big red bulls eye on the wtc in 9/11

Actually, the architect that designed the buildings designed them them to withstand several direct impacts. So, in the final analysis, this statement couldn't be more false. The structure wasn't weakened hardly at all. Once the structure was punctured, the load was immediately redistributed. It was a revolutionary and brilliant design.

No one has maintained that the impact alone was enough to bring the towers down. I was merely pointing out that a Boeing 767, impacting such a building at speed, would itself do substantial damage (and they did). The towers were designed to withstand the impact of a Boeing 707, which is significantly smaller.

LESLIE ROBERTSON: We had designed the project for the impact of the largest airplane of its time, the Boeing 707, that is, to take this jet airplane, run it into the building, destroy a lot of structure and still have it stand up.....

NARRATOR: The 767 that flew into the North Tower was larger than a 707 and moving fast. It struck the building between the 93rd and 98th floors, instantly killing scores of people in the plane and tower.

It also created a huge void across six floors on the impact wall. You can see the outline of the wing tip on the upper right. Two-thirds of the supporting columns were completely severed, but the building stood firm.

GENE CORLEY: What happened was that the loads that were being carried by those columns arched across the opening so that the columns adjacent to the hole now started picking up the loads that had been carried by those where the airplane went in.

NARRATOR: Leslie Robertson's radical design seemed to have worked, but there was more devastating damage hidden inside. Although the aluminum aircraft shattered on contact with the exterior wall, the speed and force of the fragments and the intact steel engines severely damaged the columns and stairwells in the core, and jet fuel began saturating the building.
Actually, the architect that designed the buildings designed them them to withstand several direct impacts. So, in the final analysis, this statement couldn't be more false. The structure wasn't weakened hardly at all. Once the structure was punctured, the load was immediately redistributed. It was a revolutionary and brilliant design.

Link it.
Just as most Americans have never heard of WTC 7, they haven't the faintest clue about the USS Liberty incident

Wow, I hadn't researched the latest on Mossad and 9/11 for a couple years! The latest news is stunning! I suggest you check it out. How about some photos of people hired, actually LIVING INSIDE THE WORLD TRADE CENTER, with full access. . . hmmmm . . . wonder what they were doing in there before it blew up?
14 Suspects linked to Mossad in World Trade Center Before 9/11 Doing Construction
Mossad Truck Bombs on Sept 11

Hey, thanks for motivating me to do yet more research and learning. If we don't constantly update our learning, research, and independent viewing, how do we get the news out, right? Depend on the Jewish controlled media? :p
One more crumb - we've also arrested and expelled MOSSAD agents from our soil for conducting illegal operations.

That is correct .
When MOSSAD are involved one can conclude destruction as a result .
Their history speaks for itself .
Why would you? Because it doesn't seem all that personal. . . even the smallest country seems, well, awfully large. And, I was just trying make friendly discussion. I apologize for offending.

Um. . no, what bit?

The bit about the DGSE performing terrorist operations in our sovereign waters.

I also feel compelled to point out that Al Jazeera is free to air in this country (although we're not a muslim state).
World Trade Center Tower Structural Design Explained.

Likewise, in this video, you can see why the official story pancake theory is absolute nonsense, because it fails to account for the core columns. What about those? What takes those down in the "pancake theory" That is TONS of strong steel we're talking about. That's the load bearing support steel. Some of those columns should have been souring into the the sky after the collapse. . . THEY WEREN'T!!!
World Trade Center Tower Structural Design Explained.

Likewise, in this video, you can see why the official story pancake theory is absolute nonsense, because it fails to account for the core columns. What about those? What takes those down in the "pancake theory" That is TONS of strong steel we're talking about. That's the load bearing support steel. Some of those columns should have been souring into the the sky after the collapse. . . THEY WEREN'T!!!


Are you sure of that?

Because the information i've seen suggests otherwise
The wtc hit the ground at 200 km/h, of course they were disintigrated.

And as a matter of fact, there was no molten iron, the only way there would have been molten iron is if there had been a sever explosion, since there is no molten iron, there was no thermite or tnt.

Which means that the columns buckled because of fire and 90000 litres of jet fuel.
Which means that the only way you could get that much jet fuel up there is with a real jet. Which means the jet was NOT a hologram, and that an actual jet actually hit the world trade center causing it to fall.

