was young. Totally forgot them now but everyone else in my family knows them and chants them during prayers...I just watch..sometimes in awe really.

Hindi is hard enough, sanskrit on top of that is really not helping.
It is generally recited to connect with your almighty(love) so sing your heart in your own language you like to.
Whats he doing then??? :confused:


Here lord Ganesha is shown in Mudra(pose) to symbolize him in joyous and blessing mood. Praying before such poses bring results to the devotee accordingly.

Reciting Bhakti songs brings peace and happiness in the core of heart and spirit to let the devotee take deep bath in eternal love and blessings of god which help him getting relieved from sins, sorrows, pains etc. with bringing him closer to his true love(deity he prays in heart).