Do not go off topic eso.

All you need is for 2 floors to fail and the building falls.

NIST is more qualified than leer in matters of structural integrity and they are more qualified than you to know what the hell actually happened, and are infinitely mroe qualified than some crackpot pilot that believes aliens are strip mining saturn's rings
That is correct .
When MOSSAD are involved one can conclude destruction as a result .
Their history speaks for itself .

stfu mike nobody asked for your opinion.

Jesus, your like a robot, if you hear the word Israel, Jew, Mossad, you say "its there fault" and than run away like a coward when everyone says your full of it.
World Trade Center Tower Structural Design Explained.

Likewise, in this video, you can see why the official story pancake theory is absolute nonsense, because it fails to account for the core columns. What about those? What takes those down in the "pancake theory" That is TONS of strong steel we're talking about. That's the load bearing support steel. Some of those columns should have been souring into the the sky after the collapse. . . THEY WEREN'T!!!

Eso, the core columns were the ones that collapsed, and if you listened instead of being infatuated with your self you would have noticed that.

Since when does steel fly?

Why exactly would they be flying?

They failed because one side of the center support beams was warping because of the high heat, and already suffering from around loss of 70% of structural capacity.
Wow, those engineers were retards than. and Im not saying you are Eso.

They designed a building that could take 3,000 tons of force from a 747 and stay standing. So they go around touting this around.

Of course none of them thinks of the fact that they carry 90,000+ litres of jet fuel that burns at 15000 degrees farenheit.

Geez, well your right that building could be hit by any aircraft and stay standing, assuming of course theres no fuel in the aircraft which there was....90000 litres of it....
Just as most Americans have never heard of WTC 7, they haven't the faintest clue about the USS Liberty incident

Wow, I hadn't researched the latest on Mossad and 9/11 for a couple years! The latest news is stunning! I suggest you check it out. How about some photos of people hired, actually LIVING INSIDE THE WORLD TRADE CENTER, with full access. . . hmmmm . . . wonder what they were doing in there before it blew up?
14 Suspects linked to Mossad in World Trade Center Before 9/11 Doing Construction
Mossad Truck Bombs on Sept 11

Hey, thanks for motivating me to do yet more research and learning. If we don't constantly update our learning, research, and independent viewing, how do we get the news out, right? Depend on the Jewish controlled media? :p

Then maybe you love Fox? It's never been ran by a Jew.

Esotericist, you will die sad and alone.
Of course none of them thinks of the fact that they carry 90,000+ litres of jet fuel that burns at 15000 degrees farenheit.
I don't know if this is a good enough excuse but from repo man's link -

"NARRATOR: In an instant, the fuel ignited a massive fire that quickly engulfed the damaged area, and this was something even Robertson had not considered.

LESLIE ROBERTSON: With the 707, to the best of my knowledge, the fuel load was not considered in the design. Indeed, I don't know how it could have been considered.

CHARLES THORNTON: They didn't have the mathematical models in the computers to model a fire as a result of the fuel in a 707. I was asked in 1986 what would happen if a plane flew into the Trade Center. And I said it would not knock the building down from the pure physics of the mass hitting the building. But we...none of us really focused on that kind of a fuel fire.

If fireproofing hadn't been dislodged by the impact the structure would have lasted longer.
As for the above video: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." - Robert J. Hanlon
Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.
~John Adams

Facts don't cease to exist because they are ignored.
~Aldous Huxley

It is easier to believe a lie that one has heard a thousand times than to believe a fact that no one has heard before.

I find it queer that you should categorize facts as either "malicious" or "stupid," for facts have neither of these attributes. These are value judgments. Facts merely are, they only exist. What you choose to do with them. . . well now, that's up to you.
Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.
~John Adams

Facts don't cease to exist because they are ignored.
~Aldous Huxley

It is easier to believe a lie that one has heard a thousand times than to believe a fact that no one has heard before.

I find it queer that you should categorize facts as either "malicious" or "stupid," for facts have neither of these attributes. These are value judgments. Facts merely are, they only exist. What you choose to do with them. . . well now, that's up to you.

I find it intriuging that you would make claims that are trivially proven wrong and avoid redressing them when they are demonstrated as such.